Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Sep 2005, p. 8

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AB-The Canadian Champion, Vîsit us at www.karensflowershop.com 487 Lariurier Arýe. 878-2881 Tuesday, September 13, 2005 Toastmasters taking fear out of public speaking By STEPHANIE TI-IESSEN The Cham7pionl i s hct said that Nutl I .\rtcl'iclis1geatest tixît' is puhb lic sîCikg \\ ii dcalli iatkini., d seL is'talt lu1th place. \s IcriSeiliîleld once sat hal. inîcaw thai al d lttIer-ai people si tîll lpieiCi- hejueg Ii Ille casket thait (-i\i mo the etitZ\. fIîuiiiîîiîxîis î.ikci: on à ls iîiîîi \\ hile iiî peoîple alie oiullentî îIIIus t aXnid pubi c q1eak uc ailixgeliei sitille don' lias e ihlai lusut t 'lue Ioi job', liai Ileuiî (paiî itni audienices. And tnaniî people --s\ lieilîi or liii ieu îîbs require public paîi alin contienti Io let lecar aile any aspect otiiheir liss lit's \is ere Toastiastet s clites iii. Tîîastiitasiers is a ,roiup knoissr nfoi il.s abiliiy iii help iiber s ercoiiie ieuitear of' pubi c speakaim and then to go one step tlur ier and hielp) thern tîaster te art. Toastntasters, Internaitonal v, the Xsîrld's largesi non-prol t edu ai tial orgaîtizat ion desoted iii communriiticationt aitd leadership desel- opnîent. The Miltumn chapier ls alise aîid sseii. ss 1h mnembers meeting Tuesdays ai 7:3(1 put,. ai the Rotyal Caîtadian Li în. 21 Charles St. Ilis cur- rently gearing up toîr ils yeariy speech ciinlest Seplember 27. ii ssitch the public is ins ted. as \,seli as its Ipl Hîtuse mteetinig ()ciiber 1l. \'isilors are asked iii arime i 7:15i p.ii. sîtîce the mieetingi slaris ai 7:310 pin. Ursula Mc[)erittid. s ce-presîdeit il public relation,,. is a itîciner ss'hîîse siory abomut ltîis she becatie îîîsîlved wsith Tîiasittasîers nueis taie f'or maianf iius itteins She joîîîed iss years ago because lier _job required preseniatitins. and site ssalited iii înîrîî ein ihat area. 'li's (lie ol ihe besi ihittgs Use dîîîe. Vli a loti more cuîmlbrtable novs.igi it pircseiiialiîis i anid 1 don't say ULmrn' as îîîuch as i îîsed iii:' saîd Ms McDermid. addiitg a lîsiener once cîîunîed her saying nmm' 115 limesin fise îîîn Uies. Menibershîp in the Milton grunp includes peo- pie trom many svaiks of life. There are reai estale agents, doctors. housewives and everylhîng in beîween. Members -25 of whom are active -range f'rom 20-somethîngs 10 senioîr cîi/ens. Each meeting lbllows an agenda, svîiî a chair- perstîn ici îversee the prîîceedîngs. Tii start each session, stîmetîne gîves a prepared toast. Aller ihat. sîlmetle relays a tîke oîr meaningl'ui thitught. And Ihen ils fiie f'or the Table Tîmpics. svhiclt -~- --~ ~- Photo by GRAHAM PAINE Ursula McDermid (foreground) and Jamie Cunningham of the Milton Toastmasters know firsthand about the benefits of the organi- zation. ,,iscs îîîeîtîbeî s a c hanice Ioi îructise ittiprîîlil speakiiic i',clt liersîli gie oiiie iiiiiet sîkeecl î1ia tîîîîc tiitis clee tîe iiiI ansý îîuîîîbeî r ocreauise ss a> s. Sîiiieuiiîes aî îîîeîîbeî asks aîitiler ilienut ber aî question.i Siiiieiies iiîbers aiîe ,îskecl tii ctommîet on ai ciirrci es eut. Sîîîiîîîîeis et ery- tîle oxpens i lfortunîe c'kii ancd sltrc s îliîeî liîîînghîs abotin ils mtessage. -We have a loti oif' 'n ssit i. lucre 's a eîiood cheniislry there, Ms McDertttid saîd. NexI dîmes a break, wshîch Is a litte for îîîeîîî bers tii socialize aîtd nelwîîrk. fllltîsed hy the speech sessioîn ni svhch ihree tir four prepared speeches are gîven. The subjeci Is the speech-giver's choice. ThMe îîîpîcs gît acruîss the hoard. Anyîhîîîg antd everylhing goes.