Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 6 Sep 2005, p. 28

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28 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Septembler 06, 2005 ~mfepSkulied & Skîlled & Skilled & Office HelpOfieHl _IGnriHl 8Geea ep M eea Hep raHlp Technical HeIp echnical HepTechnical ffelp ____ r, iric itc r-ir cirrýors unli l0 'eS o 'ire as fdtiws General Office Duties trie ofttice aditi iiotei taeiiig rite te epSase, orvcirrg and cuitai et rettîrons Tie atO rto sreàr Fretnfh aoutd detîneS -In lssr Sot is r i requited Packa ginq WeP criLe Lilspieric in of poaitu ie ci hers * op eo Pot tiese posruior- pricofs asti or ýe cet s fit npcesoat r aoevei r iLi~5 Ous C drn e p f.seiv ii ocir oore .t t Prit ris' ire foui appirurtiO', Plrise sero ts rrIcr irip et ie pi iv tOrd s tine and tetl us ali le bd ttdot viciietf Ao ai ce -ontiated c e cons tO interview rior We lock tOrwad id heamrng Employment Positions Esslinger Foods Il 5035 North Service Road, Unit Il7 Burlington, ON, L7L 5V2 ie4ÏAiPER PIET tr Super Pee il tooking for Fu# and Part flne Oepartmenf Staff Bfor our Mieotnt location. If you have a strong backeground in re-tataita commiffment to customer 5N . and a knowliedge of and Spassion for pets, please forward Weüw a apécrlts - (FoRTINO)S FORTINO'S (New St.> Ltd. 5111 New St., Burtington 'ePr!n PART TIME STAFF Wrù are AU DEPARUMN1 iV îe reeir trl, If yau are interested in belng a part ot eur grewing family, tili aut an application in-stnre or fax riette tal 905-631-1167 Large produce suppliter sequfres receta- et shtppet with computer skîiIs. tork it training, knowiedge and eapertence wtth fruits and Segetables (Quaity Contrai). fil be requtred to work wtth mtntmum su pervitstion, Fax resumne ta 905-878-9010 Attention Guy Ramsay Tri-El Industries Inc. 125 McDoaidBuevad Acton. OtarioLJ V7 Ful-Time Sewers and GenerattLaorers1 18equrement Sefmorateteam aerj uster id 6diP rdepeidPfle rCc Off or Fax Resums r' 519-853-9138 DONT MISS OUI! Great Onportunît in Burlington! l5oi fS600-S800 Guararteffc Montri s G as Substdy Eaîty m0'trtig 00cr ro ccci Delivery of the Hamilton Spectator & Toronto Star r u e- abje VI/ar- s - ays a Aee,' Cali Now 905-639-7700 AZ DRIVERS (LOCAL GTA) OFFICE FURNITURE INSTALLERS GENERAL LABORERS/IMOVERS We offer coîîîpetrtiee acages and fovrtite, tolmîedrate openig Mr9 Managter aiat be05 814u0613 LOCA DOVLNG DR.MPANY0 PT Os repit eoe a D SPT.6,, --5O Ok' d :1 ta tEEA LABOUR Doain:r 0igotaitnMlo $1 0 -1dir9 5 34 LAOSAER Mat orIasCErSu dormasr Ltte ca it r ire a 905-631ri3333t o ud erts o e e ratt S ait a acrk îg ritco Pso ar Tme Piio sOitins îs r Ooortem andh tiber e ot rt air Fa aesum o0 (90) 54064 nd sat90> 54 Bae 0640. S l Tor ratrDrvr Looking for Stevens Res L _ 905-87 ANDSCAPE CON STRUcCTIfONs Company recailes Lead Hand/ Labourers Min. 2yli expeience Great Qpoetityt Faa 905 Sto 82B0 ai cati 905-200 t500 TEAM AUTO CLEAN Requires F/T Car Detaifers No eoperience necessary. WfOl train. Apply Within: 909 Nipissing Rd.r Milton San&Spa filt work? Cai - ource Croup 8-7789 j 7oductonLabaurer stay ullme, Mi44. Sours e1.2 n o a e monts Si 30am to 500pm 930 Sfeldoî Court Buington. PS 905-634-7751 LOCALft ELECTRICUAN tiafaigri Cartadas trdiî stupptiei of caîsirucira