Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Aug 2005, p. 32

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32 - The Cunaditan Champton, Frday Auguat 12, 2005 RECEPTIONIST I4 UNIexis Fî-iipermanent recepttonîst requirecid ,, - 5l-- fo vrm.lv busy car dealvrship Ar)l_ FfP -'4 Pf tixis iciadû cashiering, compufer input, vehîcte lceîîsing andi sfacking. Deslershîp expeience preferred. Pieuse fax pour resume ta 905-333-6433 on e-mail ta hlamnb@tairviewnissanca. Toronto Auto Auctions Fuit Time Accoonts Papable Cierk - Candidates shouici be team orientateci, excellent communication ssci interpensonul uklis wth the abiîtp to mufttusk ssci work ndependentip Streogths wii isclude attention f0 detaîl, prias AP esperience anci basic Excel knomiedge Plese fax resumne to Andrrxv @905-875-2910 * art-turne, -rmsnent neeci uat The Georgetown AnmalI IClinîcmTisoton sioes some eenngundSatsrciup hioum .Experierceci & eoceptional people akillu prefen *d * Fat rasante and reterencea to: 90"-77-081 Omalt:TeGeorgetown Animal Ctinic 4 Mountaînnient Road, S., Georgetown L7G 4J9 No phone cli l paoe' L A g» B 0 Y OUR 1.NIlUR G LLEIrS NEW STORE OPENING MEANS OPPORTUNITY FOR VOUt FURNITURE SALES PROFESSIONALS Were seekîng tlenfeni, eoperîenceî FulTme Suies Consultans awth s proves track record in seiling higti ticket items t retuil. We are about >0 open c rîew store t the Oukville/Misisssugs Sor- cer ssci we have openingo there ssc in our other locationo - Brmpton, Bsrlington, North Misissau- gu - plus our Clearance Store in Soney Creek. We offer s geserous Compensation Program, Company Benefit Plan, Profesionsi Trining, Op- portunities for Acvancement ssci s chance f0 work n North Americu's fasteut goîg quslity farniture stores - Lazbop Furiture Gallweis Yoo must have reliable transportation, excellent communication ukîlîx, a willingneaa fo leurs ssci s fleible uchedule thut permits you fo work on week- endcs ssci somne eveningu. We are now tuking applications hp telephone osly - 24 hoursa s rlu - simplp culI Churlie s> 905-789- 5800 - when prompteci >0 'enter un extension' - pou dia> f50, then iil #6151 f0 responci f0 several F (l e 1fho rAl 1-rV Esengetîc sales & service type people reqsireci t Truetar fxr Women, Ose of Canaas tasteut growing companies lu offeing us excitîng ssci chaiiesging career opportuxity ix the heaith ssci welineus ixciustry. Excellent unvncement oppxrtunity Gooci buse ssci bonus. Pteasa senni resumne ta: centerjobs@trueatarheatth.cont CON- SULTANTS/SALES Nom hîrîng Burîington, OakvIIIe & Hamilton -Paid Taining & Benefits *Oppotunîty for Acvancement Apply onine taday ut: www.jennycraig.greatjob.net INSTUMETATON ALE Established expanding Burlington based industrial instrumentation ca., Iooking for enengetic candidate for inside sales! tech. support position. Experience a plus, training pro- videci, Fax resumne 905-333-6784 or email furneco.saîes@aibn.com SNa~black i.' white arid reo'1( al oer Vour ad in ah clasifted saien. oI courset Cal 5890"78-2341, luix 905876-2364 HOML HLALIHf GAHL RNs Needed Fail immunizatioii Clirncs Halton & Pool We aller: Competitive pay rate *Supportivo tvam *Paîd Mleage or travol ime *Accommodation of shiftto f0 vuilsbîlîty Vau Bring: " Current CNO registration " Current CPR certiticafion " A rlirablo nohîcle " Flexibility Weekday, evenirro and ovokend shiis available Pieuse fax ar mait your resumne ta: Raberta Dunn 1515 Rebecca