The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 12, 2005--A7 Council rescinds tentative plano to move refuge house to Milton OUR< REAkI M H/RITE ( ba"'i0 a ad <>1/er publications ini order to provide a window into Miltons pasi. EXPlanatorv comment is sonîetimes pro- vided to place the situation in contexi. January 1906 The county counicil dccided on Tucsday to rescind the resolution locating the bouse Of refuge on the Moore farta, Georgetown and to ereet it in or near Milton. A number Of petitions wcrc prcsented. Tbey came fmom ncariy ail the poliing sub-divisions in the townships and asked the council ta cstabiish the house of refuge here. Depulations from the four townships and Milton were in attendance to back up the petitions and their members addressed the council. Dr. R. W. Bruce Smith was aiso present and addrcsscd the council. He said that it was desirable that the bouse of refuge sbould be estabiisbed aI or near the county town, because visits froru the grand jury wcre nccssary and 50 was supervision by county officiais. He urged that it wouid not be fair bo other counlies, whicb had compicd with the set rcquiring the erection of a bouse of refuge in cvery county. 10 make an exception in I-lton's favour. He argued that it bad becia found by experience that it was benter snd cheaper for eacb county to provide for ils own indi- gents than to farta tbemr out to bouses of providence and similar institutions. Though the acî required a farta of not iess than 45 acres in connection with eacb bouse of refuge, he did not tbink the Govemment would insisî on Ibis or on expensive buildings. Mr. Ford's resolution 10 change the orig- inal arrangement was then passed and H.P. Moore stood up. Be explained that until then be bad bad no officiai notice of any general opposition 10 the Georgetown loca- lion. Having received it, bowever, be pro- posed to accept tbe proposition, wbicb had been made 10 bave the building erected on the counîy property in rear of the court bouse and jail, but be wouid be in favor of allowing more than $5,000, the sum wbicb had been namced, for the building. Be would make il $ 10,000. He moved a reso- lotion to that effeet, wbich was carried. The membera of the deputation and Dr. Smith then lcft the counicil chamber, but the inspector returned later and asked permis- sion 10 again address the counicil. Be said thal lbougb he did not tbink there would be any interference wiîb the proposai to erect the bouse of refuge in. rear of the jail1, be did not consider the location a good une. The grounds would be ton smail and there were other objections. Be advised the counicil 10 ~Iiton TIme German shepherd shouldn 't be considered Capsulessafe atter last week's attack on smail dog select a picce of land sufficiently large out- side the town. It is practically settled that ibis will be donc. (No building was ever built and Halton combined with Peel in providing accommodation in Brampton until the 1950s wbcn I-aiton Centennial Manor was built.> (Toronto World) Seven youtbs from Milton put il over an Argonaut septet by 1 goal to O in an intermiediate 0.1-lA. gamc at the Mutual Street rink last night. The ice was ratber sticky Tuesday cvening but tbe cmowd wbo went to the rink to sec the match betwecn the Milton and Marîboro intermediate teams saw some very fast hockey. The locals had things pretty mucb tbcir own way sud won by 13 to 5. Though the wcathcr was mild on Saturday there was slcighing, and there was skating at the rink in the evening. During the nigbt the weather became s0 mild that by Sunday morning the snow was aIl gone, even on the north side of the mountain whcre il melts much more slow- ly than it docs on the level. Sunday was like a spring day. Doors wcre left open, people sat on their verandas, and overcoats wcre discarded. Flics, becs, caterpillars; and other insects wcre scen. At Hamilton a temperature of 70 degrees was recorded and the finding of musbrooms in fields near the city was reported. Boats and canoes were on the bay and barefooted cbildren paddled in the watcr. February 1906 There was an increase in the business of Halton's Regisîry Office last year over that of 1904. The total number of instruments filcd waa 1,384. The number of deeds reg- istercd was 494. The water tank, which the G.T.R. is erccting near the local station, is ncarly twice as large as bas been reportcd. is capacity will be about 95,000 gallons. It will be kept full only as long as there is an overflow froru the town reservoir. This inaterial is assembled on be/soi of the Milton Historical Society by Jim Dlls, who con be reached atjdils@Cidirecîtconi. Dear Editor: Uta writing in regard 10 the recent front-page article in The Champion about a stail dog being attacked by a German shepherd. A picture is cerlainiy worth a tbousand words, and wiîb that in mind bow can any pet owner look ai the photo of the injured dog. named Emma, and believe Ibis wasn't a vicious sntack? One can only assume from reading the story that the owner of the German sbcp- herd didn't appreciate the extent of the damage that ber pet inflicted. 