ROBERT (PIE) LEE The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, October 4, 2005 - A25 ~~ MILTON FIRE DEPARIMENT I ttttîutt W ti Sytttttw Service & Wel Drillang UT ,teltt *Watt, Sotte;i t: 276 Main St. (905) 878-4171 The Corporation of the Town of Milton MLO, Milton -- Fire Department 40" SWd /\\tfL M1tfl tInteio [(T iCi Some good candie safety tips that everyane can practice. particularly during Fire Prevention Week. include: *Always stay in the room where candies are being burned. *Extinguiah al candles when Ieaving the raam or when going ta sleep.T *Keep lit candies at Ieast 30 centimeters away tram anything that can burn. *Keep candies, matches and Iighters away tram children and pets. *Use sturdy candie halders that wan't tip or burin. Those with glass shades or chimneys are best. *When lighting candies, keep your hair and clothing away tram the tiamne. Extinguish candles when they burn f0 within five centimeters of their holder. Administration: (M05) 878-9251 Fax (905) 878-5914