St. Ste. 301 Oakville, ON L6L 5G8 Fax: 905-847-1038 We wevcome ail ,pplcats Onty those selecteîa tor an inteview sii be contacted OAKVILLE Requires lmmediately 1 F/T Pharmacy Technicien 1 P/T Pharmacy Technician/ Cashier Days/ evenings /weekends Fax or emnail Attn: Tammy 905-842-1064 or haltan@pmopharm.com PART-TIME ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Reqoîred for boop health care office Hours inclade Monday ssci Wednesdsy 1 fo 7:30 ssci Tuesdap and Thursdsy 4>0o 7:30, Primarp responoîbîlities include greeting clients, booking appointmentu, billing ssci fping of reports. Applicants must have excellent communication skills and s goociworkîog knowledge of Microsoft(COfice. A medical office assistant backgrounci wifh 3 or more peurs esperience os preferreci FEo resumnes to Joanne 905-873-7291 Parkview Childrens Centre A xxiiiprofit, c.haritabhle rrguîii:air, FulI-time & Part-time Early Childhood Educators are currenfly being sosgh for our new Bsrlington & Oakvitte locations. Al sppicants must have a diploma or cegree in Esrip Childhooci Ecication. Preference will be gio. en f0 applicants with experience in alternate curric- ua, programu for chilcren with specisi needs ssnd intergenerafional progrsmming, Psrknîew offers un excelent salsrp, benefîtosscid work enorosment. Crestive, enthssistic individuals cas forward rexumes bp Acstsa 19. 2005 f0: Sharon Pinte, Enecutîve Directon 5451 Lakeshore Road, Bunlngton ON, LL1El by entait: parltvewînorntiton@cogeco.net TRAVELODGE on the Lake, Bsrington: Now has the foliowing positionososvilable: P/T Guest Service Rep F/T Maintenance Assistant P/T Housekeepers P/T Meeting Room Porter Must be sesîlable for weekescis, shifhs &holispys. Apply ta: 2020 Lakeshore Rd, BurI., ON or Fax: 905634-4398 ~nhîiea eatie Excellent Part-Time Job Opportunity With the YMCA Betore & After School Programs *Pragrams provide cane 5-l2yr alcis *Great axperience for those msnting toi attend Teachers Coltege -If pas are 18 years of age or older have some espeience working mvith children e; lunch time suporvisor Brownie, Guide or Scout leader sports coach *ECE, child & posth or Roc Dîploma Applicants metcome, -Trining pnovided Please send resumne ta: Lynn Goîfi Ron Edwardnt FamIIy YMCA 500 Drury Lane Burington, Ontarlo, U7R 2X2 Fax 905-333-1767 Emnail Lynn-goîfi@ymca.ca Y NWAt sen wîh 5 fong oamiý cvpling appicaions for Mature FT Sales Staff, PT Caxhier Woodworkîng & Gar- sIening sklls arefn'te asaet. Competitive Rets lWsge. Some evenisgsanci SaturdcisaRequires Fax Resurnes ta: HospialD, Hamilton ssci/or IHaifon f HF clinca I an aset.Benefits, compeftee rates, CME. Fax resumne tl 905 572460O =1eI lRestarn RATTLESNAKE POINT GOLF CLUB 5407 Nwy 25, Milton Dishwaaher, Banquet, Bistro Servers. FT & PIT. Servisg eoperîesce sot necexsary but preterreci for Bstro. Must be able fo work day, evenîng anci weekesd shifts. Dish- wusher position as strsîghf cisys M-F Pieuse Fao resume f0 905-693-f1900/ emaîl jharris@clublink.ca 1 Quaîîty Hotel Now HIring: P/T Guesf Service Agent F/T Night Housekeeper Janifon P/T Night Auditor No Phone cails pieaae! Piesue sesci reaume: Fao: 905-847-7447 or e-mail: gm@quaity hsfelxakviiie.com 754 Bronte Rd.,, Oakviile, ON L6L 6R8 Oppanies Little Hanst Childrex's Lcarnisg Centre Requnres Full Time E- C. E. Fax: 905-864-6632 info@ littehaxdismitxn.cs Ph: 905-864-6629 Caf eteria HeIp Large Brampton Company requires Part