The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 13, 2005 - 27 GelHeIp ~ a Help 1 GeeIp l Hep Geea HIep d~aHI jîep Genml Hep E~M nl Help FULL TIME DIMENSIONAL PACKERS DA AND WIGHT SHIÏFT Muii hou, gtoos dexeilnd trephysicaivit -.îîî'îap id pac wIo o, lCel iî.iîe I 11101 Sîîring gaie S11 50 fi Days li usanda Bous Sînleiri anter quiin gr poil 0 Apply in person ONLY 9amn to 3pm Cherry Forest Products Kerr led. Park 24 Kerr Cres. Guelph (Abertoyle) Hiiiioii Elpresowae Southi bron Lueipli i tra WeifingtiooouotRd '1 14 Rptii 1111-1 inoioio Aioas oal of the411 SEARS Dynamic, excittng, commttted to Uncompramising customer service... We need top notch people to hetp us at the Mapleview Store -. lll01e~ W1e 111ý, Interested? Please appty in person: Mapteview Mal 900 Maple Ave., Burlington Upper Level Mail Entrance Applications will be accepted 1Oam-4pm Sept. 14th 2005 cci'- Ca-aa a, qang*iî', PC 'î NOW HIRING COMPASS GROUP CANADA "*CHARTWELLS" @ Sheridan College, Oakvîlle for Catering, Tim Hortons, Harvey's, Kitchen Many Positions Available' *Witt train on the job! Mon-Sat, Flex. hours, FIT & P/T, weekend shifts available. Students Weîcome ta Apply! *We provide good starting wag e/benoît s/meals. uniform & ahappy atmosphere. Apply in persan ta Luke or Mary-Lou Mon-Fn 9-5, at Sheridan College, 1430 Trafalgar, Oakville Tel: 905-844-8532 Dudds, Junior Service Advisor Cri n'c1u' Sait ' 0101110'g rOi. -,z - . 00 ""' ac- Pieuse fax or entail your resume 10 905-045-2003 or jlralick buddssuau.o NO CALLS PLEASE. Budds'Subaru of Oakville 2474 South Service Rd. W. Oakville L6L 5M9 Dudds, Lot Person/Wash Bay Person Fou tuime, Mon-Fri 8am-5prn Responoînle fo' loi curs, Muni pooseso valîd Ontario drineros lcerne yod noue a dlean record. Ais0 exceliont commun: caion 0k iio and ire ability 10 priorîtize Be delai Gr:enled and foutin1 appearance. Excelient 000011i package Dulleoo mo ado waohnrg of cars. sdworI car ou'leur ng and .011 dsoua Please fax or emrait your resumne t0 905-845-2803 or NO CALLS PLEASE. Budds'Subaru of Qakville 2474 South Service Rd, W Oakville L6L 5M9 CIRCULATION DEPARTMVENT s cuîrOGiiy iookîog for a' P/T DRIVER to do iol shoo'lges 10 OusiGones & carriers Moust bo roliable vvi11 owo ocloîcie anid oui id driver lîcense Please e-mail resume and availability schedule la: Canule Faucy cfancy@niagarathis- weekcom or las (905) 337-5557 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE COUN PERS. RE.UIRE M vuni have 5000 oqaipmoni knowledgo, paicnasiig. canlomer service 0nd 5008 tlephone moni ne0s. Pleone assis 'n poison wîîh 105u100 ADAMS RENT-ALL INC. 334 Guelph Street Georgetown, ON Ona..uîî ireý ao o lasub 2'o: ieai nient -oa, s'ou Oe,"a- -yreî or Vue - , o' ,'1 C, 2 pi t, 0- 0'. nS GO o i.0 Frone 905-693-8820 EDIENGROVIE LANDSCAPES LTD Wc.aana-ac drî..îge0sopc org,11 a-ainsrcinlni Oakoîilln ni,1 Mîssîssuigzïie a Wîllî scvor.1 positioes anailabie e are0 Ivokînq for oopoereoed ndetdas to assist us ic seceîoieg this Inedustrp Full TI-9 Positione AoeiIsOIe. Pif x r.. Ume .to 905- 63-0425 .1 Email at a.k.mpaufeso .1- _ Asbuilt ClimnateCare Inc. OFFICE MANAGER Easy Georgetown HVAC oompany requires mu- lare asoorlîve organîzed îrdîaîdaal dith data eniry and offioe managerial experience for permaneri f011 lime posiion Service indusry experienox un asser. Benefi10 package and compi ewageso0f- fered Pieuse fui îesu me 10 905-877-8025 CITY DISPATCHER waný to ml t ig Fax resumneeti Ho ae Resources 905 878O1391 DON'T MISS OUT! Great Opportunity in Burlington! Profit of $600-$800 Gaaraoieod Monihiy Plus Oas Sabsîdy Early morin 80cr 1o coor Delivery of the Hamilton Spectatar &Toronto Star Must have ReltunIe VeOicle, 7 ofufs a week Caîl Now 905-639-7700 NEW Restaurant now hîrîog FIT & P/T for faf fowîng posiltons: h CHEFS h WAITSTAFF, LINE/PREP COOK