ArÎç-k Th40rn~ Locals part of gag show TeOffice Tempsi Milton woman the victim of new series ' high jinks By STEPHANIE THIESSEN The Champion Hair just so and purse i hand, Kristine Kazias looked professional and every bit the temp administrative assistant as she showed up for ber first day on the job. Things seemed pretty normal the first day - as normal as tbey could anyway, working at a place called Death Skul Recorda, an emerging record label.' But tben strange thinga started happening and Ms Kazias, 26, rea]ized bier week temipsng at Death Skul was going to be anything but normal. Stl, as a recent graduate of Toronto Film School, the life-long Miltonian knew ail about the temperaments of die artay type. Ansd there was always tihe chance Ibis temp job wouid lead to an intemsbip or some- tbing more. Getting ber foot into Use door of Use entertainiment world was a top pniority, so Ms Kazias pald no heed o bier occasional misgivings. "TMe wbole time I was like, 'Why does il feel like sometbing's not right?"' Ms Kazias said in an interview with The Champion. They say you sbould always listen to Usat mnner voice. For four days, 30 cameras along wits scores of producers, directors, and camera peopie were foilowing Ms Kazias's every move and, wiUs Use belp of actors, were casting lier into surreal situations and watcbing bier flounder. It was all part of wbat wouid become the first episode of Global TV's new 10-show series, Thse Office Temps, whicb airs - starting last week - at 10 p.m. Saturdays. Eacb episode features Usree new and unsuspecting temps working for a different Icompany.' Eacis is set in Use samne dlown- town Toronto location, re-decorated accordingly. It's miraculously transformed from a record label to a modeiing agency to a pho- tograpby studio and more. At Use end of each episode, ail is revealed to Use temps - wbo can bardly be faulted for being naive. After ail, the creators bave Usought of everything. Ms Kazias found ouI about the 'jos' on a Weh site geared toward film, TV and music production, she said. There was even a Web site set up so applicants could check out Use companies. But in Use end, she was a pawn in an elaborate scbeme. "I camne for an interview - it was a reg- ular interview - and bie said I bad Use job. Then I sbowed up for work on Monday momning and ail bell broke loose," she said, laughing good-naturedly. One of bier first tasks on Use job - seem- ingly simple enougb - was to phone somneone îo locate a new record player nee- die. Enter Use second Miltonian on Use set, actor/comedian Mo Ozdemir, who, unlike Ms Kazias, was in on Use rose. Viewers watcb as Mr. Ozdemir first pîsys a German character and Usen, impro- vising, pretends to pass Use phone to sever- al oUser people. 0f course, it's hlm Use wbole time, putting on different accents. For four days, the scbeme continues. Then, on Use last day, Ms Kazias is hrougbt into Use control roomn and filled in. "It's overwbelming. There were cameras everywhere. The only person 1 recognized was (executive producer) Michael Geddes. 1 recognized him froro (Use TV show) Popatars," she laugbed, referring 10 anoUs- er of Min Geddes' creations. "It was like a mystery unraveling and I was trying to piece everyUsing togeUser." It didn't take mucb cajoling for Ms Kazias to consent 10 bier footage being sired. 1I neyer would've Usought not to go along wiUs it," she said. The show isn't designed 10 make Use temps look like fools, sbe said, but rather to OIT A FRESH START. 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Sat &Sun2:00 p.m ODEUCE BIGALOW ail 6:45 pnm& 92pz Med. SaL &Sn 22tpn. C4m ne f Lagug seul Content eWAR OF THE WORLDS E1îl Dày6:45p.m.& 9%Op.m Wed,Sat& Sun.2:00 p.m Thbr Paikin AVUIAI et Rear Photos by GRAHAM PAINE Actor/comedlan Mo Ozdemlr (muset liet) ls part of GIobaI's new show The Office Temps, whlch recently fe- tured (abova) fellow Miltonian Kristine Kazias. OIE YiA Havsng a wehsste marks you as a senious professionral. Havsng a professioal websiîe gives you credibilsty. Why choose Jades? You don't need to know anything about webdesigning. Jusi do what you do besi and leave the rest to us. 905.876.31 wendy@& 13