Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 2005, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesdlay September 27, 2005 - ASI Students to learn about the beneflîs of municipal transit flie Haltun Di)strict Schîimol Buard attd Burlingitin Tratnsit bave partnered un a unique educattmn prugramn tu illusîrate tbe impor- tance uf transit and buow i can sulidify and enhance the ecunîm- te, ens'irunmiental and sucial bealtb of1 a munîcipality. Recugnîzing tIsai yuung peuple are a key tu ensîîring thse future success uf transit, beaming buardlCity transît ufficiais and pulîti- cians unveiled Wedîîesdlay lttteniuun tIse new prugram called Beyund Tumurrusv. Aimed ai grade 7 tu 9 geugrapby studenis, aitd grade il msar- ketinîg students, tIse prugram %v as lauded as an effective svay tu get yuung peuple Ini tbink cunistructis et> abuti Isi a cunimuniiy is develuped, and tIse rule tratnsit bas. and sbuuld bave, in etîsuring a municipality ils strung and sviable. Burlingiuii Transît firsi prupused tIse cuncept eîgbî mimtis agis. and brugb cunsultaitin usit Haltun huard staff. it nîeis cur- riculum requirements tif thse Onitariu Mtnistry uf l3ducatin. Beyund Tuuorrusv. wbîicb s ill include guesi speakers and field tips. wili hecume part uf a seinester's iearning. Dunna Ciegg, tIse Cii> 's directur uft raftîc and transit, îîmld tbe cruwd tIsai studenis ssîuld sîudy a nunîher ut cuncepts suben it cumes tu tbe design and construcioun tof a munîcîpality. Thuse cun- cepts uvîli include examîntng land-sue patters and transpurtattion issues. Fur exanîpie. in tIse academie purtion of grade 9 geugrapby. stu- dents fucus uit air quality, urban sprass, i and issues tacîng the City's ambitus wvatcrfrunt prujeci. -Burlitgtun Tranîsit bas lomng heen cîmmmîîîed iii raîsîng tbe assareness abut tbe salue ut public transit amnsiig sartitus audi- ences iii tbe ciinmuniiv. tttriudtng the ail-itupuriait yîmuib sectir"- she saîd. -We recîmgîîzed tbe salue iii creattitg a prîîgrani ibai enahies yuung peuple tu leaini about tbe cumninitt. expertence ibeir cit munit> firsi hand. and iben cunirihute iii the ciminiltiiit> Ater tbe mteetting. Ms Ciege satd tbe primrains ctmi.ýtsht cati> stff tinte. She saîd uts crucial iii get tIse message otint ii oîuîîg people abut tIse benefits ut transît. and ibis priigranm is imie sîep tiltsamI ctuing tIsai. Gary Sactier. superîntetîdent ut education fomr the Haltuit public "Burlington Transit has long been commlitted to raising the awareness about the value of public transit among varions audiences in the community, includlng the ail-important youth sector. We recognized the value of creating a program that enables young people to learn about the commuaity, experience their conununity first hand, and then contribute to the commnunity. I huard, iuld the cruwd that the hoard has heen appruached hy numnerus agenicies trmn acruss Ontaruio with requests ibat their prugrani be taugbt ni schioils. lie said its a detailed prucess i(i get uside prugrams taught in sebolos. A number of elements iynust be addressed încluding wvhether it meets mtnîstry educaîtun standards and if if's age- approppnate. Transîuit oficiais, be saîd. appriîached the botard and ibey cullahuratis ely ssiirked on esiahlisbing the pruigrani its gmxki educatiun for kids in Hailtii. lic said. "l'in coînfident ur kids are going iii henefit trom it. The priîgrami siould appear timely mît ligbit of receni gas price increases ibat nsany îîîl aitalysts suggest cuuld rensain bigb tur s,0iie tuile. Ali..tderal anid prils icial isitserînentis haw recently heen eariîîarking miîllîîons ut dîollars foii îîîcipalît tes iii etibance tbeir ra ysît inms, nih the goîal ofi getiii peuple uniut i gcu itu e ciies anid i> uss 'l'ie raiînale s, rater bati bas iig onte îîr iv% u people in a s ehi- cie drîs tng iii s> irk. a lest dumici peuple can irasl cli a sinîgle s ebi- cIe -a bus. Burlinisti Mîta> ior Ruh Maclssac saîd ibai tranisit justi snt sortie- , is i a itegral part iii ihe cîmnimuimitys., labri.- lie saîd. Alter tbe meeting, Mr. Macisaac saîd transit sbuuldn'î be vîewed just as a cheaper furm ut getîing aruund a cîîy, but "as a viable transpurtaiun alternative. "Beyund Tumurruw will help ihese kîds gruw intu civie minded citi/etis.", TeE Dickens AnD Firkin èheniques k)6 The Tech.. 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