The Canadian Champion, Tuîsday September 13, 2005 - 25 r4 Co n AIIII *Éàý r e 1 * * Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 Il Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: cIassitied@mi Itonca nad ianchampion. com e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470e* HeIp Wanted 500-57èir Mon. to Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Adi subiiivvrOii 5y mi r i n peson The Laoaaiao Chîamîpion, 875 Maii i 0f F Mrio ON i VT 373 Deadlites: Mvii if1 a n toir Tires puicicatîso fi oîs t1f a, f oi Fii publicaion peciai Feature & Holiday aeadlines may oaiy Payaent: We îc opi casih cieque Inteîac, OVi MastoîLaî, Ariiicaii Fxpiess Buinîess accorits caii Ce vpeiiea loin ao approuva ciertit application avaiiabie hom yo,îî Sales Lonrsultant. CHECK F088 AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS il eusure the inormîîationî s correct Coitai tvoici Salos Consultti îsitnî 24-ours if ao eîîvî appears Ari niior in a Fii pubircations i ci se rCportea no later than Moo. if am, MARRIAGE Dsxsg and Dorera Nash of S Camnpbelle are pleaurd tu - announce th1e marriage of their son ion to Jessie Cournoyer daughter of Aline Viau and Ni]lCournoyer of 1t-Hermeseglide. Quehe bil§]Hses For Sale FREE Ovice OVrER THE NET Home hvaloaiîop Or vil Patesae le BEAUTîFUL 4-be4- 10001 houee on quiet creeceni nîth escarp- ment vian, Many up- grades Aekrng S365,000 Come ana sea 627 Clouer Park r Crescent by appoint- ment Phone 905-875- r 3050 r MILTON 243 Randai Cras ,desîrabie neigE- v ourhood Asiîn S399,000. 8 AP- POINTMENT ONIY. 519-428-5327, emari tnod3rxodalicres Cnt @sympaico cet Induria 1600 soi fi shop in coentry S oie ituride siorafle Possible vharod .cpan v V05-691-O10i lm uppîluîtes AWARD 14INNING ,ar-r.s n' l. rv Jcm Redau twomenandairuc e a SP.00 DOWNPAY- MENT fluc' ý 103*. financmng Bai credri. self employes, nu proot of rocome -up io 100% finanicing. Caol Dune 95064- 4561. A h-y #m04.451. hAl eguriy monigage pro- grame regardiese et mn- coma or creami Cxii Chris @ t 800-328- 7887 or ursît us ai wwwsiclimcocir 2-BEDROOM apaif- ment nmth gas firepiace Wfasher dryni, opionai spacrous living- i ro0 m /k 1ric he n 8800,,monih plus i,3 uiimtmes 5f19-853-8375 ACTON i -bedîoom aparlmeni. Avaiabie rmmedraieiy. Piease Cai aller " 00 pmi S19 853-3017 ACTION Aparimeols 2 bedroom dsxflrnoot avarrabie Ociaber iti i Ci di roms auxa0e Ooveorber is I ridge & 51 oC laucr accOrtes N 4 gýs vr 1S83 41374 Oipen 7 daysa0,ek 01100 a ar val Apartmant fer rant. 2100 rq gieai lîr hr 11- ollive lOv aldi irihen, appirancus i ciuded Milton Cxl Shaan 647-286-0541 lm las or Rent CAMPBELLVILLE iii rai settiCg- oeai amCn- tiCs NCwiy renouaiCd 2-Cedîoom ,~ aen aparl ment occupancy toi iwo oniy New iriage ana stovC. &,C. ixunaifi ta cîflies on-site Avail aCte Augustimmmediate iy $i 455 moCis ii ties inciued tîrsi lxxi iCquirea No smnack iog/pete. Parking for 2 