The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 27, 2005 -A13 TrUESMif is a L rLlestar for 'Vornen Nutrition & Fitness Centers are benchmnarking and wellness progranms for vornen and their famnilles in Canada. Over 25 centers have opened in Ontario since August 2004. Truestar's state-of-the- art Synergistic Personal Training System", - a total health programn developed by a dreami tearn of health experts, bas received critical acclairn. -' Truestar personal coaches and center staff partner with miembers to achieve their health, weight loss, fitness and wellness goals, step-by- step. Working witb a personal coach, inrners deveîop a total programn which inîcorporates a balaced integration of the 5 kev areas ot healthy living: NUTRITION, EXERiCISF., VIlAMINS, AT'TITUD)E & SILEEP. Memnbers create personal goals and together svith their protessional coaches then carefulîy mionitor their progress each day online and weekly at their local center. The resuîts are faster and miore l on g-term than any other programes available. WHY? Truestar is a lifestyle, flot a diet! -Truestar for Womien Nutrition & Fitness ('enfers are the choice for womnen %vho want a total heaîth and weîîness program, flot just a gym. HERES Wl-PI?: :rr 'y; , iriter 'J- -a r oa set tiar 'orrri ta eita tcP% r' rp tof the ' rrr irtcr'rr, iia,. r, iJ eVirvorýe t*rr$t. "r-o p"" rograrn are *aeoiçrteo frtr ai mes a-rc ot f 'itriess r:e'r nrter'relrte, advanuiri The procrriî' 1s 0 r orýt optrrrr's cr odro Norkrouts arrd fret, wergfrt stations, 1 l . ý J rt-r The ruestr Wveqfrt i ose Proqrrr- tras fieer o'ý ef'eitroe tfîat werntrt tocs S gtirar'teed or your 't'i"Ciy ýs tefunîdeit'o r'Taking tfhe rîgtrt ertarnîns arrd supplements eveîyday rs essentiat for vitafîty, rmmunîty and wetiness. i ruestar Centers ciller a protessional sertes of vitamins and supplements for ei 500 medîcat conditions. *Att'tsue Proqrarr Wittr the proper motivation and goal plans, you cai improve ail areas of your lte. Truestar wif t show you how toi set goafs and fiow toi reacti them successfufy. *Sieep andt Relaxation, Sfeep is offen thîe overfooked key area of treaftt. Thre Truestar Sfeep Program and natural sleep atds wtt f assist with your total werght loss and overat. sense of welt beîng LOSE WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY Cal 310-TRUE(8783) $0 Initiation' i Month Fre* ýc Truestar for Women- -17 Nutrition & Fîtness Cen fers tIiti rn dmaff«. **ufd oi tg# m membmnip M&W1575 ONTARIOU% STREET (AT DERRY AND 0