A22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday September 13, 2005 1tWhy did the a chicken crossW if e gos ne oa 'nec tir ecr aina ngs anaac iositve from DATELINE on page Al15 Weiispr-iie i-aittuîtPeel, a suîppot neîsssrk tii canîcer patients andi ibeit failles. ltiids lis (,entle Yoga prograi i totin 130) i 3 titi ai 254o Sixib inîe iii O.kikslit li- 'llie Milîtn Sentiors' Ai.l i 15( c.ître. i0 C'ltld', D)r., hltds ils Luînch Bunch gi itîp. ss ichl itet'. ai Nlittitt" Milstn C'tîsstt iit.l. ('itoingiiî t'. ,îîî,îîîe. l- Di)onsizers %Veight 1.oss ('lub t.kes; placeai 1<) , ii 'llie s:ti s ' loii ie iýtt~" antd ".4 ti tîttît ttetttbet Foi Moe ii Or k ills ss itli tise Milltonl t'oastmnasters. ithe Ritý .î C'.iiadiait Lee-iit 21 Ch'les St. I ppet te% et>. ai 7:301 piii Fort infitoma- lion. ciii ,\ii Lahite ai < 905 877-3-I-t. 'Flie Tus'. ru of Milîtnir litles lise psublic t is. Comnlunity Open House lto prîts de intip hit the designt of the 'oiii Hall e spatisiti 'iese.ss take'. stace ai 7:311 p.tîs ai T'îssn Hall Victutria Patrk. -43 Bt 11011 St.. ns cîîuricîi chaîtsbers. Fotr msore iittr- ittatuion, cati <90<5< 878-7252. est. 2187 tir visu 55s5ittitsa Tuesday Sept. 13-16 \VeilpIiu lt illttit l>eet. .î Supporit slut loii canet patiet'si' anid lieu famsilles. lititii, il'. leer Stupport lsritratin fi 1 011t1 a. ut. Ioi 2 pm ,ii î 5-45 Sîstb titis in O(),îks tilt' noe îîlOintîî,ttî. tilt 9015) t 257-19188 W'ednesday Sept. 14 lit (',îî,îIî.îî ('uis oî lllil Pl>' liotiti i dinner meeting aiî te t l.k sil te Co'eiteete ('etre, 2"51" Wwusesti Rd., \itl Cite-t slse.keî (itet Mut taý, formittet tt,îs lit of, 'u ttie Mi. MiuîraN .îslsesses the qtin of11i ' Wtteie sl the Nt'ss Deal tir ('iiaaiatî ('lie. ' A cash bai opîent'. ai 6 1)111 tatd tiîîîîer ts.al 7 uts, -llie tii titi tîtettîbet, s t'. $311, tir tutu tteîîîbers is $401 andît tir stîttetît is $15. Tii register tir foîr msure informa tiaoni. cati <90<5< 845-2862, e- iliai t t> iprestisuiti clîgecîs.cî tir vs su 'llie iiatit brandisi olte ('iiidia Mental lieakht A'ssiciaioni hotlti' the Osi Ix 'iii e>To our 24th Annual FREE jlN _J _ j~Bïrr Wodnesday Sept. 14, J II___-f 7:30 0.m. £ue6tiofl & Anmwer5, RDw-reàhment,5, Door PrLze6& This semninar will be held in our showroomn. The store wil be open only to those in attendance where YOD can take advantage of our fabu one night only specials. ~ Proc ~ures on Winterizing Your Pool e ""Troubleshooting and Water Care aValuable Information for New and Experienced Pool Owners 1) 45Main St. East Presented by Halton Pools n' Spas Ltd. and Mursatt Chemicals 845 MAIN STREET E. (0)8878 <Acrorein GOm 8Staton> Btu)8878 sessionî ini its eigltsiweek Youth Anger Management Program troîm 5 iii 7 pu.i in t aks île 'tir yutis ageti 17 iii 21< svts rectigtiie tisy lias e diifiîcîîty miaiaging ilseir att'l 'lie cîsti t' $1 50. Ti tegîstet tii li-io le iformattioni. titi (905< 693 427< VOt N AlebIeittiet Services, cotinuie,, lis tiee 1)enentia Information Series f'or Faiuiii ('aregivers lrin i 7 iii 1) sut ai VON lial,ltî Shittdita'n l e 1-430 iTrafalgar Rît. ini Oa:ks lie etîtet tutu ('eîeîîîîîtî,i t'us li eiîstt. c:îll 95 8-47 1>551< tîtut tirillers Iitg Sisi"r, of' Httît lio lds t stilunteer infoîrmatio>n session ai 7:30 p.i ai 404 Miîttett Rd. ii ()aks icl.'I legistet. cati <9<05> 339)-2355. lTse Miltonî Seritîtîs' Activ iy f'etre. 51X) ('iîti i)., tîîîlds ils Evening Euchre Party ai 7:3< pris. Tise cls i t' $2.50, Utîntract bridge takes iplace at 9:3< a. n. and shuffleboard is beid l'romt 1:31 ii -3:301 pîts. 16e coîs( fuor each otifiese activities ls $2 fotr nseitsbers andt $4 ftîr hlm ieinbers. Aisti. its Wednesday Lunch Counter takes place ss iti aî ht isat tir sotup ansd sandssîich. S ign up ai the reception desk uor phone in yî'ur order in advance The cosi is $6, svhicb includes a salad, entrée, dessert and beverage. For more information, cati <905) 875-1681. 