Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Oct 2005, p. 10

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A10O The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Oclober il, 2005 H14L TON DAY CARLE A £/censed ChiIidCaoe Aency " Personal Care * Flexible Hours " Police Security Clearance * Fire Inspection * Health Inspection * First Air Certified * Insured *Fuil-time Care *Part-time Care *Before and Afiter School Care The training and licensing requirements of a daycare centre plus the personal loving care of a local home provider. f-rrD cs L /Li t4t rttLk «o rWLVt (,l i 1iil h, p h i i p i nii.. ii, i . 1,u it'u , uti,ýiin ctir.is1,iitu deliii te..uîu. i ri - puîl.. ., i W -1vtut'...u4ia tiuli)i' Lk. 4 Now recruiting for PRO VIDERS Please call for details Located In Milton Cail us now at 416-877-5344 hdcs2@hotmail.com ",MUSTANG MESSENGER", Mfeghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara kilmury M1LTON DISTRICT HIGI9 SCHOOL We are already close te a mionth into sclhool. and flhc sin- dents at MD are husy keeping upI v% oh deadlines. îtiaking it for teani practices. and getting insois cd iii e\tra cernec ulars. The caleedar is ahsolulely booked. VoesC~as MiDN Student Rep Elections are a pretty big deai ai Milton District just as elecîtons are ex ery sshere else. Yes, is', truc. Although the student couuncil ss as clected ai fic end of last year. last Mon1das etectiotîs took place lor Student Representatives tor each grade. Candidates ss ho chose 10 run for Student Rep each mnade a pstser on xx hy îtsey should be elected, and studenîs then ,ot Io sote etectino this vear's grade reps. Conuratulations 10 file Sttident Reps of 2005/2W6,(s mvho ss tihout a doubtil iiheip to make this year another unforgettahie (nie' Newbies Welcomed Wfth Water Balloons Asîde front MD's polities, last Thursday there ssas more exciternent as Grade 9 D)a> took place' This year's gride nines had that saine dose t'crazy tun thai exery getuera- tien of nines lias had here at MI). Periods tour and tise xsere spent xvith grade nines taing p)ao in gaines tike linîho. and a xxater hallîîîuî îîss. This \% as the pertect chance for the grade nînes bo cet coîsîtortahie ss 1h onîe arsoîher as ssell as ss 1h the uilder Mustang Mentoirs, Student Couiniil. and teachers s hi) rais flse show.x I cîs just say il ss as the "proper way' tii wveisuiîe ness sies itt the schoot!1 Decis*ons. Deci*seons. Decisions On Friday. Septeriher 3tth senîiors had the opportunity 10 attend the University F'air hetd at the Metrîs Contventiuon Centre. Many took advantage of thîs te consider dîtteret universities, and svith the help et unîxersîîy reps and tber resources. took the time tus nsake, osr ai least try ti esake. somne of the hardest decîstiens. Weil if you ugree that last sveek was husy. xvaît untîl next xveek te be uptiateti on the latest in Mustang sports. Though our Senior and Junior Girls Basketball teanis tried their very hest against Geosrgetown in their tîrst garne of the season, both teannx had a tough loss 142-1l seniors) (49-40 juniors). Ie the meantime for the upcîsm- ing home gamnes on Oct. Il th (juniors) and Oct. 13 (sen- iors) we wish our football teams gîood luck! 6"DATELENE DRURY"" Nathian Michelle Moil Lmanstra Dubois Lalonde E.C. DRURY RION SCIIOOL Vseiciie. ieaulers. lii this edittîte oft [ateline l)rury. \Ve'x'e goI pieîîîy lus dîsh. se sit douve andI en.îîy' One tise gradt tfrott is ihalt fiie oft ycar agate. Yes, that 's i îgt. Ils fini1e lii starl ttstekitg abut tIse future. lXîriîsg tise pasl tess, sseeks. îuîany cuilieges aînt unîsersilies hase vsisteut I ru sli tie oninîe tîeî t prograttts antI drass stustets' t îteresî . Sotti, stuidetîts ss'iil becie lio rese archî unt cin-î pare tîicr plîst-secotîtars opîtionîs. Worried y et Il 's itkay. gratIs io ar.ie sse. BuLt tiere is sutîl pieîsty oini e lut sîsit tie tusersi ty or ciiilege camspîus ot s LîLr chitce andc take i t thte s igss flie sîsîeis and tlie siuîsds. Gisid i uck aitd gel Oîî a tîoîre c.irctree noie, îsîaiy stîttetîts te gradte etes eî anttiIselse ss ere gis ci a bsreak ftrîî tîscîr stîttîes tfis last us eek lii eîsîy flie mictai Intt the Wooduîs. On ()ctîîber Sîts. ttsey tias e ileti lt Straffo t îrtls55i s anst apsprecite tile beauity ofttilseatre. 