Town Hall expansion getting oigger wo iiieeî Me (Iemand Population projections underestîrnated By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion The Town Hall expansion pro ject ks expanding. WVbtle it wvas tnitially expected ibere cuuld be an approiiate 40.000-square-fuot additioîn put on tbe buildtng, that number has nuw gune up Io 50.0003 square feet as a resuli ut the tussus rapidly gruw- îng populatiun. That numiber isas supported by Miltuon cotîtîcîl ai its meeting ek A report from Directur uf Commiunîty Sersices Jetnîtfer Reynolds explained tbat tbe origi- nal Tuwn Hall expansion study projected a populationi ut 106.188) iti Miltun by 202 1, but itue u's expected tbe tuen \uIl bave abotîn 150,00M residenîs by 2016. -The result is an increase ni the tutal square fuotage needs. w uîb an ummediate tncrease tn the site ut phase une fruont 37.073 (square tecet) tu 50.000,- tbe report said. TMe number jumip raîsed con- cerns foir Miltoîn resident Mike Gnimwood. w bu îuld cmunicîl tîtiut sbuuldn't approse the statt recoin- mendatton because the finaticial impact ufthie square tuotac'e increase hasn't been deternîîîed. -1 submit tii cunctl thai a 35 per cent increase. trum sorte 37.(X8 iii 50,00() square teet. sbould bc ciisi- ed oui beture atiy cotinmetit is made,- lie said. "'[lie impact ont att already straîned tax base stîîuld 6e a main cotîsideration svben assess- tmg ibis proposai, itm my oîpinion." Ms Reynîolds explaîîîed the intention ut' the staff report is tii prîîvide direction iii the archîtecîs working oin tbe projeit for tbeir scbetinattc design oîf the expansiotn. Pari ufthie staff recLitimendation that counicil approved is ii base the financial impact ut tIse expansion cunitsdered as panrt oftbe 2(X)6 cap- ital budget and the 2(0)7 capital turecasi. Boîb are subJeci iii coun- cil approsal. Ward 4 Councîllor Wendy Scbau nîîted she's beard frut resîdetîts vihu think, the Towsn ssasn't as pre- pared as it shiîutd' se beeti t'or grissth. so il inakes more sense iii buîld a larger tacîlîty iii hegin with. But Wiard I Coutciltor Rick L)ay didn'î look upilt the expansiont su tas îurably. fIe s itect .gatinsi îîîcrcasîtg the projeci iii 50.1881 sqar eet. -l s uted ss tIi i heurt. tit ii>, bead." lie îîîld 1The Chtmpioin. 'i %san *mctîitiaul reactîtît hecause 1 hate tte tact tiai Miton s on a juggernaui course tmi hecunie a cit> itisteaut ut a tîîssi. Sonietitiies, Fin su disappointed ai itur lailure years agii ii keep the 'Big Pipe' oui that I base trouble accepiing the tact and hringing myselt Iu work wih the resuhts." He added hie feels sumiewhere alung the way the Town "dropped the baIl., and tumting Town Hall int Taj Mahal is jusi sucb an emibleni of that." Project open house tomorrow Lucal residents luoking tu cum- nient un the projeci can du su torttîrtTw ai a cornmunity open huuse beitig held ai Town Hall. Thuse in attendance cati revtew and comnett un the basic concept (ol the expansion. The Ventin (iroup. wbtch restured the current Town Hall in 1985 and has now been hired by the Town tu design the expansion. wjll lead the ses- siont. The agenda includes a summnary iif previons itnput truin Tuown staff. the public attd members ofi cîmuncîl tulîwdb a presetitattun ibat will detail tbe beiglît and setback ufthie expattstîin. types ut buildinîg maie- riaIs proîipused, bîsturic preser a- liont platns. landscaptng and greet- space. parkting attd tratfic tloîw, antd the planned Lise ut surriiundtttg prîlperties. l'lie impeýn boiuse ssîll start ai 7:301 p.i. iît Ie ('ouncil Chbamibers ai Tve i Hll Victoria Park. 43 Brueýn St. Moire ittfortmationt s available ai e nîtt a y calltng (905 i seS BUILDING on page A7 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - SPONTIAC e BUICK a CADILLAC 2005's WINDSHIELD SALE PRICED PLUS - Receive a ] O NO CHARGE Offer expires Oetober 31, 2005. ON REMAINING 2005 PONTIAC, BUICK, GMVC. (EXCLUDES CADIULAC)