oehicies, 905-854- 9353 daytime 9es 8sa-s466 atler CPM. CAMPBELLVILIE VIL- LAGE t Od ro omo apaglmeCi irauh ndm ciexo. prîvate eCtixoce, gisena level waik ont, xa short watk to al amenîtres $805mth iociuaes Ceai, hySro cabie TV, hîgh-speed internet ana paring No smoking/pets suitC single piotesvivoa Ref Reguirea 905 8,54-2294 DOWNTOWN Miiitor, huge 2 searoco api. i 2obaihs A C f ri dage s to v S1200 îoith icIusuv- ais,, Availapie i boi o sni apalî ieor ClO0 ooh nclusvu- Please caii bcott BV frîr Fiema > Re-al Es tle Centre on 9Os 878 777 ERIN. large unique 3- bedîoom apartme ino Century Home Waik oui to large patio, diC ingroom ext-i C tchen St .200 monih utlttes inCOuOCO Avaîtabie Oc- tober fer. Cati Cf19-833- 2038 GEORGETOWN RENTAIS 1, 2, &3 bedreeme, Checkr eut ana site wwwhaitsnhiiisien- GEORGETOWN f hearosm aparqment. S775 montE. AvaîtaSie October Iti t ana 3- bedreoms ouxîlabie De- cemher lti. 8775 ana 8975,month. Incinans Ceai hyarocabie Park- ing extra, Caii 905-873 6284 GEORGETOWN t- bedroom basemenit aparinent, oewiy reno- vaied Close Io ail amonîties No pets Avaîlabie rmmediaieiy S750,mooip inciuciOg tiiiîes Cxii 905-702 8064 GEORGETOWN i bdooisim in qoui ivîl4 irîq Ovaîlairie Oci Sur lIs S595 is nt O 0pli sydril ND pets 9ri 'ý 334 MILTON i iti Lr Oc! f si arkirq aun dry ilti! fr00 S750 noirp Ho nflr ror avait voie îmnredîaieiy S400 mis cxii gos e7s-2615 ana bpave message GEORGETOWN exch- etor apartmenti n quiet building, close to ail[ a m e n i i i e v S630 montE, firsi ravi, nu-pets. nonîsmokers Auariale îrnnedraiey Refereives please 519-833-2573 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street SoutE, me are non accepinrg appioations toi -1 bdrm Cor more informaion xna.or to make an appornimeni Pieuse Calli 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny MILTON 3 large bidon, api vOie large kîitr rnom H appiuricos 4 mi parkingrio neoi xv lilablu ioryil aiclu $1050 - P4ro rail i 905-e97 hi91 or 905 30? 9366 RENTALS 1 bedroonr apagrrerii r i rrc buiding in Plockaoorj $650 monie 2 ana 3 bedroum suies n Acton prîvate yard, siaoîing ai S850 moniS DeiacheOl Sousn toi rCien in Georgetown. ra uine lot, greai neîgh- Saurhoea. St .805 montE. Cali Elizaeth Donill Johnson luso claies Reattot 95877- SUITABLE toi protes- sienai coupla. 2-sea- reom ulxwntswn Georgetown aboya steretroni Ootobeî tut 8851 monthSbeparate laundryinmelrs. No parkirg pets/smoking f-866-322-84f1i Exi #337, WANTED perfeci ten- ant, 000 smicKer t oi new ooe 5COioOn apastmeni 2 ineies in Century home. 10 mîns West of Crin, 15 minv East of Guelph. Parkirg foi une $675 montin-0 ioudes ireai & riyal Cxai 519 833-2385 ACTON, ',pruain seri rivai, aigu. yard aipl pi ark i . n o les OH orcnt îîrr i i MILTON cO hove 0î pliarîrsý avariairie Large oive- usay Avariabie Sept St1300 moolh r, uii rires 905-875-3750 MMFor RenI DOWNTOWN Milton. 