IrorIlsIr Jwhe deeipig yly Apps ae o cenitre oj Locellelice. REGISTERED NURSE As a member of a maltidlisciplinary team, yen will preeide nursieg care te ail resîdents in the Secere Youth Justice andi Secare Treatment prngrams. based on the Harm Reduction Medel In addition te complettng physîcal and psychiatdic admission assessments of residents lapon admission, yen wil prepare and administer medications andi immanizatiens (as drrected by a physician). monitor residents on medication, and counsel residents and staff on wellness aind wellness initiatives. Your 3 te h years of related expenience in a resîdential or cemmunity-based setting are seppented hy a currejît Ontane tN Certîhecate et Cenîpétence. and carrent C.PR certification. A proveni abitity te apply general nursingq prncîples to adolescents who nray exhîhît dîsturbed, aggressree and/or violent heltavioot i, -,sential. This position reqerres prohicîenco ini MS Word and Oet[oek, and involoves workrng rotatîng shîfts, irîcldrrg eoerrings andi weekends. If hon are aî qoalrhied irdodal interested inr meetting these cîrallerîes. please subihot your réseme, iii coidence, quoting file #SAYC05-27, hy Septemben 30, 2005, to: Susan Stark, HR Manager, Kinark Child and Family Sernices, Syt Apps Youth Centre, 475 Iroquois Shore Road, Oakvlie, Ontario, 16H 1M3. Fax: 905-844-2996. E-mail: (MS Word format, ottini. W HtlRetuan oel Resaurant ~rTumlssOpsrlnîîe LEADING MUSIC CONSERVATORY HPP e :s gOi UW rclirE c TEACHING DEPARiMENT Fi~ R(Pian. Voice/Singing, Guitar. Drums) FAIR Po~~s etol ole ei the Miltor I sateti tin hliper ieveio the Miltone Mail Us n automobtriera ae "Ou People Lov t hrTIeS Ex etcom munication skîflis We areseekingentuisc iniiul d Must werk eei wit otttrsantd ece o ou ew ec ng ynamAil trainingq prevîdeti OPENING SOON Must Ire aIvailabie evenings & Saturdays We currentiy have openings lot Pay commensutate milS experience P/T Servers itinys evenicesi Send oesume detailing Acadamit P/T tOk open avalablly. & Musical exparience including Cookaposition applying for t0 fax: some evening posîtOinsi 905-696-7298 Excellent woîkîng conditions and Attention: Frank Zoinai competitive wages ___________________ Please pick ap an application form ait our ___________________ service desk and foin us aI the fait DATE FRIAY EPTEBER0THMilton Communlty Resource Centre DTE: 4:00A P TE :3 MER3T Schoot age pîograms LTI : 00 P 6 NR C 30FP INSTRUCTORS I OCA TON: MAL ENR C 0Fabysloter's Course Par-rieHelp m Part-rmeIep EMPLOYMENT OPPORTMNITY An mdppendent sert drisen person lot a busy heaith ciîeîc MusI Se aIle tn oýr in a tpam environmert Position requited re- pticseist*,echnical as-sistant tro expenees.e recessars, Pan l1ime Cover latter andi resumae emaif to: drabarrus@sympatico.ta Deatiline: Oct ober 12. 2005 GARAGE SALE Sat. loct. 1 8am - lpm 237 Laurier Ave. "Something for Everyone! GARAGE SALE Sat. Oct. 1st Ram - ? 9745, lOth Sideroad 141h tresse east et Andrew's Scerîre Acresi Sometfiing for Everyona!! MOVING SALE Sat. Oct. 1 st & Sun. Oct. 2nd Ram - 4pm 69 Main St. (Camrpbellville) 25 yaars accumulation, modal trains, beer stufti cameras, dlocks, furnitur, china, glass, tools etc. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. October i or 8AM - 91q 75 Babcock Cran. (Mare & Maple) Cnach/noveseat cohfen table. kîtchen table/chairs, TV console, Norîtake china set. mens/women's clothes/shees, lewetgi, househld /garden items + much more SENIOR'S DOWNSIZING CONTENT SALE Sat Oct 1 8am -3pm 700 4th L ne (South of De ry Rd. Grandfather dlock, dining room suite, lots of furniture & accassortes. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Septembêr 27, 2005 - 27 Watch ForI [005 WINNERS SECTION Comning See Who You Chose As Milton's Favourite Business Mion's Choice - Since 1860 L H hjDo i, b ~ oi HomiHl Kinork Child ond Fomily Sereices te on ecceedileti chideene mîenîtol heoii centre. provrdrrîg quOlity sersiee te clttldient yostl orid the rui îiieî tin a trnber of 5eitiniti,ites in orîtao. Kingark SCHIL D AND FAM ILY S ERVIC ES *Home Atone *Street Smarts School age stress Saturday Creatlve Chîrd T herslay Wedneseay esenî gs Satutday mornrngs Experienc ewetlieg wittr scIes i age triste-e Pleasa fax or email rasumas foi: 905 876 1273, heatherîWblinetca