The Canadian Champion, Fniday Auguet 12, 2005 - 31 Geeri Hep :elp GeneeIp jrnHep E enratHep GoeIHeIp ep Skle sild& *1mP WAME Be aTeacher or Assistant! FRESH FACS ED ED j Appointmnt - .I Inveetor Smnansçe re Has immediate epenîngs ter: *F/T Shipper *F/T Receiver -F/T & P/T Sanîtatien P/T & F/T GENERAL HELP -F/T Ceok (W/Red Seat) Te arrange te be /nterviewed, Please Fax er Email year rexamne te: Fux: 905471-437 Emnti: 30803 cmpasa-canaia.con GREYSTONE GOLF CLUJB New H/ring tor eer busy Aatumn Seasen - Lice Cenke -Banquet Cooks Serners *Dshwashers Fxll and Part tîme. Deys. Enenînge anS Weekends Campetîtve Wagea, Great Work Environnent, Golf Priviieges Jeix the Team ut ene et thre Ceaxtryxs Premier 0e/t Cearses D5rop off your resurme in person or emal iv: mcrncich( or kdenneh v( liresone Gdolf Club, 9689 Dublin Uine Milton, OiN Springridge Farm Has seasonal part-lime and fuîltimne job opportunilies: SCHOOL TOUR CUIDES BIRTHDAY PARTY HOSTS SPECIAL EVENTS STAFF BAKERY / RETAIL SALES TRACTOR DRIVERS Pieuse fas yosr resamne sialîng whaî days yoa are available le, 905-878-4150. 7256 Bell School Lice, Milton L9T 2Yt spnî -ultm Las Off-e Fer Ihe eakeille lecalien whx- ax peailive &-xalge- ing individuel 1ha1 eninyx dealing wilh the public. Ca yeu pemexes atreng ergenizetienet ekîlla wilh e se/id attentien ta delail? Are yeu cemferlable han- dlîng caxh transactions? Are yeu willin9 te werk Salurdeys? Prenieux experience in banking & cel- lections wxald be an exuel. Car Re aired. -mil I. *.3@sopn- hc or fa:953906 VOLVO et Oakeille bas e unique epperlurity fer 2 energelîc and cualemer tecased individuels te le/n eut mighly succexetul ergenîzelîxn. We currenlî are seeking: - Let Pereen Service Adnixer Assistant If yeu lhînk yeu are the indîniduet we are leekîng fer, pleese bard deliver year reaume, wilh reter- ercex, te the xwilchbeard. These beel euiled fer the position will ha cxnlacled fer an interview. 770 Pacitic Ave. VOLVO et Oekeille -. Immediate positiona availablet Milton, Burlington F!~ & Oakvillei Mahn Op.era - e 3 Pay xtarts $8-$12, plus 4%vac. 3 Vanioxe Shiffe Available 3 Retiable Transportation Caîl 10 6ook 905-634-4445 Fan Rexeme 905-634-0011 Security Officer Secsrîty officer requîred for a large poultry prxcessing planf. Diploma in Law Enforce- menti Secarity or equivalent experience necessary. Muet be willing f0 work shits. Onta setain Reue to Owntrnsprato reue DELIVERY DRIVER(S) Permanent FuIl-time Cîass DZ & Cîass G Drivers. Cay shift, weekends off Medical/Cantal, Pension, Profit Shening. Muxt supply currenl driver's abstract. Please forward rosumne ta: 905-844-5122 or 1363 Comwall Rd., Oakvitla ON L6J 4Z5 or bwarnington@directequipmentc-a îIlzSL) 0/plomna ET Pi Options Wnrk wîth Chidrvn - etart wîth un Early Childcare Assistant (ECA>Diploma Feul Registration is Cary> 90 Cardes Street West, Miseisueuge 905-896-0000 Regîatared and Appraved as a Private Caret Cellege WYLDEWOOD GOLF& COUNTRY CLUB 6198 TRAFALGAR RD., HORNBY REQUIRES LINE COOKS. SERVERS SHORT ORDER COOKS Cail Athena ait 905-878-4848 SAW-WHET GOLF COURSE now hîrîng F/T & PTfor following positions: WAITSTAFF, LINE! PREP COOK & G.C MAINTENANCE Apply in percer et Clubhease: 1401 Brante Road or Fax resumne ta: 905-827-8362 CHURCH C SOI A I builing and grounds, approximatey 25 houra par week. Ah/lily 10 work independently, good physîcal condition, and ftenibiiity with working h