2-Surin Updaie Cri tury home, 2-viory 2 baiEs, AC, C Vac. Jet- fuir parking. Ouiet largle sackyarit arap arouna porcs ana decr Sf6501monts inc e utîlîties 905-691 8246 FARMHOUSE CLOSE TO MILTON _3-bdrm , den, seciuded ana /îeshiy tlecsrited Comes nuSh triage, sîxue ana woilstoxe. Launa ry ana cabie a v a i i a b i e $1.250 03miS, avait- able Nouember ltf Ret tfeguired 90os 8P54-2294, MATTAMY homC in Hawthorne Village toi rer S1250 o utiliis Great location Io hîgh- ays ana 010Cr amen- lies 5applîxo es mravser 5dm ailS 4 pc r rvrîleand salkin 1 uit NO SMOKING NO PETS Conlait bcaîl 905 nc i 6326 MILTON 3-bodrocor icails ouso doduuds h apiîao es llCîvOed Iý, 111v gar 111-, v0 ard central ai v 'vr in plos uIii .1iev AoaiaSie Ori ver 1lvi CaIl 519 853 9495 cr 905-876-5645 MMFor Rent MILTON. 3 iredioom toniouse. inciuding appliances. finoshea rec Mrinm garage $t12CO moCth , utîlîtiese axaîlable immediateiy 90C 876-4499 OAKVILLE- 3-Ced- room tewnheu see axari- able îmmedcately threugh Noxember t, 4 applîxocee, Hopeae Mai aiea, Lakeshore Management 905-876- 3336 Rom For" FURNISHED room auxîlabie immedateiy wrth separate bath and paring. $400 monih in clusive 905 864-6533 FU RNISM E 0/MN UR- NISHEO rooi rn Mil ton Sharea irch bath lavoary Close t" ail amenrires Large hünio wnîh paring Suris oia lvre moale No moir 'rcr pets Od jb aýailabl -35 rcnt al CMi vo i le Lo &Found FOUND ladoes b56 cal t deriy 95 878-9953, PeculiNtces ga 1,NlIces " Auinsj M Autonj WE al oo whal a i fierence recyc ng cao mair fr our enviroomeni Now youi recyci Cg p onnes sorD EOCtes Recycle lr oime foma urese ai i 850ý, 5i 552 Sauray0 SI'l esI)I For Sale A dioing 000 cherry- 004d double credesial table 8 chairsv buvffet, Soi i douelai con- structrio re Sus lt in boxes Cavi SiiOLO0 Sacifico S9600 905 567 94v9 AIL Steel 1Bucldings iaIry drel nianu svr7rs ?o m3 V S100 Sire i1a80 Cari Pro reer /0W i 1800-504 7749 aaa pîoeel buildings ca BEO, Amazrng bargaro, qunen onihopedic pcil lowtop set. rew in plas- tic. narranty S150 905 567-4042 nrli deirver 8EDROOM Cherry- wood, led Sheul. dreseer, 2 nrghisiands HOT Tub/ Spa, 2005 model, ail opionv, Cou- or Neyer ued viil mn osiapper Cosi S8,900 Seil S3.800, 905 567 4042 NEED a home phooe9 Louest orrcCs' row ac tvtn ori tees traCviCi for fiee No je p ovîls One stop PhomnC shoQ non66 992-592h VANTEC Gurixr ana Anl0 Banjo, botS arth harO cases ana ikie Oea $900 for boiS or nuli sali sapaiaiey Cai 519-853-3691 Saturday, September 1711 at 11:00 arn for Pelletterio, gros. (Ashvylle Farms) Most items have been kepti osîde good l ean offering. Located at. 4174 Tremaine Rd., f mile north of Dundas Hwy (Hwy 5), 7 miles south west of Mltee (watch for signe). Consisfing of: Tractors's, good lmne of mediom size egeîpment, pius mîsc. farm related items. Partial List OnIy: Case [H 1594 4x4 tracter wuth cab and air f8' s 38 power shti/t wheels (2350hre), Cash 1H 595 4x4 with cab ood air (1925 hrs) 16.9 e 30 rears, Case 530 ges trac- loer wîth hydraeic leader and cab, Case 350 gae wl/h 3 p/h 12 AC riding mewer 48" cet M.F. 470 indeetrial leader 4x4, Caee 660 S.P. combine 10ft straight cet head end pîckap, InI 225 S.P 100i swather wîth crîmper. 