Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Sep 2005, p. 30

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A30 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 27, 2005 Da telin..e fromt DATELINE on page A29 titiS(i.iti(t st:ikite ilel akes pilace lioun 12:30 li 2:30 1).1i1i Voi noreinfrmatonîr to regîster, caîl (9 547-55210. Si. Paul s Untited Cîtitcli. 12.3 Matit St. 1- .Contintues ilis Alpha course. loi moi infot atiitout, cal l t)905) 87,->5 16 (7. Miltotn Distr ici tlîislital hllts a breastfeeding clinic %vîulî a Ceci tified lactationt constultantt (nuit 7 Ii t) p.iii. Fi titile inuformîationt oîr iii iuake ait appotitiiet cail IJeanî Galienî ai (105) N78-2383, cxi. 70131). Flin-te Arts Society of' Milton's Evening Group of Artists ilîcets friii 7 iii 10 putn. The iniformii eus îoniîîeîîî prîl, ides ailisis \i th ain oppîîrtutiity to esercîse their drawiîte skîlls. Foîr motre intformtiion, caîl Jattis ai (90)5) 854-5753. A\ Precepi Bible sludy ou the book tifReselatton is held e.îch I liiisdas 111i11i. Vl îîîîîe titformationii cal Mai e a( 00(5) (î93 l'lie Millionî seniorîs Actîs îty Cetre, 50)1 Cilds Dri., biAis i., Seniors' ('inenias ai I:3)) p.ii. f'eatti iîg Meet tue 1uc ke s. Il'lie cs s $2. Bid-eucbre aitd contraci bridge take place ail 1:3 imil 'llie ct tii cadi acîivity is $2 lîîr iîîeibei s andu $4 fori îîîîîî îîeiî beis. lFii motîre infoirmîation,î caîl (05) 875-108iS1. Friday Sept. 30 Thc l-lalttit hrauîch tif itie (aadiat lederatiiîi iii Poets lîolds i(s Pnelry Nigbl ai l7spress Ytîurself Cafe. 220) Mainî St., ai 7 p.n featturiiug an topen mic sessiti anud poei anid imsiciati Shîainnon Jagoe ol Ncv Bniiisss ýick. Ftor mlore iiîfoîrnatiiiîu. sit wwsw.f'ed- eritioiitîfpoets.ctiiî halîtîn.lîtiîî. OAKVILLE - Î-O and finance offen, Wa froin Honda Canada Froance ne on approItIt "'M 'l 9M 9ýV3 9M 9% APR po, f- hmfttng ý aulaW. on wet in ýtoeý 2005 Cý Wal Rki ýA--ds and Eleý ,,/ CR Fi= 1 e.xin* PO offl 00 al 19% APR Cýe UX eRP $16 200 00 Ptlol LX MSIIP $39 LU 0012 9% APR k-j rlr DX USif $24 30ü 00 Ao-d Cffl LX G MFJfP $25 7PD 00 El-ol 5-S p 1900 M 9% APR Cit LX MSRP $28 200 OWA 9% APH O&IVý.Y LX MSRP $12 ?M 00 PPr aooorn F.Qmls S349 68 G-S5 71 ý IlK POO WR $2- 3 ýV 4m $Wý h Ar -n358 49 EW,-,nnWý 43 CR V5376 ', 1 Qdy-y m otontb b-d . a 60-,ah 0-36 Ooth Pilo 3f> month Acmd/60 mOPtn EleMent/60 oonth r.R V/60 rooroh LOY-Y t'or, c f) B ý, s4flo m ývMI 64/$l 509 4012 045 80/S2 5%. 60 for a total of $20 no 8"?o 59 1 281$20 906 64/ S21 5.1A 4e22 045 BW 2 59) 60 DIMI onn, li o, 4- -011- IWO "ýgh :M al el, ýitiiiq dealoo, only (».s nul orIl ide A-rd FIybritl Sý mmettalag d-Wf for toit delalIs nt, ýtjnet Io chmW by fw(iWýe& aU ry UW Nol CStaoati, with arry Onfor Porn"Ire r P-ol on-11ty ne lok-* en, > f. . al- lo ffi 1, le $ 750 (In ý M- rW.K Soir ddaer for dotaal, Vselsitn alliiiiPeel. a Supportl neits i rk fo caiCel pliticil. aid theii lainilies, iolds its Relaxation and Visualization pro- gram fritin 11 a.iii. tii 12:30 p.i al 2545 Sixîl t-nie ni Oakville. Fori nilie linormation,î Cali (90) 257-1988. tnrlioak Ch'lristiani lýello\vsliîp cointinues ils Alpha course ini the evetîîtg li thtise inte! ested iii explin u Cliiistiantty. Evetyie 's tselcoiiîe. li- morie informîiatiott. eall M'arg or Ian ai (9015) 693- 9355. The l>eck youth centre. 