Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Sep 2005, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, September 6, 2005-A7 Milton astronaut Chris Hadfield, front row, second from pictured here with members of the crew (from Ieft), the University of Cincinnati. The crew will spend 18 days right, has been invited by NASA as a back-up crew mem- Canadian surgeon Dr. Mehran Anvari, NASA astronaut in a research station that's similar to a space station locat- ber for an underwater mission in October when surgical and mission commander Lee Morin, NASA astronauts ed about 20 metres below the ocean surface off the techniques and technologies wilI be put to the test. Hes Ronald J. Garan and Nicole Stott and Dr. Tim Broderick of Florida Keys. Hadfield part of crew for underwater mission By MELANIE HENNESSEY The Champion Local as.,trinatut Chrs t-tadt-ild ciiutd sîon bu trading ni hîs spacu suit for scuba gear. T'he Milton nativ e h.îs buci n ivted te bu part (it the baek-up creis tior an t S day uîidurisater NEEMO 9 (NASA Litruinu Ens iroîîment Mission Opuratons) imson on reniitc îîîdicil care. %% hure e\pcrinicnts su il] bu ceîiduicdusn thu l,îîcsî surgical technologies anid clîntîlues. "t thîiught ti ýýoutd be quitu intcrcstîng.'" Mr. t-t.dfucld said oft the nmissionî. '*lis aî grcat placîe tii test ttuînigs, %%e mîght su .îît te îry ii aî space sta- tte csplauutcd the issýion suit t.îke place tîîîi Octobeî ' te 20) ii aî ubblc lîke researih i sation suLhîîiered oti the tlorid.î Kuî s, su lîch lie sait ha,,s ie s ur ilar uti'. iiiiîiîît tii a space stationî. Hu saîd the cresu suil] be perlîîriniî sîîînlaied surers. ,îll the \% hile bcîîîg guiduit bý ysurgeuons in Htamiltoin si a .îiîduîî lînk. A robhot cîînîrîlled by a surgeonî iii Haîiiiliiîn \iîll alsîî bu gîîung oin the excursiont tii take part in the experiments. 'We're usîng ibis training as a way tii pusb tucbnotogy tii the very edge." saîd Mr. Hadfield. "To do (surgery) remotely under diffèrent condi- tîîîns .uttts a su tuie les etl ofiîtttpllesîtx. 'Flic utiteri ater ie\ esi l incmIe NASA .isiriiîiut antd NEtM (I) 9 îîîssîîîî commant.îîder t c Moirtin, )r. TM Briiderick oftihe 1. !titiesi of C'incinnai.ti and NASA astrîînauis Riîîald J. (jarati anid Nicoîle Stiitt. ('.nadiaii suirgeoni Dr. Mebrati Aîs .rî s %ill suerie as diel, scîcîttîlie iîlicer. gunitg tlic creis îî) %li l bu îsîîl.iect ni a.1 I heu by -ti0 liait lis- iîg sp.ice aboîut h 65 eîe.îtlî th i uait. )r. Aitsani nîîiud the NE-Mit 7 iission suc- destlyîeîîiiîistratud it \% as poissible tii get a îîîîîîphy sîcîaî asiriiîaut Io pertiirin a1 s aiiety et tli.igýtiii unîtsrialîî iii an eircîi cii ni- e. îîareî aî lot oft s .liî,ble le'siîi, soîîîî of, Ms bi htaie led iii il e île elîîpîîeîî ot prograîiis for iii o ioiltieei C'.iîtaiinuîîiîs aîîd oic tird isirld counirv,- lie saut. ltc tuited ile lure s aI su ecui terud cthal- lenges. sncb as the finime delay creatett hy tutu- ciitmîtunîcatiiig osýer loing dtistanices. -This cati bc ditticult eniiugh wbeîî iiis a one oîr îwîî secînd detay. but tii the inoon., that detay stretches tint iii four secomnds. \Ve need tut tind oui il'we cant itprate under those cîreumitatices," bu said. "Onu of the primary questions tfor NEEMO ",4We're using this training as a way to push teclmology to the very edge. To do (surgery) remotely under different conditions adds a whole level of complexity." 1) p te t md ouit ind how vie cin o\ercitee (lie h.iirier (it finie detay during thiese telerobotie 'tiit- emtinters entioi, ns l)r. /ins .îîi pisnted out flic % ork donc on the iiiS ilnc l havie aî miajor imipact on etilTent rescarch anît thlic s celopinent ot nisN techioto- glus îctudîng nuis robotic and surgical plat- terins î'.hiuh can bc used on earth and ni space. In addition te 1)r. Anvari, Dr. Jutian Dohranowski and Dr. Anthony Aditi trorn St. Joseph's Healthcare in Hamitton witt work with the NEEMO 9 crew Io examine the abitity of îîîîîîneîtic.il personnetil iii pris.uce digitaîl r.îdî iiuralbs iii e'.ireiie uns îrîînîîîienis and treai a butte fracitire andî jit in Jury tîrîîug htecîiiî îîtiic.îtîîis. -We siatit Io bu aîble tii detîser the hîghest qu.ilty dîiagnoistic care iii reîîîîte areas of' ttic iuiirlct as isetl aîs in space,. said Dr. t)ibranîîiî ski. 'Eýierinietiiýiion su itb digitail radiigrapby i iliese types ot extreîîîe etivirotîmenis is ani imipoirtant step tii tItis piiicess.' Whtle Mr. iadt ekt iay nit bu calîcît îîîtî surs, ce l'or the miîssion, lie siî bus,ý îakin ir.îîîrain inîg su lie'lI bu ready. t-tu tîited i ic pasi. back- îîp creii s liase becît ntîlized. VTherciýe beîî cîphi NEEM() missionîs ttî date. NEt-MO t9 s a totti priiect itîstiîng ilie McMaster Uniîversity ('entre l'or Miniîmal .Access Stîrgery ai St. itiseptî's 1-tealtibare, NASA, tbe ('an.diaiî Space Agency. tbe US Ariny Teteeicinu and Advanced Techniitogy Research Center and tbe Natioînal Space Bîtîniedical Research Institute. Mî'Ianiî' I-eunesseî' tapi bu reacled <ut mien- riuisseiCdî,iloiîtcanadicinuýhanp)iiii.ciinî. From Downtown Milton ... 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