18 ht Wilrich 2500 'veheel csitioatsi and /inger barrsovs (as niew), i<oeîoand S M 4 /orîsw oarî wîdth pissa Case IH 5100 17 con OD drOnlloith giase (ns fert). JO 110 40 plate 12 /f vuheel dîscý 16 /fi har- regaloi 1 21t Visîasnaoik colt. 10/tt doubile pack- ci 6 fi 3 ptin V-ditcher. Daîîaîser pst hoiS aioer 2 -<ibros 385 bus gravity boxes aCd Horst ,,vagonos NH 268 baler 2 t 4 Pt/flot bed wuagonsv Alired baie stockrer aod 010101 7 fi 3 pih nvý ob'hocver h0 3 pth rotary cafter (as neyai 30 /1 baie aod grais elesater, 3 /1010w ICI drag pow t6 bi /tfeeder wagon, G.W. 200 gai sprayeî. Genetas PTC 60 K W generater, 100 ga plastic tank. cement mie. 32 /t of SmaIie penCing, sak rolier and meter. Aiams vacuum pump (/or 30 csws). barn scaies. aeratsr, Bear Caf PTC rsiter mil on wheeis, N.h. 27 blswer. Many more /arm relateS iteme Lench bastb on groCnde. Dovetail ~ ~ ~ Cosruto TersCcaeh or cnege wîts lu. Neyer openned Cout Articles Waoted Jîm McCarlney Auction Service Lld. $1.00 0 5 O5c7rt0ce 905-689-8778 Waterdown 01.9010$ V$ $6 402 $ $Wfan aSd Ai MOT TuC (Spa) Cvers Thia, Sixer Crystal -1 & Swummmng Pool Sale- Te Cupe, Royalo- 00e ' ors""" ty coers-Besi Onice, ion, Swarvs eh as ' ui Mtti Ca sfoSale Besi Ouaity. Al Jae ery, oSd Ohapes & Colours lectubins, estaies. Cxii VENDORS are ooa bSe 1995 Oldsunobrie Cuvi Axaiabie. Cati 166- John/ Tracy 905-33t- C9 acceptea for AI oi lass Supreme Cncni- 585-0056 aaa theco- 2477 Hcgh Schooi's lotS Ar lent shape. e-testeS. verguyca nuai Crati Sale Io Se St.500ý Cail 905 796- heid on Sxiurdxy, No- 0690 or 4t6-846-2606. vîmber 1th. 2005 AuoFnn ing ,= utFInancng from t O O0anu ~jj~în~4 400pm This ru a lu ______________________________ rieci shoa pînsentea Su the AOHS Aducsory Motorcycles ME CAN HELP Covoci Coi oeifr NmdWhl? tmdI Prblo a? matuon, please contdci 1987 Yamoha Mxim RmdWhuasCr t roles? tire uchool ai 519-853 >( 75Occ. O values, OUICK. CONFIDENTIAL ffyuareployed, 2920 6 o-00 km s 10400 APPROVAL wa caa halpi b Cal V183 9014 -Basnrcpti ascharged oi ou cn-ams1an e Pets, Supplies undischargedî i u al o ordn on cîedt I rO5O Ig or Nc ioor poyrr PUREBRED hhti 2004 D do proposa OC T5110frsae "nrg5ý'!ICa *Neo'.rrmmigrantlieugee Riai frDm o Oý_ o,,a eI n0- ,,Afba Ncelsiho-j credît 29 9- 5 Sm Av O iH1 ?c, Lg ýe lto S1 1 Carsfo a 1987 3 iria-I1 ,js lOID r goro n ov bailcry and tires S2 000 Cai Pvar 519 853-81th i' "'fi i.srr - " 10' 0,01 ,sornu vu anId 'rivOl nl 00011-' S2 ou0 Onk 90e,' 702v oii8 'lx 'V323- 9774 Eviengs Apply by Phone - ~Cail Dave WaISon Me. to Sat Today Metion Endaaeears t-905-0395 3416 Fainvian. #08 Cellr 905330-3002 Barlingten - ADI 905-633-884 1iQmý1 '7ý Ï