Ai 6 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 23, 2005 ;nl~tje- uJ1 #M 276 Main St., Milton (905) 878-4171 ASTICKERS (EXPIRES SEPT 30/05) So Many Books... So Littie Time -S n&ny boks -s ittie t/me' is a phrase you'll hear ofteîî at Recy'cled Reading, located at 150 Miil Street. in downtown Milton. Recycled Reading is proud to serve Multon's hookwormis for over 13 years now at various locations throughout the years because they keep oui growîng their premises. Currentlv Recycled Reading has i/ver 30, <000 previously enjoyed booîks tn stock, ho/h fiction and non-fiction covering a vast variety of subjects. They also know what Milton likes to read! Miltonians enjoy a lot of Murder Mysteries, Romance, Troc Crime, and true to our rural heritage, Westerns. Recvcied Reading also carnies a large selection if books in the suhjects of Art, tlfistory, Theology, Decorattng. Cisoking, Outdoors and much, much more inciuding thousands of kîd's books from toddlers >0 teens. They also have special book sales every month s0 it's always worthwhile >0 stop hy, and if you cant ind what they are looking Lorraine, the owner and manager of Recycied Reading, offers ber ciientele a large varîety of books, economny, and Scrapbook Paradise as an lriendiy service. She helieves excellent store for ail of your that everyone in Milton should acrapbook needa and to get be able to have access to a great information on how to start selecti/on of bo/oks that are your own scrapbooks for pas> economical on our wallets and memories involvîng famîly, purses. She invites people to frîends and ioved onles. come down and hring in your Are yoo an avid reader looki ..prevtousiy enjoved- books for great bosok selection, good (good conditisn pleasel for a prices, and friendly service" 1 bo/skstore credit (201h of the yoo are, Recycied Reading' cover value) and shop from their shouid he a definite stop for y many tilles for 50% or less of booik shonninto in the. futur e the cover price. Recycled Reading aiso invites yoo to stop by __ Sirapboîk Paradise located tn thetr store.b ng f00 Editorial supplied by 150 Miii St. E., Miltoin ,, 905-878-6024. Booxcage* ,8MO&497&6024- Ise MAa st, eM#111111. av Bring us your gently used Paper Back Books for trade. Browsers are always welcome! Milton Publie is growing! A space for browsing A space for teens A new space for children Spaces for Corne to the Library 2:00 - 8:00 p.m. September 28, 2005 to view the plans with Library Board Members Staff MILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 150 Reaîsoizs to ('debrate E -'/~ CI Si(P.5 Ail Services... â /1 WOh Laura 2« li Off Ail Colour Services...A(0 5 W/Ohi Tanya 4 0O/ff *New d/,nits nty Va//d uni Sept, 30h, 5. 1 hF9 -,94 1.l uM' ~"MA~1 905P-875-222203 *ng25years in busne. Maxell ansd Wliss 20% OFF nopslo ItieSesom Peubteo SlIP $59-.5 55>$49.5 SR> SN-.5 Crystai vases, Sp/eed/de $501ci $pri se bowle and noclar 0eidel sr 1240 We candiestiabe 20 p/vos sots Glisses Fine Tablewarc * Citiware *Table Lmnen *Brida Regisry 227 Main St. E., Milton, & m,- P/une 905 878-050 T u-fre 18884 1564 Fe 958 76-1658 Enî Friendly, knowledgeable staff, Vitamins, Supplements. Thur 10-7 Fri 10-6 Sat 10-4