-Ms Mc[)ertîîd said. At each mîeeting. a lew iteitibers are desîgîti ed evainaîtîrs svho gise the speakers useful leed- back ait the end o lthe îîîghî. Tii receive the Coiitpeieni Tiastittasîer desig- naionîî. a Iiieliber itîtîsi gise Il speeches. î\llîîugl sitîcnrel.lic îîîelîîgs île air> îhiîîîî bîî bitrin-g Ms Mc i)eî îîîîci sid. "esoieiites gel cîilîinîltl *iîîl1,- sue suid Ms Mc'i)er-iti s,îic îîîîîîîîg 'l'îastiiasiei s s a \i ai 5,y iii iltet te\,s pîeopîle. esîîec ia y l'oir tiiîse Ie lest ln.î So u vid t are tii its if iLlis ierrifued oi' speakittg in Irnit ol' others? Vice-presîdet of" îîîeîtbershîjî Jamîe Cnnuinghtam saici is because se're airaid tifwhai ithers sviil llîînk ofI "Are liey gîîiîg lii thitîk iun an idiot'! Aiti 1 g(Tinîg bo sinîtble o liîîy wsords?"1 Thîîse. he saîi., ,re sorttie tihe coniton tears. Tue aitttsphere ai ail> Tiaslittasiers îîîeeîîîîgý ls îîîcredîiy shîîîîîhîrlise, lie s,îiî. People tiller enchouragemîent antd lîraise as ss eh as gîve stîg- gesin,to Ion prtîseîîeni. Mr. Cnnninighamt jîîinei lthe gronp seveti itonlths ago. 1.ike Ms Mcl)ennuid. he waied Ioi îîîîprtîse lus iireseltatiit givîng skiils fotr hîs potionîîî coaciig buîsinîess osvters. Mn. Cuniniighamt saîd insi a fess ' tihe ssays lies beeî lîtipîtîsines tlkine siotter -lie ieîîded tx speeci np svieî he svas trVunS- aitd usîîîg, eflèectise boîdy laitguage. Aisti. he's i afiail lui tise htumotr." he saîd. M r. Cuntninghamt saîd he ihînki Toasimasiers îs (tir everyoie. svhether sSy or onlgoing. soli- spoken tir iîînd. "Comttnication is a part of everyone's lives.- he said. explainiiîg there are always svays 10 improve. And il doesnit hurt thai each meeting is fun, he saîd. -They're a greal bunch of people. Everyone's ihere bo have fui." Foir mtotre intftormtion on Ttîasîtîasîers, as sveil as tiles foîr the npeoming coniesi. eall Alan i.ahue ai (905) 877-3441. Sui'ji/îiiii Thiu'..tîî t'îî be îuuii'/ed lui if/ijxîîî'vîî/îîîuîîîlî,î.îîîîjîîaîîî ~r OGEO Cogeco Cable Channel 14 Programming Schedule - Tuesday, September 13 - Mondayjiepeer19,2005~ Fv/C O G EC ,usdy Spebr1 ensa Spebr1 hsdy ptmr15 Fdy , .me 1 Sau Setmr1 uny, etme 18 Mody .etme 19 1Iuly Local 1rélevision j ,nqi ûn M li0 g, n'FXR ý 00 5 Oû,, Plg In EXTRA Mirnql,0ýiPge . XR 0iPQei i tln ii Mi la î.iî nai EXR tI(E - 5it tillPiged11ETA Miî tl I dîlitý -xi 00M PtîttIntETR www.cogeco.ca NORiTHt HALTON STUDIO Laurier Plaza 500 Laurier Avenue Milton, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 'Fît. in litn P jla iFF 6 iiiti 6 huit i F.ttt tut titi' Pl( it, [t' RAF OPimlelTViBingM Pîitîoti F.K loui ît, fitî t luri t0v lut luth(( t i. ETRAt (Ilu leuigeuwu Ambassului cimpeliltie t , ,i l, &titutîtiulî& ( attu t t.ul'tt, tjf 8Fi I AI i' [i ' t' tIl t XR ný ü t.itit't i [ iR 3 91i FFn Anllwid( Coi il p tü lit tiFit li titi tn lDIRA t 0n 0il u i '(tgqe li' ETRAF tIr i ttlii q Tini Piitilt Ir X T 6:ilpm - Iil Plugged Ih' EXTRA Sep 14 2005 MiJi ii iltilit Ilt EXTRti lii Fît o hu i lili tutin 6) il li T R t I Mi i liloitl eTili &ui (hit tiiti li t tîtin ti0l Pitie It, ETRtA lit 14 200 t 00W11 t lOti Pii1(ul il, EXTRA 6 II 8 00ii iii.ggel In EXTRAi i hlM I poitsilé (iii S0i)r ih'iit Pl.içil ~Il t' Fý A

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