A2 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 7. 2005 /Tree bylaw approved after lengthy process RE NI 1 A ~N' 1 r F H ; 'Il N -C y ý Ill tic l'tcniii siid I l-s ce b>I\ t.in n a -iveît a statttp (i apîpri il b> iltontî cusis cil \tnesday.h iiitc tsi a clotse yeat s stl liii cI \srk, res iiii anid public cosustlta- 'Flie by tans. ss ud ns ill appty tsi ait Nvtisic lanids ibai aire .5 hectares tir Itirger anid sîreenIiatics osiici. tlise areas, ns desigited tsi proiec t locatl irees and preveit cleai cut finî tsi abJect destructions of tsI ilese ISelsre csîîîîcîl uitaiiiusty appritsed the Inylans. il lîrsi lîe.rd Irsîsîtwvs resideits \v'bs ns .îiited tsi sti.re ilies in al ilistîtbin i the issue. Foirmier NIilîton cîuîc il tir ises eîs Ge) aet said be's pleased ibai irmers andc sîller \soodlstt sts ters nsere litniec tsi dur- sîîg the public contsultaiosn proces s ibte 5iiigcleii ctttifns týilcli lie cîcetticu ii be the 'essenice" ofi the byLn. is ntît Cxpliciity addressed iii lie dcumcssîenît. -'il ns slcl liasve beetis sgtfiwic nseîe flie cte.tr cutiiig oîbjective staied as tIre real issue tsi prittecI Vssisillîi ititi' lie Kstbrîde renîdetît Jatitie Fisher alssi acîcressecl ctutîcîl. Wbite be saint lie wani- enl coitttcil tsi suppot the bytans lie psîsnîed soit ithat ntral tesicleuts wi c Ctiiprstiiisiisg sittesoftl heir rsghîs as laticîsinsîers lis iiake the tiens b tans nssrk. uîtder the Regititis cusîreit îree bylans tîrere aren titiliits lis humý iiany trees a persitu csîclcl csi cîîn toIsr ilîeîr tvin n se. Wben the tiets b> ascoitieS 11îî1 elleci Jaiu:ry t, tb.it aisuiti 'lI lic t iniitecl ts 24 cubîc tîsitut oin Il bytaisn sctcsîtîn, thse hy ltI:tttt t ilts anid Reg-issial ('icillor Jane Isigal. I loosk lstrward tIo Ibis giig ito ecîlecI." she saicl. -Titis han been a cot- tettisîcîs issue. I reatly ibstuglit nve sere iteser gsiing tsi gel tsi ibis poiînt. She alssi thariked the lartning ciiinuni- îy for 'siicking with il." Oakvi île atid Registial Citunciller Janice Wright exiended bei- ctingratuitat ions tsi niaft l'or the bylanv. -They've clitte an aiciazing _job,*' she said. l'lie Regîstîts CLirrent Iree bylans canie inie eflèci t n1983. The cîpdated bylans inîpleinenis nîore subsiantial fiues foîr iltîne whbs vitilate il. Fosr an indîvîdual's lîrsi csnvsictiontht e fine gîtes lrtsm a max- imiuin tsI 5,M0 ) îto $10X). t tir $1,M10) per damn now and get one month free' ® r us r ~ Nutrition & F for nt nles s Womfen'- C en tle rs Based on the world's Ieading health website *cardia equipment and circuit training *weight Ioss and nutritional counseling *professional supplemnents and vitamins C A LL 3 1O T RU E AND "BE THE ULTIMATE YOU" U NUTRITIUNs IEni:ciV:su1 :slAW îNS A nnnE1SLE W W W. T R U E S T A R . C 0 M 1 hvýj, )l ,)oV ý,Jthý ,ý1;r orWuurie ,îu ue irj lrïr i bs d n nal12 rrmit tenrn embersip, e O e - 1- - . - iniun et $25,0)l) and is2,'s(X) per lice. Coerpraiosns can be chaiged Up) le $50,M0) or $5.001) per trc tit a firsI coi- vicîssîn under the new bylaw and $ 100( or $ 10,0(X) per tree li- any coinvictioins fol- lowing. The bylaw aise includes a new provision for stop werk orders when the bylaw is beîng violated. An culorcement titticer can go on-site and issue an order to discontinue acîivîîy, whereas under the current bylaw the Regiîîn has te gel a court injunictii)n for that iii happen. Remeving dead trees. branches and dam- aged trees foîr salety reasons and normal farming practices aren't restited in the new bylaw. A permit will be required or a forest man- agement plan nvill have te be filed te har- vent trees outside the urban area. A permit and management plan nvill be necessary iii cul trees in an urban area. A special couricil permît. îssued al the dîscre- lîuîn of* council. nvill be needed for clear cutlîng. [andoners nvbe nant tsi rerneve 24 cubic metres et trees annually for tbeir own use in sveodlands oulside the urban area musI use goo-d loresiry practices and nI reduce tree densîîy in the woodlands bo belsins standard. Ili addition bo apprîîvîng tlie ness bylaw Wednesday. the ressitution council support- ed also directs: - That the appropriate elemenîs of a nsoodlands slewardship progralm be defined Ibis year tîl assist in introducing the ness by lass January 1. * Thai legal and planning staff enter mbt discussioîns sviih loical munîcipalîties and Coiîsersation Hialien on a procens for the adnministration and enlorcenient sîf ihe tiens bylass and report back ie ceunicîl prior to January t. and brîng lornnard the fîianciat implications durîîîg budget deliberations. - That staff. aller consultation ns iih the Halîsin Agricultural Ads isory Coiemîttee aîîd the Ecological and Environnienial Advisory Ceminitice. report back te count- cil on a protocol foîr definiîîg normal famni practîcen and good lorestry praciices for tbe application ot the new bylaw. Me'Isinîe Hesîiîrsecv ,ati he reached at Monday Oct. lOth at 10:30 a.m. I'RFVIEW FROM 9:00 ar.. 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