Please Fax resumne ta: 905-827-8362 or cali 905-467-3029 F/T & PIT GROUNOS CREW Caîl Gary or Milke, 905-825-9457 DELIVERY DRIVER Permanent Fuil-time Class DZ Driver. Duy shift, weekends off Medicou Dentll Pension, Profil Snarîog, Mosi supply carreni dieî's absîraci. Plese lorward resumne to: 905-844-51 22 or 1363 Cornwall Rd., Oakville ON L6J 4Z5 or Auto Parts Store Now Hiring Michelle at Adecco Burlington 905-634-4445 ta appi y on-line visit N xeineNeceasary Cali for interview 905-573-1 569 Mon & Tues Sam-7pm fi I ime a0d p011 time HOUSEKEEPERS 000 HEAVY DUTY CLEANERS Required for Long Tem Care Facilîiy in Georgetown. Pieuse f ax resome 10 905-702-7430 Attention: Kelly Sro No phone cais pieuse Pîeoîoun uspîloanils need Poi ani UOffers opporlunîgî o hîghy moîvaed expereced fulil limie empiyee able bodied wilS exeeet references oifeed.moui,îgroom urouil and mîscollaneou aan hairres 1alloIervieffi e îîum 4 SOpm 905-873-1899 4 3lpm g ldpm 905-873-8501 'JEHICLE INSPECTORS & DRIVERS NEEOEO Piee' & cease dopartmeor Oas FUI Tîmne 1411101 i I ucMil'ci sfpc 1,01 & J11.01 Wc noî i,,ill training00 '1 0.0 5 " & be,IIIt .0,1 n . re 5 I 4 1 1' No phone colis pieuse. Resumres wîii be ascepted by emnait er drop off cri Contact Lac,0 K cocos ilarryekearesicou cornier Toronte Auo oution 8277 Lawsee Rd. Milton I gelib e n tci o an ef auit- I aii9079372 Pleaoe oa oesume to 905-873-9083 IMOUNTAINVIEW RESIENCEI ai 2 o unaiiRoad o rth- eogeown Is loigfrECE 905-77500I Milton farm reqaires Part-lime Person. Experience in property maintenance Aiso requires Horse Person for weekends. Fax restiue tu: 905-878-713 PaT-HomeSuprWoks Ca ed nMllon andGerg Or * i l 10 assenirs n cluil in dîsabililies Cie unîng cexpne- G "l' iececanadssel Must ha oui- Forward resume: Fax 905 844-5656 or Email: susanhC,î Need a Job? Waedw 16-24 years old? M* M JOB CONNECT 1 Beneffts -J at Sheridan Ca 0-6933 905-878-4956 Mature Securtty Otftcers Needed in Milton reqoîres & area. PRO Please send Mitron area. resumne to: Part-time ieading te Initial Security Cl0-33-8 905-578-6993 o a euet ~uniies unil e Do yau have a flair far fashian? ic il- '4i distinctive ladies tashions Mil)(i lal 5;Oniaîîî, Si Milon 1 05 8'8-1410 Te~cnialHelp Tejhncal Help Part-time Employment DESKTOP PUBLISHING Local newspaper reqaîros Marketing ssistant wîlh knowledge of OsareXPress, Pholoohop & Illusfralor on o Macintosh plfoim PLEASE SEND RESUME TO: 875 MAIN ST. E., Unit #2. MILTON L9T 3Z31 Attn: Mr. Tim Cales e-mail tc10010 O iallorsearop 010 ET 1 ii 7am. Sun-Thurs.S 10/h, Mondor flow of1 ei- Meolsmn do" os/ computer & Microsoft Office skills îegaîîed. slrong organiîouiooa communicaion & casiomer service skis writton/verbal HENRY'S LAWN &GARDIEN Reqaîren Foul-ime Maintenance Workers Exp. preforred bui ahil train the right people. Wagon le refleol ees. Own transOportaion toi yard rogaîrod. More info cali 905-878-2488 Pieuse fao 010001 resamne 10 905-878-108/ higmospot reqaîren ail ltime permanent employeos Willi 00100 pînflg excellerce, I5VC eporîonoo on assolý Wîling 10 aoîk 001 of iown/ rave ual- id drivers licence, Wo offer group benefîts alter 6monfhs. Salary based on experience. Pieuse faxbrief te- surine stalîng expaert- once 10 905-825-0828 EARNTOP $$$ BEFORE CHRISTMAS Immodiale oser ogo for Appoinimoni Sel- lors. Ai loado pro- aîded. Unlimîled earnng polentl ai $5 $20. ifi bonflo aller 90 days. Caîl Sherraine at 905- 639-7368 or enfait sherraine@ JOBS AVAILABLE 5 ,cio-,e,, IneMILTON Si1101 2 I 31 ýI,1l I nI 4 1l HCR Fax:f905-S760 49 G' Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste, 205, Miltoo Immediote openîrg for1t0e foilowîog positiofn 2 Receivers $11 /ihr off loudînig containers, etc 2 Pickers $10.50/r Must Oo abie Io osor a1e oluokers, 100 O 114K arce an anse Loi uîeo Iu nori- oI the OEW anc maurice.king@