The Canadian Champion, Frday September 23, 2005 -23 * - , * *à Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 lRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 * Community 240-299X Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: - Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 50o-5ib Mon. to Fn. 9ani-5pm BONUS! Ail classifîed ads also appear on www.haltonsearCh.Com * Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Mîlr Mrrlrr Ille ClZlOeart875eMaMntSt I Il ON , rl t7 DedCns 1 1anrî (i ubiain 1 lf r r SpealFatiilI P l ý, iriai r r Payttl ntra Ierirl 1 ý,Ir" i ouil rrrrr .rrrrrr t ! lrrrr wl ar il rv I' , Ip rct 1 a rr'Gbi r ... ( IlCK OU A TM FR1 AY IT 1 ,rrr. rL ,rrr.r.I rrrrrr rrerrrrr rIl.. :4 Hmifireu apm A] I l pi b lim m r r Mot latrt,, A massage ta oui Valuai Custamrs. As ai Moniay Sept.mbr USth, 2005 thore wuII bo no rafunis ar cradits an Classifiai ais. Thanku. BI HDAY UPCOMING MARRIAGE SIrOP O..c OVER 7'r'-F NE0 OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE rcc ~ o î ess 10010 ril 'l 'rIlr r owFrowr Miror' Hea te Caîr' Pacr.r r. r Il Or'y -ela0 M. t n Nat..ropil C rl 905-693a1993 400sq FI S784 n7 mtI Bc,dr. '405 .rr Ies and TMr1 plus G0S ' Cari 905-510-8152 500 51 t of retar space avarrabre Excer- leor losation an Marn St, n Mrlon Prease r car 905-691-9967 on 905-875-8113 SMALL office (250 sg Ot i MedroarrOI-rce burrdrng. 3006 De"r3 Rd Mion Cal Steven 416-653-1891 NO COMMUTEr DESIRE ? SCearn le, EarFS FROM HOME Nol MCM Contact , Iti. , ut, srr t/r, tilt, pir. t pI...c.î r,' s: r,,,!. .4 r'ni i lr t ., pl rfi~r, i) rrt, ttr !iI . Oeprpo02rtunitiei ACTION rr SMALL Ar rraa INVESTMENT Sr"'" r NCO rM Cari 905-299-6118, $0.00 DOWNPAY- MENT rlý r r - r 1031. financrng il r r 1001. trnancinig. Cali Ooee 905-864- d561. A r' 1i Acs grarrs regardresu t Al ri r-or, Ca N rrr at 905844-1245 arV'l is a w FasFor Reet A ne 2 bedrr.n Il iarge bar ony Trprse r Stewantior. r.o srnos ng $950 mor'In Aval- able Norember ltI 95702-7647 ACTION 1 -bedroom arrrrint AvaiabaSe mmedratl Please carr aller 7 00 pm 519- 853-3017 ACTON 2-bedrom ap a rîm en t $860, morn Avarlable mmedialely 200 Cn ircBl Roa40 South No pets Cal 519 853 0087 ACTION 2 -bedraomr avarlabîs mmediatsry F Nrg ' psaI Ies qLrien Fal] 51915r3 31177 ACTO APri t 1 ir N lc. U 1 7 Ope r r r Il r Nw r'.nîr' r, Cir CHARMING ir CE F9n 20-0 cero 117 Lr,! rf suF5BF0e Spa "ous KO<Or 4-prrr.. barai ceparate la.rryl M.r seeo. S850'orFIB 416- DOWNTOWN MILTON Mittoide Towers 82 Miliside Drive. Attractrve quret burild- ing. Spacrous brght silo 1&2 bedroem unrts wrth rauidnr tacrlrty an4 socrar room on srte Regurar resrdent events Open 7 days & eterngs cati 900-876-1249 www.realstarmc DOWNTOWN Mitn new latSFy 2-bdnm apt warkout Io prvate yard, 2 orl wasBtoomsiArC gas ireprace, raundry, 4 appl no smok- Ing.pets. surtabre for adr.rt coupre, reer onces, Sl200rmtB 416- 998-5968 Af" partmeoîs & ____Fiais For Reni GEO0RG ETO WN RENTALS GEORGETOWN GEORGETOWN Hj Ar F Or0 GEORGETOWN Fer r Bri. r r, Firstlas aFO retor 1<0p requreJ NI rra " ,g pels Cal 906 1.r"2274 GEORGETOWN ? beidrom 'c parlimenr avairabr Nuvember r st t. Ires incraded Quiet area r.rose 10 GO Starior No pers prease Car 416 522- 3102 GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom basement 5850/monte parking and