'ýieTi )55n ot Miltont invites the public to aiiietd lis Recreation Open House ai the Militon Seniors Activity Centre, 500) ('lildsi.. tionii 310 Spin. and 6to 8 p.iin Visiiîîis caii leain m oîre about aduit iseterai ilitetest pioîgrams, andtt seiors pritgrai5, voi tmtore iiîlîui tiiiiii cati <905) 87~5-16lX1 o iit su 'ass vilttin Ca. Pesticide Alternatives l'or Milton isseets ai 7 3< p.in. Vîsîttîrs aniiîess mietobers aie \s lcoitte F'or msure infoirtionui. cati (905) 6î93-9837. Thursday Sept. 15 VON Alzheimer Services otters ils îusîîîîîly support group for caregivers of people svibh Atibeimer's disease and retat- ed dissîrders in t6e communiiy roomn ai Liiblass 75 Nipissing Rd., from 2 to 3:30) putn Fosr moure inflormatioin, cati (905 i 847- 9559. The Halion brandi of the Canadian Mental Healtb Associatimn bolds tbe firsi sessioîn ofius Seminars f'or the Separated priîgramn trom 7 to 10 p.m. in Milton. Topics include stages of separation, tegal aspects and co-parenting. Tbe cuisi is $100 per participant. To register or for more informaion, cati <905> 693-4270. Mitoun District Hospital boids a breast- feeding clinic witb a certified lactation consultant from 7 to 9 p.m. For more infor- mation or to make an appoiniment, cati Jean Gailen ai <905< 878-2383, ext. 7030. The Fine Arts Society of Miton's Evening Group of Artists meets from 710o 10 p.m. The informai environment pro- vides artists with an opportunity to exercise iheir drasving skilts. For more information, cati Janis at (905) 854-5753. The Women's Centre, suite 210 in Hopedate Mail] at Rebecca Street and Third Line, in Oakvitte hoids its Women's Caring and Sharing Girele from t to 3 p.m ti Its free Peer Counselling takes place in person or over the phone from 10 a.m. tu 3 p.m. for women facing abuse, grief/tons and relationship issues. For more informa- tion or to regisier, cati (905) 847-5520. The Milton Seniors' Activity Centre, 500 Cbiids Dr., boids ils Book Club meeting ai il a.m. in tbe library te, discuss the sum- mer's reading and start the nexi setection. is Seniors' Cinemas takes place ai 1:30 p.m. i'eaturing Coach Carter. The cosi is $2. ils Foot Care Clinic takes place wiîb a VON nurse by appoîntmenî oniy from 1 10 4 pus. The cost is $24. Bid euchre sud contract bridge are botb beid at 1:30 p.m. The cost for eacb activity is $2 for mem- bers and $4 for non-members. For more Information or 10 book an appointment for the foot clinic, cati (905) 875-1681. St. Paut's United Cburcb, 123 Main St. E., bolds a free introductory dimuer ai 6:30 p.m. for ibose who want 10 leamn more about the il -week Alpha course, whicb witl 6e beid ai the churcb. To reserve a spot. cati (905) 878-8895. Canadian Biood Services hoids a blood donor clinic from 2 to 8 pin, ai Milton Sports Centre, 605 Sauta Maria Btvd. For an appointment, cati 1-888-2 DONATE or visil www.bioodservices.ca. Friday Sept. 16 Weiispring Halton-Peet, a support group l'or cancer patients and ibeir families, boids lis Relaxation and Visualiztion programr from il a.m. 10 12:30 p.m. ai 2545 Sixîb Line in Oakviite. For more information, see more DATELINE on page A32 AIN&