B4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 12, 2005 Language program The I-lton District School Board is offening an opportunity for children to Iearn a second or third language on week- ends during the school year. The Halton District Sehool Board's International Languages (Elementary) Program will begin the week of September 5. It's a continuoux enory program, held on the weekends, that's open to all elementary school children born in 2001 or earlier, up to and including grade 8. Languages offered include Arabie, Cantonese. <3erman, Greek, Hebrew, Korean. Punjabi. Russian and Serbian. C'lasses will be hcld in Burlington and Oakville. For more information, contact Program Administrator Doroîhy Whitetey at (905) 632-2944. *oir don - ;/Piping his way to promnllanceç; Matthew Chambers, a local Lorne Scots cadet, was recently part of the opening act et the 10»t Centonnial Celebration In Cochrane, Alberta. A member of the 2990 RCACC (Milton cadets), Chambers ls currently attendlng a six- week advanced pipes and drums course at the Rocky Mountaln National Army Cadet Summer Training Centre, where he's leernlng advanced music skilis and taking part in several celrs- monies. ALIGST & PSTINCLU ED 001 WI A SPOT _ F6, Auto, NC, P/W. PDOt tilt, 7 pans seat et, privacy glass, body side molding, white ex, gray intol 6 c Cýil Q 43,400 km Stk 2474A Balance sf Ford tacts y yI C .F Ds 7 clxi tit 0,a warranty,8 captains chairs, privacy glass, a arn whxees, os y $16 4,526 km. Stk#2354A Baance of Ford fatory VA~CF"IDOWN warranty, Slver ex 20FORD INCOL NEDIEBAE A~~oe Tradtio 0fes Value! Blrutacnk 96 The Canadian Champion is publishing a Fali Registration section that wiII publish. August 19, 23, 26, 30 .and Sept 2, 6 & 9. 2003 WINDSTAR LX