'Tsough tîe proîductionî xx IC as tîtet hi tîtîseut rex îess s, tîonte taIt teîy flie alpeai oft xx aiderî îg tlise streets of' Sîrai rd, aut interes.tiri, tîlus i anst es liy inîg a "day .1 flse theatre '. lîs adidittionil tthss excuirsii. sîlîte iîîcky stuttess xxiii hsavxe tlise chsance lus exîsertetîce flse sisietsdiîr oii Itaiy. iitcludttg vs ss lii suds ,potîs as Rise. Assisi. Flitrenîce, Sut relsti at, the btsiittu Isle oft C'apri. Th'is eageriy-attctis.tet ex ett is set t (in Miai ch of' 2000< andtt stîîîeît s .îre cils iiracett lt rese rxe a spotî , sîtît as, possible. I)îîî't isesitate. sîcîs tus now 1. Sîîî ss.tiere is a grîîx isp selettît ot attix ities lto eisjiy. 'Tîtîse itîtereste i tî boîys' ice hoîckey are s ick, seeing as Isiw tIse setîsîs is getiîîg uisderxxay. Wittslx Io garies aîsd twîs practices a xseek, xe're sure lus kick sîlîse icel Fosr tîsîse xvtsu lîke wearng spandex aisd grappling xx'th itîher sxxeaty iment. then xvrestling is ttse spot fosr yisu'. hast year. the xsrestiing Ieaîss eejîîyed success it Naihia. so expeci a greai year! AIl in ail, Spartans. this xveek tsas been filled xvith îssadness anti excitentent. Stiay tuised l'sr mosîre tsexss frises Drury! ""TUE ROYAL REPORT"p F'*I ~ Photo ErnHeleinn utnsa Jto Cameo Smit ui Riddoi gnn Cla DISHOP REDINO 6101 SCIIOOL As use itl hiiti te seconîd nîîsîîl of'tIhe mess schîîel year the sîtidenîs oft tishiîp Redîng are shiîxine offtIheir talentls and ecrsilx iii the sirilt o'gîsîîîg. As luis thanksgîs lng uveekenti apai)i.cted. BiR iirgaiied seseral xvays foîr tIse sludei)ls lui gise lii flic coiiun ltliu sharing bhîîthitîr suaieria xx catt aidstiheir iiitividuiat gîtîs by rîîîîîîîg a caîîîeti foodt tivse anti îrgaîhu,îîg flice u.uîtec tîîuuse aîîi tlent show.v The aniazîng participaîtion us att il itiese ce cis sthow.,, Bîsiîîp Retiîg's tieditiei lui spi eatinîg file ux andt piîiirisperily andt use hiu1e thai ex ycîu cisectaTi jii i I(lie tiIruce spii ili t harily anut thaîksgusîîîg. BR has jusi tiîîîstsedti h ils aiîîiual fooîd drive. Sîudties uere chalienget l hring iii as hnall îîîîîuperisiahie eiiiits as they cîîutd lis hand in lii îtîeiî tîiiieroniuî ilass. Thetclasss wili (lie inos1 gondts im listai, anti giilits peî capîla xxiii e cuartiet wiîh an excîlîng prîze. Aisti, li add siîle spite ioi is sear's fouod drive, li the iiîs prîce ut' a coulîlse taîs iser gaîine, sîndeîîls were able lIo play X-Box in the ltushii1 Reding cafeteria durîng the lunch heurs. lI totl, Bishsp Rediîig has tiuuîe a tauîasîîc joîb ofi prniillg gooidVli xvith iheir celierhis caîîîed Icieti donîations. Amiether liînn woih prîîuîîîhî is flie talenti ihat is esertlexving îuuîîî tistop Reduîîg. paired i s h tieductio lsî lui rî asvareîsess abuti soial justice i ssues. This poweiuxel cuinihination us breiighî îuieîher bsý bis Near's Ceottee tteuse. whiu.h lakes place on October 12liît ai 7 pi)) ini the tiushiip Redîîîg cafteria. The auitiuîi' usere Wednesttas.N Ou.toher 5us aller sthisii, ant here uvas ai lîîsîaniituig uirliul. Ise Coice ttiuse o iii tealure a guesl speaker troi i)eseliiesm aîmd Peate, uso sewîi he sharnîg their "Waîei ('amipaigis'. as ucIi as siudeîîîs pero)misg skîis, piuelrx. socet aiousut aîîntuet a musîliîîîî i sc. F'or liore itîlermnalion on fihis inîrîglîungcueni. usatî tir ftuure ce tuins asý the es et nears. Yeî aiioiler esctîluîg eselîl s n ptomîîîg sut il Aiîy sindeîîîs iîîîeresteti ii discovserlllg tîcîr iîddeîî talents are insiieti te auitionu li tuis seai s 'l'aieîîi Sises ,Auditionî tonruîs are suin l the aienîuiiceioffice anîd bhey Inus) be isaîteti batk bk TtursdaN Seisicîihel 2011l. Antuiin, usl mtlake place Tîiesday (clîîber 251hi andt 5Wedîîesuay Ocîîîber 261h staellîg iîsiîsetiiîeiy aller sehool. Pieuse see Ms. t epore, Mr. Vacca. or Mr. Calzenetti il yen have aîîy turther quesios. Aiîhîsugh autioneîs are oîpen le amy pert ormnîtg style. the tseîse et the showx thîs vear is Star Wars se he prepareti Itîr light suber duels anti e usoks usu Neveniher tlth uvhen Bishop Redîng pleseuls ils I9îh Aisual Taleist Sheos' As aisvays. the participaioin eft he sindeisîs anti staff eftihe Bîshop Retiîg conllssnily prisse thal unyîhîîsg is possible when se, muny peohphe are cenîniltedti l prollseilng pîssiîsîîy in the coîîniunity. Iî anticipatiomn oet excîîîng esenîs scheduiedti le lke place. uve leuve ihis uptiate ssilh yen se yen eau oîsly uwuîl the greul thîags lii cîlme. Frens your Insîde sources. Bîshop Redîng is busting silti talent.,xvîth nîsthîîsg but promise tisr the yeur ntolduiig. zO YOt/ NIVfI VAYCAeRF? P Our providers will care for your most valuable treasure; your children

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