H Photo by UHAHAM PAINE Battling for possession E.C. Drury's Lisa Brown fights with an Aldershot opponent for the bail during senior girls f ield hockey play Thursday atternoon at Drury. The host Spartans lost the season opener 2-1, while their junior counterparta battledto a scoreless stalernate with Aldershot Thursday. 'Ha wks intensify lefforts to dump South 's frontrunner By STEVE LeBLANC ticnî's t-i rît liai -triî k ot lie Ncar anid added ait ,ssist oni The Champion a gisil b,, Branidoni L)ela, ii Kes ii Miii so iiiîtalched The Icelilaîs ks kiio\î thai tailent ai tic \il[ tiiiily take ihat pint totai nith a goial anid ilîree helpiers. %%hi le thern su tar. and decided iii bringè a miore ciimpleie itiher multi-pii gaines sîcre reîîîrded hy Jeu'Caisiet. package tii Misýsissauga Saturday miirninoî Dan Flhît. C'hase L.angeraap and Aaroni I ciiîckî Addiiîg tenacity and teanmsrk to the mis mani> \i humi Milton picked up earlý last \seek. minht arnme tfor the firsi fimie ihis seasîîi- Miîlton laid A, uîratdsiii of' D)etrit Red Wiiigs atîinuîs lDaiel Viasie t0 uts Guuseriiors' Shîtiscase itîînrIr College l.evsicki. Ic _() ycar îuld centtre last îîîîlcd % iii Itle Weekendt ouppoisition ai l-ýrin Milîs 0111, Barnie (tilts aid lotuks iii be Twin Rinks flhc eiitittial sparkplug Milttitis un, the lcetla%\wks tîsercarne a clear rM L . ~ \ Meinîrial Areita l-riday size disadsantage ssith a tireti night. tte lcellask eiee, torecheck and plenty il chemiistry raltier miedictîre piertormianice tii dump the Sîtuthiero Conteilre nc- againsi the Strecteisltelc Drhys - leading Markhamn Waxers 9-2. sshum they 'd dismnaiiled t1 t 1 tsi, 13 days The decisisc e\ nii capped anottîc i n earlier - and ticedeit a last miniue eipiý iting weekend tfor the IceHassks. sîtî cîuîîîîn netier by Juistin Teakle to ceîîîeît a 4-1- decîsiîîî. ne iii sit atîîp the West at 6-0 1 t 1. -We dîdîî't jusi wiii With seterans Ryan Bemnardi ,ind Jasoun l'îoîîîî on talent tîiday:' said hometîtîsn sîtphtîmiîre centre retuming, tii the blueline -after sttiîg oîui toîr a ssleek Matt Prîce. ss lii hetped tueet the hlîîsvîît with a goîal svith a titht ahscess and nib intur> respeciively and two assisis. "We gave tl tur ail t thîs one. Milton hekt its hîîsis tut 18 shois against rotîkie caget showed some grit and won mosi ot the key battles.- Aodrew laiverock. A 3-for-5 powerplay campaîgn and solîd cage wîîrk Fortino, had a gotaI and an assisti n his irst game by Zach Kleiman factored into the lopsided victory a.s back, while Langeraap and Mant Read rounded out the well. But for the most part il wa.s significat upgrades scoring in a gamne that was largely devoid of any flow in terms of both team unity and intensity that allowed due bo Streetsville's non-stop parade 10 the penalty the lcel-awks to skate away with their second con- box. Caîster and Dubbin each had two assists in the vincing win over Markham in as many prospects surpnisingly-narrow victory, while Miltonian Steve weekend encouniters. Ellison notched the Derbys' second goal on a nifty eut Milton broke the previously-unbeaten Waxers' inside and low wrister. backs with a five-goal second period - chasing net- Currently enjoying their hest stail under head coach Iminder Trevor O'Neill from the pipes shortly hefore George Dupont, the Icel-awks have arguably their eas- intermiàssion -and delivered une of its mnost disci- ient week of the season ahead - with just Friday's plined outings of the still-young season. home gamne against the baaemenî-dwelling Buffalo Jr. Captain Luke Dubbin led the onslaught with the Sabres. Gamne time, aa always, is 7:30 p.m. MIilt0uit s Ntîîtt i îtts î,ît the C-atlitu iii ptst \\ ecketit'ýs pres scasiti Ilîterbi ri ,itîl îîîrîî,îîîeît -rectîtdinga sIn. ansstud drasi. Unit*otintIil tItis îî asn'i iluite crîtîngli foîr adtsticettict aîs iî late gotal