The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 12, 2005 - A33 T0 ViewTh Widle, Wide West, ,FiýVE MODEL Hmosws OPE2N To TOU-R. Hawthorne Village Model Home WideLot- Townhomes From $218r990 Main Street Townliomes From $2 38,990 WideLot- Semis From $25 7,990 36' WideLot- From $283,990 46' WideLot- From $355,990 WideL otTM Semi, Tihe Bre ntgrove 'A, 1,500 Sq.Ft. $264,990 Jua nei' ccusteinporar.y townhornîe stqlcs are nioti ai'ailale -i flau tharne Village, iu;cluidinq a special rbleiedou cf Alozinp Street Taunihamais, uchere ijou cani hve anj tiork. [n aur ýViJeL-ol collection, o/ haines uc hava opýeneJ tie Jlors ta aur U7iJ0Lot" Touns, Seii-, .3Ü'atJ 4(i' homes. (Jouie bil for a s'isit auJd sec 1ehats ni hic heide, wiJe u'cst. 401 main st - . î 36' WideLot', Thse Fox Grove 'B', 182 S Ft 007O00" M11 ý ý ý-1- MATTANW ý7#4ý A î f 't 1 ý ý'-7 1. . 9