2(X) Main St. (rear etîtratice, is oipen iii high schoîil students ssho want iii play a game tpoîîl frontî 7 tii The Miltoni Senioîrs' Activity Centre. 5(90 Childs Dr., holdis euchre ai 1:301 p.t. aind contract bridge at 101 ani. The cost for each is $2 for mnembers aîîd $4 for non-members. Il hîîlds ils Friday Night Movie fromn 7 tii 10 p.m. The costi s $2.50. And ils Campbellville Evening Euchre Party takes place at the Lions Haqll itn Campbellvtllc ai 7:3(0 p.m. The costi s $2.50. Foîr more informiation, eall (9015> 875-168 1. Saturday Oct. 1 The Kitchener Waterloo Syinýphony presents 'An Evening at the Pops' îviîh light classics and pop favourites ai 8 p.m. at St. Paul's United Church, 123 Main St. E. Tickets are available ai the doiit and cosi $311 foîr adulîs and $25 for seniors. For more infur- mattoit. catI (9(15) 876-40114. The Halton hranch oif the Canadiati Mental Health Association holds ius Facilitator Training workshop from 9 arn. 10 5 p.m. in Oakville. The costi s $51) To register tir for more information. caîl (9015) 693-4270. The Women's Centre, suite 21(0 in Hopedale Mail ai Rebecca Street and'lPhird Lîne, iii Oakville holds ius free Peer Counsetling by stîlunteers in persoit (r over the phone frîm, I10 a.m. to noon for vinien facing abuse, grief /lîîss and relationship issues. For more iniformation oîr iii regîster cati (9X)5) 847-5520. Fuchre takes place ai the Hoiitby Cii tîperatîsýe Nursery Sehool ait 7:31 pin. l"eryoiie's welcoiiîe iii attenid. Monday Oct. 3 The Wonieits Centtre, suite 210 in Hopedale Mail ai Rebecca Street aîîd Third Lîne. iii Oak), île holds ius f ree Peer Counselling hy stîlunteers iii persoti or îîver the phonte troni I10 a.ni. to 3 pi. tuir wvînîen facing abuse. grief/loss and relaîîuînshîp issues. Frr mîore information or iii register caîl 1(1X5> 847-5520. The Haltoit Wiitien's Centre. suite 210 in Hopedale Mail, ai Rebecca Street and Third Lîne in Oakville. holds ius FamiIy Law Legal (7linic f ron 6.31 ii 8.31 pin. svih a lawyer offerîng pruvate hall -hour sessions gis îîg advice and guidance on fantily issues snnrouniding separatioin/divorce. chtld/spousal support and cusiody and access. For mtore tnfotrmiation, caîl (9X)5) 847-5520. Grace Anîglicanî Churefi 317 Main St., continues ils Alpha course for people înieresîed in exploring Chrisiianity. For more iformaion, aIl 9(15) 878-2411. +Canadian Red Cross AN you GIVE OMEONE A LI FV Recmossriveshep hosin ne dcprogromando#ercjMtjes. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED M ATO M OW YOUÀ CM". (905) 8 7 5 -14- d 59F

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