OSÀ s Real Estate SPORTS COIVflIJNITY' See wat's MaradersWeb site bringing on ee wh trle MarauloJr 'm-~oms donser toQether Corner of OtdTARIO & STEES C n b WE CAIRRY C Qe PARA 482t teeis Ave. E. SOT-TR IACA ED *Mon Wed 7 3am 6:pr 90.63.41 Thurs -Fri 7:3Oam -7:ODpm METROLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER VOL. 146 NO. 45 TUESDAY AUGUST 16,2005 $1 0(GST included) 44 PAGES 'Using Commnunication to BuidBetter Communities" 1 Bats found in row of 7 townhouses By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Most people wake up fromn nightmnares. Dave Hillier woke up to one. At 2 arn. Friday whie the rest of the world was snug in bcd, Mr. Hillier was running fr-anticaliy down the stairs after opening his eyes to find two bats flymng about bis bcd- roomn while his wifc, Karen, slept. "I went downstairs and saw anoth- er circling," he said later that day. Dasbing for bis cell phone, Mr. Hillier said be ran back to bis roomn - thse bats had flown out - and Brown bats Ilke this one were found ln local townhouses. slammed thc door behinri bim. The couple callcd 4-i-i for thc name of a local animal control serv- ice, he said, and staycd in their roomn for Uich reat of Uic e night along with Street townhome, allowing an ani- mal control worker to do bis job. Al thrce werc schcduled to reccive pre- cautionary rabies shots. The couple said thcy wcre particu- larly concemcd about their daugister, whose room is juat below the attic where a lot of bat droppings wcrc found. "If she was aslecp, how do we know sise wasn't bitten?" her mom questioned. As it turns out, thse Hiliers weren't thc only ones with problems. Far their five-year-old daughter, Jennifer. from it. Hours later, in Uic light of day, Uic At 7:30 arn., Ron Repst arrivcd trio lingered outside their Ontario - see CREATURES on page A2 Comment ...........AS Bateline..A1S-A19,A29 Business ...........A12 Champion Country . .Al3-A1 7 Classified ........A25-A28 www.miltontoyota.com www.goffuwouQoromp.com