A18 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 27, 2005 Corne & experienoe... - Hot Table (Monday - Friday) * Salad Bar -Fresh Meats * Retail Specialty Grocery * Catering Available *Continental Breakfast Starting at 7:00 amT _ *ALa Carte Dining -Home Made Pizza Area had evidence of heavy tram JUDGE on page Ai lits pain us dite iii iigetieratisc dise diseuse. Justice Wiilischuk tîîld the court i. -Moist iii hîs health issues are pre-existlîtg aîtd tave litile iii doi wsith flic trial anîd the Ieneoth iii il." lie ciincliided, anid uonce ag.iiii the triil restiiiied. lii pii andI Juîly of (X 201 actes iii lices \scie clcuî'ed ini fot,, ,aIles oni MI. V lsiss I iiiîîli L il îuuupcny. \iilatiiiu lliiiiis tccitiîihylii and lile I 'iiiestIr Mi. \,i i n s I iiî cusouiiipuiiy airc ta iiu p il4 .Oll) iii it filles tfr cttIgtccs uti a1 i\lolit andi. III Zii I ii iuiiicitalssciiiisc Aica [le picauted liot cLijIii hoIl lihai ces last 3 cli F ile 1I0PIi(cl\ o liitateu uIilI tf 407 tbi)cI\ccit Rcciiial R id andca Ruuud, Liter in (lie day. deteîîce svitncss Davici Charleiiin, ait expert in lîîrestry mtanagemenit andî [SAs. %vas criss-exaiîiiitîed by Crîîsvîî attoirney Joîhn Olah. Mr. Charletiin tîîld colurt there had beeti -evidetice of' heavy log- giiig" ii areas ni eut by Mr. Vastis front lthe pievillus iiwners. Priiless iiiial pltiiner Roibert Drugices tic lok thie stanîd nexi. alsit fot l îi r flic det'etce. i)sîsîgpilicy sîtructîlie andc the s arius p larniiig legisltimns that ent oiiipass; the sî,ihîect landl Mr. I)aiettsaisI cleuriiie tor agi i cultural lises ioii the sîîbîecî land is periîîiticd iiîder hle variulls appli- 1alois Offiial ['lii il Miltonti' 1lc saitl les cli pill ti agricil- tit lluqpîscs is ýieîscd dillciciîIls Ilai iffic aitil, ii ll Lide tCiiitt plcy an lî i Iili titus. He referred ti -the cîîîsistcncy uf duocumnents lu îerms iif alluisanccs of' agricuitural Lise and the creattiou of* ields- ii planning legislatîn. Wlieu cross-exatniied by M. Oiah. Mr. Dragîcevic admîtted that plannintg policies don't -stand ni isoilation." Mr. Olah sîuted they need Ioi be revîewed tiîgether with applicable hy laws. refcrrîng iii thîs case iii I-altiii's iceecuîîîng bylass 'yii have a licence iii drise a car, thai diiesut iteui yîuî cai speed. becatise the Higlîts aty I raitic Act upplies aiîd regulates spceeditîg, They sit side-by-stuc. iLlsi I ike te Plaing Aci and Ilthe Rcriiiiis tree-cuitlitg bylassi,- Mr. ((l said. Thle case s ill conittiue O.ctiibci 2h ini Hurliiietiii l e < ied/iiiî ( I i ('1 il oiiii hi d1111 hi'/iow omiii'i iiîîîitt 'N.,'--,5 <N r 's' v. Ethical Investing VS. Traditional Investing 6WÀt,ýCpaM' - 6a,ýg Mlawto CEO 0F MIRITAS MUTUAL FUNDS Learn how to, put your beliefs into action uslng socially responsible investing that demonstrates fair labour standards, environmental stewardshlp, concern for peace and Justice, and responsîble management practices. WORKSHOP To BE HELD AT Prosperity ONE, 44 Main St E., Milton Wed., Oct. l3th, 2005 from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. TAKE ELEVATOR TO 2ND FLOOR Door Prizes - Refreshments & Light Snacks Admission Ji free, however fiimited seafing i avoutable. Caîl John Barrett at 905-878-3822 Ext. 250 ta reserve your place. Proserit meritas ONEsocialty resporîsibte in'iestments "Canada ,ç,Singing Priesi" FXTlIE Ni XRK (T R'HS & ls BANI1) Releasing New Christmas CD, (0~ ~Iî Mfaster of Cérenionies Jim Paulson ofAM74O and Mayor Gord Krantz Tickets: Aduits $15, Seniors $12, Children $8. C redit & Debit accepted - for tickets visit or cali: St. Paul's United Church 905-878-8895 Jack White (905) 878-6807 For ticket delivery cail Rita Aibin (905) 876-3379 Portion of CD sales direcled ta Rose Cherry's Home for Kids flwwfatherrnarkcurtîs.com C'Ds available ai SIIOP1PERS DRI ' JIRT (rraeSquare) afier October 141h. We beliieve... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. PLEA'i r.V958512 -- -----------------------