Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Sep 2005, p. 12

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A12 - Tht Canadian Champion. Friday, September 9, 2005 Town seeking funds Base Line bridges By MELANIE HENNESSEV The Champion The lovsn is hoping (o soon recels c $5 mili oit (romn the pros iticial and (edet ai gos coîteents to reconstrutlc bide on) Ioiltct Base Line, Sîîll is apph\ ing,0 (te iloîittteN titinît tlle )nn.da t tat ii M\unicipal Rut al (ni -i ctut c l'ritit ar i to lepl.tce Mo tte laite hiducs kitttsn as tlle H-endet suit Pat k and 13ainslablc bridoes --.tia the Ti lu h,ù are ,î ci ses erels, deter iti ated ttîuîc il etdttrsed deeniie the hi dc s tek as. te lîtghcst prîot pi îîect io Iititdtîte ,t li 1ies 9 nîetit e, llie sinîctîtres ss îiîld be teîîlaced \s it ts ti laite bridgesý. ss htch issoittethieg W,îrd 1 Coute ilîtir Rtck Day .truued isut \s01,11 aiea resdetîs ,îre litoktte (tir. "Nobod> in the iteighboui hoot. dttss iî there wsanis t replace the ote us ay bridges, bie saîd. -To nie. ste're spendiiîg our rney sîbhere people donit stant tl spent. He noted staff sbould find soniewb-ere else in tots n to put the funds to use. Mr. Day recently asked staff, Henitage Milton and the Milton Histonical Soî.ieiy t look int the possibtltty of desîgnauîng tbe one-lane bridges as benitage structures. But, staff recomniended and ctunicîl sup- ported flot prot.eeding ss îtb bîis due iii the lack of siîintit.ant hîsiorîcal salue. the ltac "To me, we're spending our money where people don't want it spent." RICK DAY (ie t.sîstîîî s artîi c.t coittittttieL tii ulecît antd theuîir andi t5tclalo haîîîî Il (ite (tsireceisesý lie luiditie. Ille Hettîltstîti ('ailk iitdge lusi( casi, Reeiiitil Rtiad _25 itits tii le the prittiats p rti(ect. stl cits ltri iti pîtteit Iially starttig_ test seat. \\iirk tit Ilie B,îtnsitble tîrîîle heits cci (-ilil anid Sisîli lties cttld take platce i Both bridiges, alre iii tbe aiea tit I tisser Base Lîie -beiseenl Regittial Rtud 25 aiid Trafalgar Rîîad (btat's curretitly tbe subjeci oilan ens irtinniental assessîtieni. 'Me sîudy. scheduled t be ctîrpleted ibis fail. is being dîme tut address tbe poor conditioîn ti' tie bridges. sîtipe siabiti ctiiicernis sshlere the rîîad is in cloîse (titis iilitty tut trîhutanes ofI Sîsteen Mile (reek and rîtad condititon,, ii general. Alî'Itottî Hé,pitii, luit hi, rîî ti iti/iîti lii' î(ti îîî/Iîîîî îîîîîlîîîî /îîlîîîipiio i Suicide prevention hel-p available through help fines Every 10 hours a suicide occurs in Ontario. This tragic and unnecessary lots of life affects people of ail aget and walks of life, and leaves in its svake grieving families and friendt who must deal svith feel- ings of confusion. guiît and sad- ness. Tornorrow is World Suicide Prevention Day. vvhicb oflers a golden oppi rtîiniiy ii rellect on suicide and break down the cloak ol silence surronnding the issue. l'he lirsi step toward prevent- ing suicide is providing education on its synîptoms. For those concernied about a loved one's behaviour or state of' mmnd, be awvare that signs and symptoms of a suicidai person rnay oftent include but are flot hm-n ied to: # repeated statemenîs about wvanting to, die-, feelings of hope- lessness - changes in behavionr, rou- tines, mood or demeanour - changes in sleep patterns and appetite " inability to think of the future " making final arrangements, gîvîng away prized possessions Experiencing a stressful event insotving loss rnay bc a con- tributing factor for a suicidai per- son. Those lîsoking tIi help sucb a person should trust their instincts and not bne afraid to taik to the person about the subject of sui- cide. This will not give the person the idea of taking hiis or bier life. but may well help theru open up and dîscuss the suicidai feelings being experienced. Sometimes the waming signs may be hidden or difficult to tee. Those who suspect a person is suicidai should ask them directly, hear what they have to say and be supportive. Do flot promise to keep their suicide plans or feel- ings a secret. For those feeling suicidai or know someone who does, help is just a phone cail awvay, with a number oi'crisis ]nes available in Balion. They include: Telecare Burlington -(905> 681-1488 North Halton Distress and Information - (905) 877-1211 Distress Centre Oakville - (905) 849-4541 Kids Help Line - 1-800-668- 6868 Or diai 911 Compost give-away starts Mon. Caîl il a ss n- ssn sssýap. Haltîn Regîtîn su iIl buld ilis Il tb animal ('ail coîmpuost gise-assay Inuit Mtinday (t Septetiiber 17, su îtb pick ups, asýaiable betuseen 8 arn. iii 4:31) p.nî each da> ai tbe Haltîr Wasie Management Site lin Regîtînal Rîîad 25. A.s pat il Haltitis sr t iiidîen t a\zsie assay frInthle lisaI landf-ill site. resideittil s ,rd us aste tic ked uip Inuit curbides s> recycled hit garden- lrîendly coimpost. 'Mis urne aritund, Halton resîdents are asked (o bring along nîîn-perishable lixxd donations to aid recently- depleted area food banks. Cash donatioîns will also be accepted. Residents tîtusi hning iheir tîwn bags or containers - sîîih a mraximum of' sesen per hîîusehîîld -and a shîîsel iii tîrder iii bag, their ttwn conmpost. More than 2.1111) tonnes tof comnpotîsitll be available nexi sseek. HA4XON I FARNING Hîo )src (D FoSehool Roar Halton Learning Foundation gratefully thanks our Sponsors for their generous support of the 3rd J4nual <Dràlingj Pr ExcellevCiolf Yournanwnt MÎcmoft aaI PropertYd0 *ARMR ONEAAR Mission Statement: The Ha[ton Lsarning Foundalton is an alliance of community leaders and staff who art commitd to raising lunds and sttkisg resources, bsyond basic provincial lundisg, iv ennich learning opportunities for students oI the Hattos District Sehool Board Mole Sponsors: La4 *Si M B i Bu I n idiaw Education Services * Hewlett Packard & * Keel Cottrelle LLP À'L unshine Building 4 Office Automation * Lasertworks I aintenance (ne. * R. Roszell Plumbing - Premier Selmool Agend Il(Thatcher, & Heating Ltd. -Snap on Tools of CanAa amaiter & Solicitor -Siarfteet Construction - Kenderson Parlners/LLP hite Oaks * Carruthers Shaw .Tetop ysesjd mcondary Selmoot and Partiners Lid. 0 o m Sysaeý:d. vestais Group - Aquic*"~ t5o City Parent proudly presents our 1 st Annual tCIT Sponsored by HUJDSON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2005 International Centre - 1 2NOON TO,4:OOPM Aviation Ballroom, 6900 Airport Rd. This annual exhibition wiIl bring together parents, chidren and independent schools to discuss the various possibilities of education. 10NTENNA THE SPEWNG BEE O F CANADA HOSIS A 'MINI BEE' FREE PARKING e FREE ADMISSION For more information or ta exhibit call 905-81 5-0017 -1P0â1éWt Halton District School Board

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