agalitut i Satitrday 's 3-3 tic su îîh the Oaku ilie Ranigers esseniaîl> kepi the Wiiiierhasuk.s tînt ot the scititinals. Sandis îchîîîg ibis sialetîtate \% as l-riday's 4- I scuir> tîver the hîîst Peterbotrougth Naititnis anid Saînrday's 3-2 lîîss iii the Usbnidge Stars. Aitan Atkîîîsîîî enoyed the lhîn's share tof the scîîrîng pic with a pair ot goals and three assisis. white close bebind svîîh three gotaIs and a belper ivas Adam Wilson. Marens Kotyk. Austini [eZecuis and Graydîîn Wessînger each contnibuted three poinuts. Do you have what lit takes to coinpete on one of our rep tearns? Do -you want to compete at a Highter level of play? Ouir rep and select teains are always looking for new talent Tryouts will be held on thte following dates: RE TAg~1M TRYOîUT BG Go UPS lTY 21091 1010U FIELD M T M aii COAe ONE#ei- Boys 011 ('98) Boys U612 ('94) Boys U 13 (93) Boys U14 (921 Girls Uit (95) Gtrts U14 ('92) Girls U17 ('89) ce"s U161(901 Boys U117 ('89) Bleuli U12 (114) Girls U151(91) 111-Oct 1Oct 10 Oct 81-Oct 1Oct 2 30 to 4PM 10i i 1130 AM t0Oto 1t 30AM 3:30 In 5PM Joit Miktlic 9035-693-8028 Tnttd Collet 905-693-9899 Haidy Jaap 905-878-49203 RachntIe Di Palma 905-854-1610 Bovne t1t 30 te 1 PM Lî7 Hertmnaîî 9035-[93-1969 MIiHS 11:30 tn 1iPM Bian Scroditin 905-876-1588 iiie t 2 3OPM Lotit DiPalma 905-854-titi Lions 4 1:00pm te 2:3Opm Muke Cupplon 905-824-830 Lions 4 10:OOîm ho tt 30ao Louis Bonnîcî 905-878-7719 Lions 4 10 tiiam toit1 30am Lnuis Bonneo 905-878-7719 Lions 4 11:3llam te 1:OOyem Ose sSatit 905-875-4285 Lions 4 i 3tuîm in 4:OOpm Liane Rnbertson 905-876-3225 The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 27, 2005 - A21 Tough finish for BR luis. icb Riiyats' seastiied skipper ,ilstt Sutrtitîtcin ai .t ttîctidtii ssi til [t ifttetcd pi-aise iii ptîîîter Ryait I ernatîdes itititieatd alttl tciatiti tic. lic iot (cpi Batemnan piniied dteep tior moILCti Di\s Isuii I Rttya.ls ýI ci' eci lpseitIX I- 1t b> oft te gaine \\ iih stime lengihy kick s lcRtheRoet llaieit itlît Fruta> ______ and tus detetisise Unit. which helit atici to tîîîii Blt lîntîgîît tie 'sitd ii aî iîtdesi XI0 yards tit Reutiti e tad t,îkeî tîte catI lcss tîte g'roi nd. ttat t\ii îîîîîcs cat iei tit set ' De)eivety, liitebackei M ike crant teccîset Mati as, Gta,is 's(arit stîîîd tiut ivitti înoîs sciid tii it th Lt~s'i, tai (les antd haIt back Totdd pass anid il ion f itilt i yeai itericcepitiont as cdii Gay. scîîîuî quai ici baik (rt titis se. Feirnandes nmade gtttd ti tih "lhý jîî as n \î ct e sicsitilît ltte tnt couvert ,iittnpis anid scott icul e. cottld liýts \%I si i das dcieited ltead coacth tit initssed tfield gîtaI aitemrpis ot 36 'itu 2N lite \it htoî lis Rî>als etideu l,îsî setstit Yards in tte secondî thall. sýit il ao, lto [lie Vs lu , uedt. b I o uni ti ns saii tte key titis siIl bc tii ectitý tcîin -41-7 Ini t Itîitoits I-A \ e Itiiiais stîtîe cseCIîitii tlitSCLitcs and tîoît>f aî ruiii 'Vs-e plsi Ilile it [tIsi COitiill I t titite atit at 5i[ts largel> tutu esistet, tnIial titi onilie cutcitics. Coti till- ittte a tair itis siV SIX filti u0ýs. l3eiuts (i ,y ' 21) pIs aid il stît caîse c'or> re c table mnisiakes." lie saut. Iii. ult a 64 s ,îî i t îltîîssoýi t 'ti l'ie Rit>aIs ai e bttck in acîtîton his Iriday eat bý ii Ille seoniittd qutartit ttî,î put tihi s sý \\i en ihey lt (aki les,ý Loyoila Ia-las,~ Io,tthidî 7-6 tii Iu ts cýespialIî ulule the l)îs isîtîti 21 juniorî Rtiyals get hi tiIhi Il Ci1I0LC 1110\\11ii e ý sttîi b .sîîîî Ltîterus as thîs aiet nîttî ai homîîe t lIt\ se. Chrtis (ttitti s(tit tîte King. " \ut is at tsi liatitieitiiti'(tu s Bitt aîe stain ai 3:30 p iii. Minor atoms solid at toumey For more informatiom contact the respective coach. For field location and direction, visit our web site W. www.miltonmagic.com 1 SELECT TEAM TRYOUTS AGE GROUPS DATE FIELD TIMÉ COACH PHONE#