Dateline from DATELINE on page A28 Nednesday Sept. 28 'Fic Militon Safety (onunittee mneets a:il thle NI lionî pot ite stain on ( hîids l)tî\se .1 t 3(10 p.111 lor mrie itî tatî.cii Jan Nlîs ti ît (5 ( i l e 4 o~~i e-11i iiher , CARPý (anada's A>,ssoiationî fori ie vI"ît' l'lus. ialiîtt cliaptet. niccIeetsi 7:30 lil al Ille bl3î ititoît setlî s« Ct ite, "85~ Nemi St. Gtesi 1peýikci Rob \laclst.t ol lttt.Illm te Gce itei ot lIt. Fiorce. speits oin 'llie Ciniteit tîon Ni,îcni lie l)niiiitîî1 [Io\\t ioe' il\im Ilaltoni Rectii ;mess e a inte Fi mrie Informaî,ttioin caii ltir a t 911) 5 5717, H-alton Healihcane Se h esioids at free seininar on osteop<>rosis Iront 7 to 9 Pin. ai the (.,iiî Bantqnet Ill III C \llie isî iliie:mhmii hunie disecase spectalisi preseiiitz ii resis a scat, call (905) 3318--4379 tir e-mtail elitte@halton- The Wonten's Centre. snite 2i11 ini Hopedile Mail it Rebccoa St reet and Thîrd Line. in (las lie iolds its tree Abuse Support Group iront h Io t8 p.m. To recreiý ter or tor more infiormation,î cil t ()OS) 847- 5520. VON Alzheinmer Sers ices ontinne.s its free Dernentia Inforniation Series for Famils CaregiNers inuit 7 tii 9 pit antd rutint. until (.3.toher 26. li tikes place il VON litltoti it Shtetidant (ille-c. 14 30 Trafalgar Rd., ini I )i1e t(enter Iriom C'ereîîîiîîî.î Drise) T l re-ister, caii (IX)id 847-9559. The Khi Cîitttrnt ('hnrch ii the SaKis în Armx liîulds its ;irls' Night Ou! irni 7:3il o 9 p.ii it lIII) Nipissing Rd.. unit 3ý This sseeIs a phxsiotherapîst teicites, great for pre- iad piist-preginîti cy. Amies, 18 attd np ire \seIcoine. I-tr moire information, o,îii (9051 875-10>22 tir st www. The Miltont Setiomrs Actis ty Centre. MiX) Chîlds Dr. . litilds contract bridge ,ît 1):301 art. Thecîîst is $2 for itembers and 5,4 i- itoutrembers. Sbuffleboard is field Iroir 1:301 tii 3:3(1 prit in the gantes rmîînî. The cost i: $2 foîr tîtembers atnd $.4 ftir not- itembers. And ils WednesdaN Luncb Counter takes place %ith a htot iia or soup and sandvsich. -ie cost is $6, sshich includes a salad, entrée. dessert and a ber- erage. Sign up ai the receptimit desk oir caîl the centre in Advance wî,,th your tîrder. For more informnation, cal! (90) 875-168 1. Friends-on-the- Hill meets at Nassagzaweyî Presbytertaît Church trom :30) to 3:30 pin. sstîh Lyn Smail front VON speaking about VON's Fricndly Visitor prmîgram. Foîr more infoîrmation, caîl <905) 876-3322. Tbursdav Sept. 29 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - A29 Vii us onte l w.mlocrse.o EMPLOYEE PRICUNG PROGRAM EXPIRE FRIDAY SEPT. 3OTH! l 2005 DODGE CARAVAN 2005 DODGE GR. CARAVAN 2005 DODGE SX 2.0 2005 CHRYSIER CROSSFIRE 2005 DODGE DAKOTA 2005 DODGE 2005 DODGE DURANGO àw. 2005 CHRYSLER &0 â'I,à à UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30TH, 2005 2005 CHRYSIER PT CRUISER 2005 CHRYSLER CROSSFIRE SRTG 2005 CHRYSLER SEBRING 2005 JEEP GRAND I 2005 CHRYSLEF CRUISER CONVER 2005 DOOGE R 2005 CHRYSLER PA -il 2005 JEEP TJ 2005 JEEP LII TG$6»0 IN DEALER DISCOUN 0% PURCHACE FINANCING FOR UP TO 48 MON on select 2005 vehictes. 2005 MODEL CLEARAN VON ilton iîiiers frcc bospice train- ing and orientatîion lor nesv vîtionteers to erable them lii support clients and family , - menibers li ng ss 1h liie-threatenittg ill MIU p.m. untîl December 1 at te VON offiîce.,dSh. 237(0 Speers Rd.. in Oaks'îllc. It alsît hîîsts Ediha R3yunb a volunteer reeruitmnent open bouse irîîm 4 tii 6 pin. Tii sign up. eaul (905) 827-88(X). m, ext. 2312 or est. 2313. The Womeii's Centre, suite 2101 in HiiSO L NI IT NC R S L HItpedale Mail il Rebecca Street iiid 'Iitird ý ie tic.n Oit.s lie hitits ils irce Pleer Counselling hy sîîIîntceis Ini pet sit tir ç. o - aaa user the phonîe irîtm il) a.iti It 3 pm iiili %n ien (au ine- iîbnse. vi ici iss anîd i cia tîîîîshîp issa s lislie W omn' s (aringl ,ams on 2004 týai-end SSI rsuts for oitr detOte 0101.1 vee ted t, Datîcto COos1e, Ciadi1 M Cis mcS i P't lti DA il-niî., cc, i My Ride 't- cc'îî Rehat on 't? t add fnr îîtîcahpitt i dmp t ee aet is & rcnse and Sharing(ircle ta. s Ilic o 1 i t o i i 4 Spin iitiitid rtieare iotîîcî MicitA Set tale1(ot à1 ud t cccse iiîîîcîî.- !is îUtov-î i, Mv ,1t ýh1 (m S)(ittlti 52 00D 11ci~ .ajophcatle juwn pt. t o îiaiu.iî ,ppclicîc4i ,egiii ~ ~ iii& cstit2t4t0MAGNUM î!.tali,îcîcSkiitîtS i isiuiii ttts t lct iici tl .iliî-i i itcoîii 300îittitsetceoi WE ARE MAKING OUR BEST- POSSIBLE DEALS ON AIL 0F OUR REMAINING UN-STOCK 2005 MODELS. tPT CIFICA BERTY _51 ..Umm" Àqua-