maleiats Sas an irOttipo itt foi art Eltri Intru eeporîeitin ibrih Marienanîce Forrian you wiut ftr respoirbtr' foi irepatîs, istaation aid maintenance oftat eltect tr ist r tumrentation eriurpert ii accoîdance writh compaiy politcio-s tiof ptrovinicial ririjtt tis Troubtrshotrtittq aid faîtoîrri it)altys viiftr thebitrty tri riitrf arnd triotritteutc treieia actiotri tri ittaii tIpitito and ri oirti ponta falit ro wîtt bc t itiriii Titis postrition enrtatis prJodre riposutre tri the eriterts, itttatton aboori suîrface gtrae tthirifi wroîft td iatt ouîs cilrtiffert o ccrîitiîre wrargri eesttrîts wntt r ooeîrîg ltirr shotutd bp tibnrltmed tin rtir thai September 16 2005 tri rElectrician" Lafarge Canada Inc. 628 Highway i5, Outias ON L9H 5E2 Faxt (905) 628-5690 rririrrrirrpî,u~~~S ttrrirut uirt uu to 11- MOBILE MECHANIC WANTED Gîdeseved CPL Sysiems ta coiieitly seekrîq il viduts no irstat aid seric e autoai tubraio (auto gîeaseî sfstems. os trcs, trirs aid mobite uteavf equtpmei Prime candidates wttt possess: * Stros0 backriound in maintenance aid tepair TiSe abtirty ta wok fit ilie id no direct suoperisior *SIioig iuSiomet seric e sil[l Otait if ie verki elr' 'tai rij ~i r pec forr rig qcait'v soi,!-e A -.ecr o vrng eid Weidiig aid arai aur expetienet wil e ai ao ser Gr OSOLPOi piroies rra rirg and aino errier-r Cire pOtragc e o--rao r-s dceridt o r extirr e- e a'nd qLda iraio T5,Or is iFdired F etse 'ris:c j, ar or t'ma, t 7,m~~ ~ ~ -ou a 0 1522 Pieas Feeder in the Qakvrie aiea foi 29" ManRoamd aheetfed press. This permanent paît-lime position wttt mtgrate 10 futt-ttrne. Guasamteed 24-50hra wk w/bemefrts. Experienced Parts Person GMl riperience p rierredr Faitar wiii ADP i rfouse sysien ar-d Fripuesi Ca talogu syer vsir OssP Ptease Fan resume ta: John Fortune: Parts Manager Fax 905-844-6208 or T W NE Emaît: tohnt@townechee cern LIENE AUOMTV O EHIC INOUSTRIAL SEAMSTER SEAMSTRESS ticcatef il Mltus. experienced secet or rîdustial mu- chne, manuauing lt s erre m'.der- aie lifing is reqatte ffl lme Ptease crat: 905-878-6144 or entait reaume Io: info@àseatfacto- ry.ca Off iCe Manager! Bookkeefer iequired 55 Batlrngtsî 'ompasy in autsluio tOndustiy Must have Ero, Fax resurme te: 905-335-5767 Mâýýet,- Oir titient. a toca commercia tefrigelatiai cor- Ottoctios service compaiy, taeqoîts or accoaitaii ta supetoîse office otes and aclîoey pefairm thF baokkeeping funictîi (1dm data eîty ta prepata tici of moi and annua fînacl staterrento Constructidn accouîtiîg exper ence tetatea 0o aurk-rnptogtess 1s a pie-tequîste As soustaidilg opplotunty ta caîk foi a saccesofu aid eîegt osterprîse sn a tetaxea atmospheîo Direct renames to: HORNE ILLP, Chartered Accountants 855 Brant Street, Burtington, On L7R 2J6 Entat:temerson@hornetp.com Attention: Teresa Emerson PERSON FRIDAY Burti5gt05 dîstibutrot îeqaJree rîdrordua wSo cas filt a oaîrety of positions. Job so itude corne cas- tomai service. carehoase assistance, fiig, traee phone, computer entîles etc. Pasitior avarlabte rm- medrate. firgh Sohoal Drpioma îeqired. Sabmrt resumes by Sept. 9, 2005 to ENER-GARD ENERGY PRODUCIS INC. Fax: 905-336-1507, Email: admnin@ener-gard.com Aiberici Conatructars ls ai aggîessaey eepaodrng construction serces comn paly WiS offices in Canada aid the U .. Atbeîric s îuoknd as the 29th top coîttactot in Canada aid Sle 47ts top contiactro in She U.S Ai a îesuft if inter- sut promotions we have She tffdcwing openîngo in oui Baîrîgton locaion. Accounts Payable Cîerk Repoîtrîg ta She Accounts Payable Supetuth e Accounts Payabte tetrk is tesponsiSte foi pîaceeîrng opîdris paymenîs The ouccesîfu appfîcaîi wtff haae a minimum of 2 feats epetrence in Accounts Payabte. Youl pool îecoîday scutoo educaton in an accnuiriig îefuted field, advanced skiffs sn Word. Excel auto Orifial aid ridai asiris' Ido decet cîrested, artS excellent nîganîzatronal communicatri and customor service skil filn pîîve id be an inalfabe usset ,n tis rolp Corporate Concierge (Receptionist) eeporîrsg rc une Ccîpcîaîo Adfais Communicaions Direcîci She succesfor cal dOtOa! wii SP iPipdniir.Pt e fo rg ana dîîPclrng vis iota ai Oui nec Builn fors ofce p nscer r-g rhe cwil.nouto trPidirg incuies. nandf ng murl & cot is TO'Ogin SA aroîoom 'ad 'opc'oie Oveý The successtu andîdute arri nave 3 ic S years '0iIe UP c , 0'O-c O tru ooper or- e a Sh a mati ina swat'boaio & a, eries background isinvs -a,, Fr i & Ouitcdrr s teuored We 'r-ar-i Orl Opd i Ort - Ori n StijiOrO n c s'l candidates Oerig cor-s ooro iý l, Der-oa IeaN plo'e ai pia'Ic ogrir et Ptnase faxor nie-mait pour resume t0: - 400 Wettington St.,N.l 1 t7,r oe Hamilton ON, L8N 3G4 e- Emaît: imacdonaldtSatberici.com *Lpns; BURLING TON LOCATION Part-Time Office Part-time Cleaner O,r Olice rs' '-'ý 'ce ose: o' drk posJi Ceol rgpos i rti'n, É 001s ar- c Please appty wfth resumne te: 3167 N. Service Rd., Burtingten L7N: Fan: 905-336-2744 'More We Grow Again" Joaune Publics tutti Locited al the OEW Wnston Church il nus un mimert openin BILINGUAL CUSTOMER SERVICE Dfurc. fumly-ocr-eo cmpuîf seeing gero -nduj Oua arti excellent commonicatit guiatuinaý su fis. Freitn mnaiduioiy W Sowevet trust nave at reast 50 .p.m. O Word erperrence Cuafîdied inOiie OuaiO pîeaae totosarO ydui Seao amnontesano@joannefabicsc -Fluent rut Spur sut aid Eigirsi -2 yeuis A ccauts Receivuofe ex -Word. Excel urd JOB erp. un usset Excrtellent versa and ai e comnmunicat i Piease forwiard your resume Il THERMADYNE INTERNATIONi 2070 Wyecrott Road, Oakvitte, ON L6L Fax:905-827-8387, kftowers@thermadyn We cuir- tFo f oSO alpliarts, n ce-vel ilhose se éce !o anreve w!! b'c~ cort Fao: 905-528-8851 t elestaant The FiseBa) Hisîog Wait Staff, ee Dishwashers, hte Line Cooks eîerds Frr-PIT Fan 905-827-2026 3G2 ______ ad Children's as P/T Sports Coach g foi aý foi Oak.t Buif. REP Refateti expeience as eseî- with chrfdîen ages 2-8 on & or- SaVs year round, lit train, 9:OOam-1 :3Opm atiddti Ph:1-f77-678-5437, trainificii -me ta sportball.ca 38 www.Sportbali.c a, WILLOWGLEN Montessori School f Oakvilte) requtres sets Teacher 0:L After school e.cnm Fax tesamne to, On f 905-338-0646 acîed. ci Caf 905-338-7287 *lsie Ph 87:24 @Fa 876:236 clas ifie g mit o * g * ianchmpio gg 5ALON GROUP & 50PY & 5OUL Requires Fr tionist for an upscale salon & spa. Must have good communication skills and general computer experience. vite also require-HakeWW Jr HaLrsWilist and Ma-irdiýe-mr -Assistants Cali 905-b75-9533 & a5k for Martin or Entrait re5ume to:,dmtntm@aol.com

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