atrrtIres rocruded. Non-smokrre no pers Ararrabre October isI 9055873-1965 GEORGETOWN clean quiet 1 -bedroom ne country, $850 monni in- crusrve Tratargar Road Avar abre October r sr Car 95877-5384 GEORGETOWN rarge 1-bedroom apartment Acceptable for singre or coupre No smok- inrlipets Nouembor lot References 905-877- 1209 À'Ap rmots & ts & ýF~jIats For Reot MIij.sFrReot R ENTAL S GEORGET'OWN 'rr rrdr lr irrrrr A,, rit rr, 1, r GEORGETOWN, rr r r r rr rrrrrrrr rrrf o ' r i ryr r Ay GLEN EDEN For Reot COURT APARTMENTS ACTON 122 Borrte Stret rr r -1 bdrm MILTON r Please Carr ' ' r 90588-5375 rrrrr. rrr Building Managers .. rO Ceonard &Penny a" r r MILTON r.r '5 '. MILTON r.r MILTON rr r..l1 , r rA v MILTON N.l MILTON r ara. scr'r ïr' , rrrr A C ip ry araý 'rus' l ' rorn 5 n c larr..s 4 - .rrrros Aa sur.. Nrr cr parkirrgr rar 00510 4 pers ara,labse n 'cea .rreru Sr050 - r'udrr) MILTON. ri cedrorrr Ca'i r q05897 6rrr r r 0Wn'us r.5 nr. 'dr4 rgarage S1250 manrîn aî.105le MILTON large 2-Sdrm asa abre Ocrober 3r ap Downrrwrr Milrro. 95876-4499 fIrsi s araiabSe Nos r $8251mtB + r.r nts Tonoses 95858-8723 W For Rani "MILTON new & 001- MILTON new ry reno- genas 3 bedroom, rareri 3-brtrm marn figeor Hawthorne Vrlrage ot Bosse $1105 mrn , 1600/mo rutriritres lm- u1rîrîresý irrs1 rasîrreler medrale Car Donna onces reguirno Carli Stewart Rn Mac Der 416-433-3989 Mar Rearîy Inc 1-800- 567-6257 MILTON, asceptrng ap- MILTON 3-bdrn Iown- plircatrons for 2-5dm Bouse, newly decorar- apil avariabre Nos 1, edrA.'CfirnrsBed base- rate ot $910 mtB. aaaiî ment. new apprrances Iloor. no dogs For avariable opfion Io buy appt car 905-699- 51285,mIS ,~ 46998- 139& 5968 MILTON 3-bedroom 2- RENOVATED r -bed- barnrooms, 4 applir room Marn Sr apaoo ar' es Crose ro Malr & 'eor $775/montr r'rl amp'.15es Avai'abie lires Aoarrabre Oclober November rsr 4r6- rIs 905-875-0935 464 2-?196 8 M Tonhouses MILTON- 2f i 1wr . Marl M r o rý l rl1, rrt r5 8,167 1,. 57 OAKVILLE- r r. r. F rr nFii arr o Mrrrrnrr ra876 spires 'rr rr i r r rZ 'ro r r Nir .1S22.000ý AOVERTISEMENT of Intended Saie, ander the renkeepers Act R.50O 1990. C.17 S3 Ki-&F ouoi MALE rrror ly , ri ra ,r'al <rr r, tre il ser Park aroa Fie as greal y msse 550 y rl samiy and ras ro rstrrred srr.c Sepr r îrn PlBase rarl 95- 875-2945 il yo hr ave DAYCARE avarrabre I- rovrn.g erorroirmenr .ndBor oslanor pray, crafts. parntrng. porrce cBeckqCPR 905-875- 9944 DAYCARE. Coorng cars, crafts, Bardoor pray, Frrst Ad CPR. porrce r.heck Part- Time For-Ttme 905 876-0620 E.C.0. Montessori Teacher Irs own Borne cB 4 care pro- gram, academrcu com purer, rangoage, rearo- ng, weeevy menus, and r 8mlhs-Byrr rfor more 'rfrmaoopnase cal Samantha ar 905-878- 65241 Birts PtEEZ B 7th HR NR ScottI4rr r.r a d (Leone) Frida Setme ['a, 2005r rrr'r B." MC N irnNALL eri ia Jennrter or eu iven' r i ýrij, WE aianolht -,îfeec mucAL neee fundng onte you emp in catrig or oeil-' phone f l Daete Reycl Ank Fo mor nfrain pleaec PMulie araNote PublAicG Noaires & E alle ktool helh t *anrcare Pces snacsin &a rodoo for edy Massagen& dorpan hp chupp orhe Fanarc rres 905 r 693 t 93r Prease ar 905 87 1ss8007I500525 DANCE r LESSONS a c Gr rvalro Dance euySris cI eons Sorges aefr HEDN Wx saas & norreto -Bod Massage rcar ply o ic an c ande Easysti prie 90 59-4- 880 . '-as cl 90-875