The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 13, 2005 - 33 1 1 r MULTI FAMILY Sat. Sept. 17 Bam - 2pm 991 Lancaster BIvd. Furnitura. loyal antique. HelR el eumdff III]loau mRe ti Hiring lmmediately for ALL positions (Servers, Kitchen Halp) - Ail Shifts Experience preferred, We will train 3 Locations 2422 Falrview Rd 5353 Lakeshore Rd & 1220 Brant St. Saturday Sept. i lth 10:00 arn toi 2:00 pm Sunday Sept. i 8th 12:00 amn to 4:00 pm Pieuse bring resumne - No phone catis! No iigPart-TIme For Banquets - Now I0 Christmas Seasor Getopruiyfrentra money' LillIraning Prodedi Eoperience nor required but considered ar asset! Must ho able Io work mosi Sururdays, somte weeknigho. Please send resome. Attention. Tunya by Fao: 905-876-0496 ATTENTION SCHOOL MOMS AND STUDENTS SUBWAY SANDWICHES 501 Market Drive and 1290 Steeles Ave. E. Mitrron has openings for paori me hoars over lunci and ahter school Most people cao make a sandwich and most can aiso smite. We are Iooking for tOhe who car do bote ai the hume rime. We oSfer compelussve wages ard frirge benefits in a fun and fuot paced enoîronmeni, Please apply wîthin or catI Lianne or Jamie @ (905) 876-2955 forothe foiowing poons, IKitchen Mnager -WaittffCshiervl Coul Check Personnel - Boxers - Barbacks Fax resume Io: 90558777095 Or nal to opbo@kentnersou ~ueîlîea ppouvîfîet PLAY JUNCTION NURSERY SCHOOL and INDOOR PLAYGROUND 71 Mounroînview 0000 Northr Now HirIng for nhe following positions PART TIME PARTY HOSTESS -Evenings and Weekends -Experience witli Children an Assel DROP IN PROGRAM STAFF -First Aid/CP and Police Check requîred upon hîrîng -Must bou ai eaor 18 yearo olo -Chîldcare Exporionco Requîron PIeuse drop off resumne antd caver tetter. Vlunteers Volnteers DISTRESS CENTRE NORTH HALTON IS NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR NEW VOLUNTEERS We are iooking for Curiog Individuels who wunt f0 teel connected 0 cllier people rn sar commonity. Our extensive training ptogrum wrili heip ou heilp those who are distreased, ioneiy or thînking of sui- cide. For mare information contact: 905-877-0655 r 'i rA.R AIF sI.;AI-I 8am - Noon 332 Coxe BIvd. Antiques, boi, houaahoid gooda. 8:30am - 1 pm 80 Jessie (CampbeiviIe) STREET SALE Moving Sale GARAGE SALE Sat. Sept. 17 Sat. Sept. l7th & Sun. Sept. l8th Sat. Sept. 17 9m-pm8AM - 3PM a-? 7838 lSth Sideroad38BodwyAe 1201 Turner Dr. Furniture, Christmas & Halloween stutt, antiu fo a b atiy rlining room set (excellent shape) and so mhuch bunk boit <quean bo t m i n (Dy Biahop Reding H.S.) more. Saara iO Crafaa liSw elsiie h e7l Fax 876-236 The Milton Chamber of Commerce presents i)his year marks Mayor Gord Krantz' 25th year as Mayor. Please join us in com- memorating Mayor Gord Krantz for his leadership and lifetime of service. The net proceeds of this levent will be directed to the Chamber Legacy Fund in the name of Gordon Krantz to improve and maintain community landmarks. CORPORATE SPONSORS Our Barfînglon and Milton locution seeka rnotieuted ECE's ta %ir aur greut leum. Psitions are uoaii- able w/at age groupa. Plue forward resumne wlth age gmoup prebeoenoe to 905-451-8416 Oakvitle Child Care reqaires: ECETeacher (New Grads Welcome) Cali: 9054849-4769 Fax: 9054849-7456 CLEANING lady for Campbeivitle home Futt lime own car a must, Cati 905 0854 éllj oneers VOLUNTEERS Needed! Be pani of an ex tno teamn ha s helpng ou son ho i oiagnosed wiO Aotsmn d-hs/wk, No enue vo ne needed. Trainngo povied. (o05)864-a7o9 Paper Lltmvacy North Ballon RoaduSpeU*l Mitle Pvogsam for Adults Non-Profit, commuer- ty bused oruanîzulion. New EuidUMB tuhi Help un Adait rmpruee their basic literacy skris *IIIRUURA11nSNMAKE R GRAYWOOD GOLD SPONSORS <el» E' M, lm" FIRSTGUti mLqThww~~"~ Mii=. a I a KaNEFF ERZIE\D SPONSOR MEDIA SPONSORS Cogeco Cuble Service Complote Audio Vîsuai Dure Foodo Lfd. Jumie Connolly Father Mark Curtis Minrstres/ Wordoong Communications Inc PARTICIPANTS Olive Krantz Karenos Fiower Shop Harrop Art Gatlery Les Fleurs Kathieen Lobiuwo Companieo Lsd. Maculay Shiomi Howson Ltd. Memory Lune Limousine Milton Country Depot Milton Greenhouoeo Flower and rt Shop Town of Milton Jim Pautuon, AM 740 FIELDGATE1