A28 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Seplember 27, 2005 Datelin e Dalelîne is a free listing of coming events only. The column is available ta local com- munity groups la assîst in promoting their future events. Only charitable or non-profit communily groups may use this service. We can only guarantee one issue of publicity closest ta the date af the occurrence alfhough more insertions are possible if demand is low. Notices for Dateline should be handed ini at the office of The Champion. 875 Main St. E., maîled la PO. Box 248, Milton, Ont., L9T 4N9, faxed to (905) 878-4943, or e-mailed ta mnltoned@haltonsearch.com. The final deadline is noon Friday for Tuesday's edi- lion and noon Wednesday for Friday's edi- lion. Dateltne items aren't accepled by tele- phone. Thesday Sept. 27 -fle Wontens C'entre, suite 2101 u Hopedale Nîtîl ai Rehecca Street antd Thid Lise. ti Oak )iksle lholds lis tree Petrr Counselling b'y sol iel>In peu -mit or oîset Ilie phonte <tit li *î trin iii p it.11 toi- istmeut (arino abuse, iicosantd i elat imvsistp issues. For mtolre informhation or* to tegister caIl 190151 847-55210. 'Fli Militon Cinoristers; umts is tesidetits iii chteck oitîil(s \%eekly releai sal ai 7:301 pic ai Ktsi' Preshy terian (hiicl. t1711 Matit Si. E. Iur morei informtatui, c.aIl <9015 876- 32113 Miltoîn D)istrict Ilfospî)tîl liolds al hreasthreding elinje iv ith a cellifed lacittlîn ctonsuiltanit (rîtit 91) o Io 10 titi1 i niole infourmttiono te o mlake ait .ppoiitieit,tI cati n alleit a( (1)5) 878-2383. exti 703(). Imiprose comtmuition and leadership skilks vvith the Mîiton loastnasters. 1-, et y tete is i el- cotrne iii attend thre itteetttt, a i te Royal Canadian I egitî t2__ Chairles St. t ripper le% el)i. ai 7:310 p.nm t or itnformation, raIl Allait Laliue ai 9X)51 877-3441. ltelp for Parents. a Itaîtoit parent support Uroup. tîteets ii tire e\senii itt nte ha.seieit i o' the riuirlh t i 7211 Nes St. [Il Blitîrriioi. Tlis vioit rltottiitatiotl sd gtpo roup helps pin, ot lîtîdieti iv ho aie ini tiouble al Ihoule, ai ico l of til uIlie la.) or \\lto tie ibtistic r i ak- ilip rn.s. [Flie grîmp is al iner ol Assitriation of' parent Support Grtîups ini Otutariot. Fotr more inflormationt aIl I 180011488-5666 tir vsit Calling New Parents, a (t-ee ittgraiti l'or part etus antd babies aged 6r tiiîtls and yttutget, tacets \virtil a publi r leattl tarse ti disi.uss par- etttite anud infat rare Tlie grîîup nîccîs ai the Onttartio Larly Ye,îs (Ceitre. 917 Ntptssting Rd. Inuit I:30 tIo 3:301 p.in. Foii movre infourmiatiomn, etîl (0 5 821540((1), est. 72919. 'llie K(ît (îuitiit (but eh of the Silvsatis i Atitî lîîulds uts irc Busy I-ands. Creative Nlinds pitîgratti (or pre-schlîers and their cure- Livers frnit 9:30 ii Il ant. ai I(X)1 Ntpissiitg Rd. uir 3, vs iti îritttes, crafts andr situms, It alsut hmîlds ils free scrapbooking group troti 7:301 i 9:30 p.mt it the saite loicattion. Brin yuîur photos and tlbuti. Batsic supplies are pruidred ait ouîsi. Fotr moîîre infoîrmiatioi, raIl 1(151 875-10122 or IThe N820 Chlis I ladfteld .\ir Cadet Squtadritt hlîuid tir oupen huue îî Nitîtot il)sîtri Higi Sr lîuîl 39<, VWîllia,trî.\r h ln 645 u 1) p.111, Air Cadets is a nu rosi pr(igramt openi (m mates anîd femnales aged 12 ((i 19 that foruses ont cii eîship, leadership, physîcal fitness anid avia- tîtîn-telated subjects. For more inltirmatiott raIl] Capi. Nick Klîp ai (90151 878-5154. Wellsprting Haltnin-Peel. a supprt network (tir cancrer Patients anid ilîîr fimilies. lîîlds ils (ente Yoga progratin frît 1:30 tut 3 piin ai 2545 Sixili Litte in Oakvîlle. Foir taore informa- trou, raIl <u905) 257-(988. 'lice Miltiti Seniotrs' Antis ty Centre. 500( Chlds Dr., hîîlds ils Downsizers Weight Loss Club ai Il0 ara. The rosti s $2 for niembers andt $4 (tir îîîîîîmembers. F-or miore infoirmation, rail «X)51 875-161. Ttaesday Sept. 27 - 30) Wellsprîng Hialion-Peel. a support îîetwork for cancer patienits and their (amieis. holds ils Peer Support programa froni 10 ata. to 2 p.m. ai 2545 Ststh U ne in Oakvîlle. For more informa- tutti. raIl 9<1)51 257-1988. see more DATELINE on page A29 SCorels WeII DrilIing & Pump Service Weil Rehabilitatîn Weil Cleaning Flow Rates -Weil Decommissionisg -Cisterns Water Treatment - Reverse Osmosis Drinkîng Water Sysiem -UV Sterilzatios Systemns 905-878-4515 264 Bronie St, Usit 10 Milon cearnic ies fHanlood Floonug 0 Rot Romoe 0Steel Studs 'Docks # Bathoorfloodl #Dropteiings (905) 87654023 SURn IMMs Business without advertising is like winking in the dark You know what you're doing -but nobody else does! TO AOVERTISE IN THIS SECTION, PLEASE CALI JOICE AT 905-878-2341, EXT 217 / 'Cnainq BO.KEPN Bookkeeping Servi.-.. . RELIABLE AND TRU1ST WTHY EXCELLENT RATES Phone: 905-875-4091 9- WH DOs I To advertîse in ~tcanaban C(îpo' cali Joice at 878-2341, ext 217 Mil ton Import l Car centre USED CAR SALE VW Golf Jeti, Gas il Desel TDI 5 Speed & Aulomallc & station Wagons. Spcalzrng in ail import vehjcleo Volkswagens Fuel I*jcdos & Dies GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330 583 Main Street E., Milton Professional bog Grooming 0> 905-875-Taji (8245) 0 438 Kingsleigh crtMiItonJ AUOD8ALN Dirty car? No lime la dlean il? Let us bring il bock la new! Professional auto detailing that cornes 10 youl $79.99 Includes interior vacuum, shampoo upholstery and window cleaning. Sunkist Auto Delailing Call Today 905-876-2696 Bad Websites can damage, your business. Websites are a key part of many modern businesses. A good website will allow peopie ta read an article or buy a product from wherever they are, whenever they want ta. But a bad website will sot just frustrate users. It wilI damage, your entire brand. Goad websiies are gaod for' a reasan. They have content thot users value, and make access ta this content quick and easy. 1 want ta help you design a good website tbat wiII enhance your business. 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