The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 13, 2005 -A3 Program helps integrate 1111i111grantS iii worKtorce By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion lirhe Haitun Meîîîurship Prugraru I ur Iîrternatiunaiis Th ained Pro uess irîai s is hrrtkîrg to cet ail ut tire regitns inuntcîpalites uit buard ss îth ris bid ru ttelp skilled immitrgrantts rîttegrate intu the lucal v. rkiurce. .The pilut pruJect svas iautîcied earlier thîs year by Shreridan Coilege throuh futrding frumn the pruovincial gus'ernment progan Jub Cunnect. %vtir the Regrun and Tun ofu Oakvilie sers ing as part- tIers. Prugrarn co-ordinalur Alice Li îuid tite Re£jitiis admninstrationt and fintance cululvîlttee Wednesda> tuait ttîey tus\v ssan(l lu expatd lthe ienturing intiative lîtu Miltuon. Halton His anîd Burlintn. Ms, i qpuke abut the beîefiîs ut the irruerani sucb as ituss Il ertahies Publie anti pris aie urgaîîzalîils, lu rap intu the diverse aiîd skiied inmîgrant population. il really tises te skiiis, ihai îtess iriîrîalis olier. site sad. "I ss ud htave lu say flie peer-lu peer lîtelîtul 11 prueraît is a prus et apprttact.- She said plans are it the \vorks tir ineet vn it lucal îttayurs suun abuti lte prugratit. Su far the Regîui iras pruvided tîse mntors and Oakvîiie tbree. Titese inivîduais rîeer svtt tîtr- eîgýn-trairted protessitnats lto beip tirn it a variety ut rvays. such as by givîîtg ibent an understandîng ut the Canadiari svurkpiace and ifur- matiun un pttettiai locat ettpiuy- ers. Besîdes expandurîg tbruughu the regiurt Ms Lt saîd uther guals uftlie prîrpralr rîciade gettin,, area emrployeCrs, lu ecuître inetellriri urttanleallults. parilerlile \îith ;iiiî- ila prugrains in Torntou York aîtd Peel reeîun', andi ittitîbratîîe ss tit lucal agelîcles Regîiîia anîd Ohakile Cuncillur Mîke Laîisdo%ri saîd he tiîts lthe tederai ge e t îîeeds lu becuitte îts utsd asý Group looks to get a/t Ha/ton mnunicipa/ities on board fiait iSe arclicoflletwork 1 .unding partnier, since it's the uIrder ut'guvernment that invites thein (immigrants) intu Canada. Regionai Chairman Joyce Savoline went un tu emphasiLe the Iimportance ut educating people un internatiunaiiy-trained profession- ais and huw their svurk experience can be vainabie iucaiiy. ustng a stury utt the plight ut her uwn tamn ily as an exampie. Atter cuming lu Canada, she said her muther's abtiity lu be emipiuyed here and type un air English typewriter was questiuned because her previous work experi- ence svas tn China. It's a matter uf educattttg people -they îust don't know." she said. -We rust rîeed tu try lu creale as ntnch awsareness as possible." lu heip create that ass areness. Ms Lt asked the tuînmittee tu rec- umtttend site ntake a presentatlun tu reg ritai CLnetil un the plugrant. Miihîi svas supported. !ln'lurr (an'n <tû <1h lemilhid ut /r rrs' (uîtu- Getting into a great new GM vehicle has neyer been easier.