Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Sep 2005, p. 34

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B2-The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Sept 6, 2005 Celebrating the leadership of Mayor Krantz throtîgh two and a haif decades On behaîf of the rnenbers and staff of the Milton Cbarnber ot Commerce, %ve are deligbted to extend warmn greetings and congratulations te Gord on this r-nost auspicious occasion. Peter C. Newmrran wrote that "Politics in Canada lias always been the art ot making the necessarv possible." Mayor Gord Krantz lias pertected tbis art. Since elected to Milton Counicil in 1965, bie lias bielped buiild the toun- dation and cornierstones ot tbe Milton commntv tbrot-gh bis involve- ment ini services provided bv tbe Region of I-lton, Niagara Escarpmnent Commission, Conservation Halton and Milîton Hvdro. As Mavor, be bias lead the grovvth of Miuton's tuture with sigîtiticant projects like the restoration of tbe Town Hall facilitv, Milton J .eisLire Centre, tbe 401 Inctustriail P3ark, Mill Pond restoration, and tHe redevelopment of Rotary Park to name onix' a few. Niavor Krantz, voit are truilv an outstanding examinple ot a person wbo bas servedi bis communifv wxitb bontestv and integritx'. As Mayor for. a quarter of a centuirN Vou bave gîven tbe people of Milton tbe effective and responsive representation tbev deserve. We join in tbanking youi for vour leadership, vision and uniparalleled entbusiasm. We wisb voui con1 tinuied success! Mayor cares: colleagues Krantz hî s li ad lunte Io itake Iitends iii (ie corrirs oi muiicpal powecr. Sonîie id ihe people tvhi haves \oiked wtl M. Krati os\ei ttic years rclici oin his leadership, iierstiitiy anid poitties dut îng flic 2151h ycar tif bis ten. ims tpottant inibers tuf* Mr. Kranti,'s tean. Ciiel'Adîruinisirative ()ff'ucei- Mvaritt Bets edere anid Ectonri J)evettitent ()tficer Andrew Siltala. wtirk cltîsely ,oith tlic itiaytir oit a daily hasts anîd kntiw whai ktitd uit cadet tie is hehind cltised dtuurs. Mr. Belvedere, ýý,o'ý isorked o 1h the mtîytir f'or six yeai s, said te admires Mr. Kraiiie's touts lin pniities "He flias a lîuuo respect itîr ttc taxes peu- ple pay:- te satd. 'Ile's a keen oacuer of' tlie pubhlic ILcrse. Mr. Belsedere tîsti teels lis leaderstip au (i id îtti -l ýoutld characicrize hîs tead- ci sfip sty te itt lti) oays. He leads hy esanple. and ttc us ,,ery surategic ntus ttcli appt tacftes mianagemient. Wle t1e bcias a loti tii say ahbout ttc iiii\ii s pilsitise poits. tie satd 25 years su int tif te-lcltitis spoa r ltentcselvses. "Vitteus seeît Io perceise te is doing an i uIistaniîdîg jobh," tc satef. Mi. Siltala. uots orked oith the iuyir tir fisc >car,,, atsti secs, Mn. Krniti,'s lîtîtestiv as et udence of tts ctino mtitert ti i lte coiitiuniiy. "Bus largesu cotiution s tuls dedica- tittit. te said. Iles puiured a tuge amrntn t'lis Iltfe ittî tfe tiosni. He reatty takes it But accuirdino ti Mr. Siltala. il's Mr. Kranî,'s .iit to iteraci is t Mltonians oit un: le\el îfbat inkes tîto ait ettectise leader. I oirk iii tis ofifce aitd I sec il esers citizii/es tîo tie deals o iti peoîtple irctty aîîîazîng." te said. -1 thnk te's ttc îenfeci kîîîd tifleader." Mike Ledwit is a clise friciid tif' Mr. Krani,, and is alsti in ttc unique ptosiioni iii evatuaiîg lis performance as ioayttr tas ing sut in the pttsition tiiself. Mi. Ledssiih is te oîîly utîter living çîer- ston wttî tas tîccupîed the office tifMîlitîn îîaytîr He svas mayor in 1957 svtei Miltonî celehraicd ils lfllth anniversary. and lias et ery intentlion tof' aiieding ils I Oth aîivcrsary in 2(1)7. [le decurthed Mr. Kranli as a great iirganier. anit said escryttîl knttsss tîm arutund lots n. Wtilc te tears ttc idet clini platint. Mr. tcds tît suict tat intîsiti ols taiý is saîd is polsitive. -te's (1(1 per cent in my eycs ," said Mr. t.edtttith. '-le's very gtitd tn itis ted." Effective negotiator Regitinal Chaîrman Jotyce Savîttîne. aitier ltîîî i uic colleague . said Mr. Kranii tus ctuîîîpiîîned poitive change tior Milîton durim, hîs lenture. "t(Be) ovas liigtly instrumental in tiegiti uiingý îîuct needed devetîîpmeni lui ttc area."- saîd Ms Suvîttîne. "Ttrougtîîui tis terni, Gotrd tus slîîîsn leadership and rcîîîuined tigtly engaged in tte clîmmuni- îy. t-te reully ls the people's muyîtr and truly cures about Milîton residenis." Durlene [)uvidson. the mayor's execu- lise assistant for the pusi 25 years, said il's un tonour tii work svit Mr. Kranlz. "Tte niaytr is a genîle leader closesi to ttc people and Is pussionale about Milton. Be stures tîs svîsdomn and experiences. stîsssiiîceriiv and respect wiîli- eivery itîdîs idual thatiteracis o t tît," ste said. Muelor Canada r We at Mueller Canada wauld l"ike ta cangratulate Mayaor Krantz an 25 ylears af service ta aur Tawn and Regian. 8069 Lawson Road Milton ON L9T 5C4 Tel: 905-878-0541 Fax: 905-878-3888 wwwv.muellercanada. com L'

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