Champion Country, Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - 83 w b1r 'IJ Mouinting piles of manuire a problemn at somne local horse farmns; supply outgrows demand By ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER Special to The Champion Halton horse farmer-s hav e a stinky situation on their hands. Miîuutittg piles ofi horse ittanu-re are initerferine, n t sino horse tari operatiiius. said War-ds 1 anid lin n% I and Regiiinal ('iuncilliii Barry Lece. He's hlopino a use ti r flic nbantc eau tic foud. -1 anm tuping thai intctcst uî Il arise tiir i tupsoil i priuduccis io li d a iîcn use foi tlîis priduct.- lie saut. -l s a excllent priiduct n hcn tiletdcd n iti other ugredients to mnake tiipsiuil.- Mr. Lcc. speakiuc oîî tictall'o iloleI herse tarmcrs. said thc priiblcin has dcvchîped os cr thc last te\n s cars. Pres iîusls. thic hoirsc nanurc n as heing cillcctcd reularly kN ipseil produccrs n ho tiiek it tii thcîr lacili- tics, precesscd ut, and mnadc a uisatile garden pioduet. But in thc last te\\ >cars. the suipply has îîutgron n the dcmiand and the piles are uneunting. -Halton us grwn g in itumber ot hoîrse tar t perations:« said Mr. Lec. -There us now a large solume of horse manure and the demand has dropped.- Ofien farmers need tii move the piles ho, continue with fartu operation. "I arn hoping that interest wili arise for (topsoil) producers to find a new use for this product. It is an excellent product when blended with other ingredients to make topsoil." CNCU.LOR BARRY LEE tint theN'r r niniî oit ofi space oni their priipertics. Mr. l'ce saidý \k'lilec .lickciî and cattle iiiaiuic rs usualîs spreaiJ uttaon f aiioperio iii cornes trit. hoîrse ruatture coiutpesi- tien is dîltercut and must fi si tic processed. Mr. Lee cxplaincd herse taiture is miore ciîtccutrated aîtd peteit aud tends iii pull nîîrîîgen oîut ot the gr(iund. having an adverse affect on the land. Mr. Lee said the manure isn't an envîroumental problent: it's an opera- Photo by ROBIN DOWNTON-POIRIER A solution needs to be found as piles of manure like this one on a rural Milton horse farmn are mounting. It's flot an environmental problemn but an operational one as the piles take up too much space. tionaI prtiblem. -Wc need tu find a svay tu remove He said topes a solution can tic the manure in an ordcrly tashion from found lu help Haltun farmers. the farm uperatiun and sormetuw recycle it itt sumethîng useful. t feel I have a respousitility tu telp find a solution tu thîs problem," he said. Need a water softener? It's in the details! Tired of bad service, high bis and equipment breakdowns on your water softener? Switch to Cuiligan. Tap into over 65 years of clean water expertise and engineering - just say.. "Hey Cuiligan Man!" 623 Main St. E., Milton, (905) 878-2474