lime Cafeteria help for the afternoon shift Monday ta Friday. Cashier experience necessany. Must have awn transportation. Send resume to carees@ mapîeîodgfarMS LAWN SALE U8am-2pm M HQRNBY 1055 Barclay Circle Steeles & 9th Line N. Home Decor, Household Items, Arts & Cratts. Furniture, topo, books, Alittle somethmng out of the ordinary! householci items & more.. GARAGE SALE "HUGE ANTIQUE GARAGE SALE" Saturday August 1 3th Sat. Aug 13 9AM 4PM8am - Noon 9AM 4PMMerriti & Coxe BIvd 77 Temane R. NColiectibles, silver, îewellery, antiques, cdocks, Toys, books, furniture, clothing, etc. m atceGrmas itr Lots for eseryone N aI id GARAGE SALE CONTENTS & YARD SALE Sat. Aug 13 Saturday, August 13 8amn - i pm 8amn - 1 Pm 67 Wilson Dr. Furniture, many items, houaewares, kids 63 Barton Street stuif, books, glaasware, cheat freezer, garage items, aomethlng for everyone, (Comer of Bowes & Burton> dont miss It, no early birds piease. GIANT GARAGE SALE FUN FUN FUNU! Fri Aug 12 @ 4:O5ish-7:32ish DONT MISS THIS ONE Sut Aug 13 @ 7:34ish - 11 ish Sat. Aug 13 128 Wilson Dr. Shubby chic? Country? Practical? Pretty? 8:3Oam - Noonish From furiture to trames, doodadu to desks, chi- 590 Sunnyvale Cres. nu to chuirs,, Were begrudgingly cdownsizing!! 20" TV., retro sofa, kids clothes, You cant afford to miss this one! A limfe of thia & alot of that! HOUSE CONTENTS GARAGE SALE & GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug 13 Sat. Aug 13 8amn - 2pmn 8am - îpm 405 Fourth Line 1129 Deacon Drive HUGE SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug 13 Sat. Aug 13 8am - 1pm Bamn - 2pmn 222 Fleming Dr. (Lot #112) 1618 Beaty Trail applancs, fmitreFurniture, Iots of baby stuff, toys, Photocopierapne, fumitrfriture etc. Tools, tools, tools, china, plus, plus. household items & books. MOVING SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug 13 Sat. Aug 13 7am - Noon éan-2r 566 Jo yce Blvd. a -2p Childrens clothlng, games, toys 1641 Alan Cres. &househotit ,ods. (Derry/Trudeau) MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug. 13 & Sunday Aug. 14 GARAGE SALE 8AM -??? Sat. Augl13 Pearl St. Bam - Noon (between Pnince & Court St) 1048 Cooper Ave. Mesîcan pine table & chair, Antique China Baby clothes & equipment, toys, Cabinet, Antique Loneseat, bcycle, 18" Engiish household items & IKEA items. Sacidie Dont miss thîs one! MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. August l3th Sat. Aug 13 8AM - NOON 8am - Noon il151 Barclay Circle 402 Pine St. Kidu games & toys, esercîse bike, iron beci, Antique cherry bed, high chair, cherry househoici items. entertainment centre, collectabte s, somes- Somethîng for everyone. Rais or Shine. thing for everyone, no early birds please. STREET SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug l3th Sat. Aug 13 8AM - NOON a -? Middleton Ores.9a ? Rais or Shîne 583 Beaver Cri. NO Erly irdsHousehold items, stove, canoe & kittens. YARD SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. Aug 13 Sat. Aug l3th 8amn - 2pmn 8AM -NOON #21 Third Sideroad 892 Morley Ave (Beteen eru d & remane) Ping pong.table, sofa, large iing cabinet, (Beteen eru d & remane)pînhuil machine & much more YARD SALE GARAGE SALE Sat. August 13 Sat. August 13th & 8AM - 1PM Sun. August l4th 1009 Sprucedale Lane 8AM - ?? Smaii cheut freezer, tops, pîctures247Cm elileR ssci ther tems(1 km west 0f Guelph Lise)

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