Champion Country, Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - B7 Ever green in your gardien (NC) The beauty of evergreens lies in their name they are "Ever Green". In tact, that's likely the very reason you plant and grow these shrubs and trees. Keepîng your evergreens, including broadîvat ever- greens like rhododendrums healthy, through the min- fer does mean some extra attention in the tall months. To begin, if goes without sayîng that luat because summer is long gone, your landacape planta are not past the point of needing moisture. Thia as especîally true for trees and shrubs recovering trom a dry sum- mer. Remember that dryneas can be a problemn rîght through faîl and into winter. Evergreena are especially susceptible f0 damage trom moisture loss trom both dry soîl and the drying effecta of wînter winda. You can protect them tromn wind damage by erecting a screen of burlap, shade cloth, or similar material stapled f0 wood stakes.' Another way is f0 spray them with an antidesiccant product in sate faîl. Antidesîccant - also called antîtranspirant -sprays help prevent evergreen trees and shrubs trom losing moisture in mînter by coating their leaves wîth a clear film that does not intertere with plant gromth, photo- synthesîs or other natural processes. These products are avaîlable at your local nursery or garden centers in lîquid concentrate or ready-to-use spray torm and should be applied when the temperature is above treezing. They may be applîed 10 both both broad- ieaved and narrow-leaved evergreens. Continue fo water your evergreens as otten as once a meek in the absence of raînfaîl as long as the air temperature is above freezing. This is especalty important for trees and shrubs that were jual planted earlier this faIt or those that mere moved trom one location in your yard f0 another. Don't mater mhen if's below freezing, however, because the formation of ice can damage treea and shrubs. Spread mulch around trees and shrubs if you haven't already done ao or if the mulch you put dlown earlier needa replenishing. Finally, faîl is a good tîme f0 feed your large ever- greena. A good choîce tor apruce, yew, hemlock, junîper and others is Miracle-Gro Evergreen Fertîlizer Spîkes 12-10-10. Evergreen Fertilizer Spikes delîver nutrients right where trees need themn moat - at the roots - and they won't harm other planta when used as dîrected. Or you mîght want to uae Mîracle-Gro Evergreen Tren and Shrub Food, especally tormulat- ed for acid-loving planta wîth a guaranteed "no-burn" formula. For a guide to how many spikes f0 uae for your trees and large ahruba or more information about Miracle- Gro Evergreen Tree and Shrub Food ,viait the Scotta Canada Web site, Open 7 days a week For a genuine country experience. This week our bakery feature: Carmel Apple Pie 10700 Second uEne (North of Mohawk Raceway) 905 854-2673 MUF Music Wh Rien Robertson 1-4 pn Snigs The Clown 2-4 pin CostI: $24.50 Iperson. For reservations cail 905-854-0444 S4TJRDAY OCTOBER 8TH . 11:30 am - i pm - 3:.30 pm SLJNDAV OCTBER 9TH - 1 pm - 3:30 pm MONDA V OMTBER 10TH - 11:30 arn - 1 pm - 3:30 pm 0 r