0f course boîh dog owners have a différent account of wbat took place. The owner of the injurcd dog said the Gerroan shepherd bit ber dog and sbook il repeaîedly. The German shepherd owner, mean- whiie, mainîsins that her dog didn't shake Emma but merely bit tbe dog and then wenî back 10 the bouse. In my opinion, the lcngîh of the gashes on the stail dog are consis- tent with the dog being shaken vio- lentiy, resuiting in tearing of the skin rather than a puncture wound that would bave been causcd by just a bite. Predators shake their prey 10 break the bieck or back. i believe Ibis wasn't jusî a bite but an attempî t0 kili, and any dog that tries 10 kili anotber dog for barking mightjust as easily reacî 10 a stall cbild squealing or ruaning as potential prey. Dog owners are oflen resistant ta) identifying aberrant behaviour and sometimes fail 10 realize the seri- ousness of sucb indicators. Essenîiaiiy dogs bave been domes- ticated froru wolves but retain mucb of the behaviour of their wild antecedenîs. If one interprets the dog's behaviour as an attempt 10 defend ils owner, une must con- clude that tbe dog's bebaviour isut appropriale for a domesîic situa- tion. Dogs bred as guards tend 10 be more dominant and territorial. Wiîbouî proper training and social- izîng, these traits can iead ta aggrcssion and aberrant bebaviour. 1 tbink the owner of the German shepherd shouid tbink about the future of Ibis pet very carefuliy because this animai sbould no longer be considered safe. The safeîy of ils famiiy and the poten- liai liabiiity associaîed witb Ibis animal shouid be considered. Can this dog owner ensure that ber dog is under conîrol aI ail limes? Paying the injured dog's vet bill or asking ils owner to waik ber elsewbere, in my opinion, doesn't resolve the issue. Neither remedy wiii ensure Ibat the German sbcp- herd docsn't attack again. The owncr of the Germas sbep- berd bas said thal she's been bld Ibat ber dog's bebaviour is normal. However, il's difficuit 10 believe that dogs îypically attack other dogs waiking past their property. A dog that doesn't respond 10 ils owner's commanda isn't under the owner's conîrol. The sntack shouid have been prevcnîed by the dog responding wheu the owner calied il back. In my opinion, the Town of Milton should conaider reviewing ils present animai byiaw, wbich docsn't require eutbauizing a dog even if il sntacks sud kills anoîber dog. lu my neigbbourbood Ibis actually bappened, with a young boy waîcbing bis dog killed in an unprovoked sntack using the same shaking technique. How docs a parent explain that sucb things are acceptable in Milton? Sophie Cheney Campbellville Contrar towaiberals and media might believe,~. being right-wîng isn"t an eî hn Dear Editor: lu bis recent letter 10 the editor, Ballon MP Gary Carr mentions that Conservative Leader Stephen Harper cbanged politicai parties juat like Belinda Stronach. While Ibis is truc, aI least Mr. Harper stayed truc 10 bis right-wing views wben be cbanged parties. This i believe says more about bis consiaîency as a politician wben compared 10 Ms Sîronach sud Mr. Carr - botb of wbom once beionged 10 the Conservative party but are now Liberais because, in my opinion, il seema 10 suit their ambitions better. That doesn'î bother me as mucb as Mr. Carras com- menta that "Ms Stronacb sud the vasî majority of Canadians feel that the Conservatives are ton rigbt- wing.- I don't think thatas the case, sud l'm aick sud tired of bearing that rigbt-wing is somebow an cvii tbing. lu my life I find il bard not 10 ict my faiîb influence my political views, sud i believe a lot of other people in Ballon sud semass Canada feel the samne way. Paul Martin professes 10 be a Roman Caîbolic, but says be won't ict bis faiîh influence bis politica life. 'Mat definiîeiy rings truc as we sec our govemmeut iuvoived in one scandai aliter anoîher. i'd raîber live under a govemnmeul that bas rigbt- wiug values, wbich in my opinion are lied 10 good morais, than under our preseut Liberai govensiment Ibat accrus 10 stop aI uotbing 10 stay in power. il was good 10 sec Mr. Carr vote no on the same-sex marriage issue. Uaing bis analogy, docaut the media these days paint someone wbo's againat same-sex marriage as being rigbî-wing? Juat woudering. Dave Gray Joyce Boulevard 1't DERRY ROAD CAMPUS i' 2850 Derry Rd., Milton " A tearn of qualtfied. tramced staff to nurture and educate your child " lnvolvcd in the Montessori metbod of tcaching for over 28 years " Student progress monitorcd on a regular basis *A Montessori program cnhanced witb many creative activities. a music, French and art program " Now enrolling students from 18 months - 6 years of age " Full day and baîf day programs available with before and after school care. " Low student-teacher ratios Stop to the Front of the Lino!« Don't just keep knocking on employer's doors like cveryone cIsc. If you bave been looking for GENERAL LABOURER, FACTORY, OFFICE or any other work and baven't been able to find a job, wc can belp gel your font in the door. Our îemporary placements put you rigbî to work in local and area companies. You get experience, a chance to make valuable contacts and, best of ail, you gel paid weekly! Forward an up 10 date resume bo The boutique of the staffing indusîry Stevens Resource Group Ine.. 225 Main St E., Suite Il, Milton, Ontario, 905-878-7789 Email: - Website: ""CELEBRATING SUCCESS SINCE 1990."