24 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 27, 2005 hn E =1 Cai _aer aer aer aer aer " Cmr Retait Management Get the rusîde track in Brampton, Mississauga, OakviLle and the surrounding areas as a General Manager, Assistant Manager or Entry Levet Manager. Whether your background lu in fooduervice, hospitatity, restaurant, home improvement, fashion, drag, hotel, department store or warehoase retaitisg, there's room to grow. expasd and experience. Please apply te: Store Management (AIL Leveis) - Job Code 1280, or view more great career opportunities, by togging in at: www.greatcareersatstaptes.ca Eqîîrne oud Diversity -tire yuidrog prncipler o/aour erniplaemeur proctiesn STAPLES' ri o regiutreed trndemone u/ Stoyleo, duc. u.red uuder licence, expiore If yau nsud lîke a carear fiai places eau on tue diluer' seat, forwara your résuma ru forontohr@percepta-crm.com ovi il our Weh site, VVe rhare ail applirarrn Soweuer, auiy rvvue seiecred fau ai itr iree oi ire uurtacred PECo*T As one ot <. naufa, fautc ru wl fra rtc, n naadwni aliu.l dit- City of Brampton lrrridaî à ta,r-,tcd p ied. amu r en oSAnc \X ac ,Iiiltd o . llartl, uuliuucIýruuof Bdardener Il An equal oporinurî r , fodti rpr nd1111(l nu l hsiu% at idur pîvruu anud îrcçuai f iu l lrirail p iaig[atriivr,%ac 9w-rumi an cq i i iaiiî,i 11, 1X r, urul hn barr i si An urig tii a -soii nicrintdt %l f rrrrrirrrr ararual hudetarr prrr urrrrrlr. a ok req irenabri, fru tr i, na i d t ru if rarîurir urulî upicr , r.rr , , (;.,,:1 Hiutan Resources Carrer Centre, 150 Central Park Drive, Suite 10, Brampton, ON L6T 2T9. Fax: 905-458-6345. I Email: carcercentre@brampton.ca la' Il au~Ï ,.r auuÏM.. ru INTERIOR DESIGN / SALES AT LAZBOY We are lookîng for somne Ialented peuple to jou us us 'Design/Safes Consuflants'. if you are a g-raduale of an acrdited Interior Desioin course who is luulsing for a unique oppurîunîty oe use yoar skrlle aud talents heo thie mue ha tee job Ion youl We have openîngs ut our nea store at the Oakville/Missiosauga Border in our uther loca- tions -Brampton, Burfinglon and North Miosis- sauga. Oui Program teacheo you Saies Sk ils and neipo you to untegrate thuse saille a th your Design skîlis for succese as a Sales Cousujtant Tee daties rn dcîae assiet ng ci ents a th uroaecîs rn our shroa roomo ara rn oui clîert's homes Yeu aili need ex- rueut comnmunicaton skilIs a fir oul scheduie aricu aill irclude eaenînge und aeeends, reiaule transportation ana a oasire tu leare WVe are noa taking appî-catiouns by phone *mrply -ai Chrnte at 905 S5ir-2211 t4 her a oay- aher y su are p rprear uoeter anreteso dia 150. tindi 6 15!t espndute questons NOW HIRING TRUCK DRIVERS Lîmîfed Posifions Availabi e! rf yOu possesu ari Oiass t AZ icuose, au2 ysar sable r utnoalv Vucnupar-y l ork fr 'ý1 ransort Solutions@ 1-800-255-4473 OelOstpana erver tardw care ee ape r ne dfntel3 set r feprec Mîaicandiat e Sul temhae soekwl f rs ftcces Thensbefraifigwf following fasksxerec i eqie: MicrUsef S erSurt adwr Sftw0r. Dell skto aSrde Spport Hardware Siwr Micuoeoft Off Ticl Suit e-hort Msfl A OuDs Sý Laesonsbl for gîsting wers premin ccrpesa o EnefUses s p Sureat iaiaenr ru Qsalîtu upp'ort uisln mpîoye stuur For further defaif s please oisif our websife @ www.fakesidelogisîics.com employmenî DRIVERS DIe e new arcku hroughou the US, estu nwiir new eruks tomU.S. Pants Motel po ded ngr y No cou famiy madi Frequent lye mies Must haveAZ iiene 1 w OTR T 7ex -- FullIf me Local mork Days Misimus 2 years expaesece. Caf f 905-864-6941 PARI-TIME DRIVER jLZa ban j required for private school. g CLASS B, E OR G required .". Email resume to MILTON CANADIAN CHAMPION Ivlasblom@Iynnroseheights.net CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Tüut icA,ýi.niqw Emilreum 1 egl aerIo .çrom Please contact: or drop off t0 Angelo Ameralo or [j Cheryl Babineau:cbabineau@ Mike Burrows: 8277 Lawson Rd., Milton millîoncanadianchampionacom Facîory Sales Bul ding Gale 4 IFax: 905-878-4057 Phone: 905-878-2341 eul 245 Genra Hlp Geri Hep Apprenticeshîp Opportunities Do pou like wotlting wifi pour hando' DO N'T M ISS OUT! I nîierested in a well pr aerwt ra beneflîs? Gaigcre .. ra reat Opportunty in BurIington! *Would yoliketo learn career skillo,.and be rf Mofhl Plus0 asb80 d paid wbile you do it? unlye Monîng door tes door i If tire unswer ru yeo, than etart yuur career hy loin- D ei ry o n he r Haio Speaor îng un excîtîng profeusional enuirooment ana leuro &eir o roneHato Star at tire ukîlle to tecome a dentl lob fechnician. M &u h ouRaronto Saht uar sa Apply on persuu un Thurvaay Sept. 29 from 9ý30 Cut avlial ow cle 956 7700sa e arn- 5ý00 pm (no phone cullur at: alN w956970 Milech Dentaf Laborafory Inc. 5230 South Service Road, P C A NE D Durfington lBetween Burloak & Appleby Linel fn ,I -Great pay -Immediate Openings -Fflexible work week -Scholarships awarded -Conditions appf y -Sales/service -No exp. nec. -Ail ages 17+- Milreo Onirrrr.l l9Tfn for: Louking for mudiviosais interested in wurkrng with cuildreo ana adulte alto develupmental disabilities in tue Haltun regiun. Prourde parent relief or Ieuch Oea uleilîs Succesofl candidates aili be hired uy family Fax resumne 905-849-6980 or emaif respite@haîîonsupportservices.ca SEARS CATALOGUES FOR DELIVERY If you lice in fhe Oakvîlle area. and if you have a car. are 0f rosurable age. have easy accessible storage me have roufes for you. Please Cail Mon-Fni 9a.m.-4p.m. @ (905)469-4135 e . L Y* ' 0e e- a Mwe Esfablîohed in 2000, PERCEPTA os a joins venture befwees TeleTecli Holdings anid Ford Motor Company. Excefing as providing cusomer cure. distribufor and refaifer support, feaming solfutions and professionaf slvees. PERCPTA ix the product of the strength and expertise of fflese parfooro. We are cslrrentfy lOOfring for enthuuiaosic individuels who eail worcing in a fast-paced environmet and are mofivefed by a pay for performance cuffure. Bilingual (English/French) Customer Service Representatives Ford of Canada Headquarters - Qakville Prueidiiig eff ective afid efficient custuniar solutions ta iiicamiriiq uarres and coucarus reqardiiig automrorbiles. auto prou ats aria dealer serurces, you ailI utriliz Siehal ICRM application) ru rioiilepssuoct aria ausaur casrumer rnuîîrîes. Flueurly biliogeal, you rave a minimum of six monifis cif cusinruai service experierîce in a contact centre or auromutîse înîdustry, a rypîug spead aI 30 nords par mîinute arnd are pîrîfîcieur in Wîuadons hased applications Witfi stron custurrer service niid ielatiorisftip-uîloîrs skîlls. yuu are s fine conimaulcator wfis abie tu nork a sarîary of shrifts fuetaceri e 10 a m and 8 P.ru, Munday ru Friday Tors ru a feul tie position, wîith cumpreheuse f -refits aier the prohatîorîary perîod PERcEPTA ofeisi arumpetrlue salarynvith a eilinualbonus, 30 days of intensivenrraining Ipaîdl, quarterly pay for peiforiuarce fiucerivu bonus and moothia recognition îrîcasnîues basad ou performance. BUSINESS DEUVERY ru deiuer papers Iu customers in the Milton Rarai area os Tueudues & Frîdays. Must be retrable wîih swo veile PES 1Businecçg DEpçDT