ours. Cosld be exîtebte for active rnlired indcividuel or couple. Position avaitlabte Sept. 1, 2005. Fax resurne ta (905) 878-4979 Milton Milton Sprîngenx Gymnesics Club wanla te train coaches fer part-lime enenîng axa weekend po- sitions sterting Sept. Gymnastiax experiexce net essentiel, bat enieyîng chrîdren and be/cg pbysically ective ix. Great werkîng environ- ment. lnlereeled candidates brîng nesame te orientation meeting Thuns., Aag. t8 et x.tlcpm. b Raqaired Immediatey Muet have geed dr/v/cg record. Caties will alde: Celineriex, Claaninig and Miner Repaire et Texîx and Eqaîpmenî Please aeppiy in persen with resum: ADAMS RENT-ALI INC. 334 Guelph Street Georgetown, ON FREE TRAINING Laidlaw is iookîng fer -Retirees & Homemakers te eon Our great team et School Bas Drivers Training now for September 905-877-2251 or 905-877-4448 GENERAL LABOURER REQUIRED Dut/es 10 Include: generol cieoinîng, eandblosling, shipplng & receiving. Some heanv lifting Mechancln inciined an as- set. Pasition le tuI t/me, stareing immedîatelv. Feperience preferred, but will train. Fax r.aume ta (905)878-8263 or cait for appontmett (905)878-1843 Oatgoîng, casîxi axpenienci Hoarx eary inclsdîng Wages + cxmmî Pieuse fax resum PERMANENT FULL TIME POSITION car service/sales e preferred. ekende & evanîngs. esion & bonaces. e ta: 905-319-5955 PULL TIME RETAIL ASSOCIATE Pleaxe serd resume t0: 420 Main St. E. Milton Fax: 905-878-3963 idial//gue wu)rK, I'v fashion events. $15 - $90/hr. Please cali 905-336-5455 Leeking for extra mo ahile the kide are in echeel? OFFICE MAÔIC STATIONERY ix Ieeking for a metieated, eeergetc indivîdaal ta jin eut teame Jeb hears are: Weekly t0-3 and every ether Setardey. Drap reseme off at: 140 Guelph Street, Georgetown Attn: Jean & Jaime SEARS CARRIERS Relieble indîviduat eeeded fer deer ta deer catalogue delivery in Milton area Cati: 905-873-0103 leeve message with name, phare and addreee Emeil: echee@îcex net needed for Rabber Tired Be khe Please fax information ta: 905-856-9720 wn r ert aitan nhreq a SEARS DEALER STORE nE IV R Gergten M Lte PehRin Send resamne te: ianwiltaxg er Fax: 905-702-0642 LANOCAPE CONSTRUCTION Skilled landecape censtruction werker needed fer reaideatiat deeign/baild cempeny. Maxi have et east 2 years eeperience in ceecrete, tlagetene, interleck- ing brick, reteining welt. deck censtraction s well as e streeg knewledge et herticatture. Starting et $t4 17/heur 905-840-5483 on Thoroughbred Horse Farm near Acton. The nîght persen wîl enjey the auldeens, be cemtertable w lb physice wor adlk wok ing wlh Irses et al axes. Experc Pr terred bat willng le train poive pr r ta wants toleaee Belh positin arog tm Cui 5l9"53-4992 uteO 4:OOpmn MILTlON KFC lea101dii I o&lm asul m a Iii ta M1 PMt-dm. aldi fiez"hta ut, craut tux atuts. Looking for work? cal - Stevens Resource ciroup 905-878-7789 BFn&iaHlp a ao pa Hep HairStyis ,LOCATIONS E7VERYWHERE *Premîam hourl psy n ap In 50% comm. & bnnuxex *Senixrity baxed as pay increexes *Eqaîpment & advanced *Unbealable benefîle Faxl 905-575-318 lrînprxeded Cec aix 9055-3897 angmn oiinaeaîlable 1-877-700-002 P'ART TIME IE5THETICIANI rneeclecl for riew day oe flas ax resmre Atti aure(95) 8545978 îeaev. Pleasant voîca & persuesive phene menrer Sales eup. an axet but net raquîred. Cay, evenîng ahifts$9/hr + gener- eux benus Cati Sherraine 905-639-7368 sherraine@ JOBS AVAILABLE Producien wers in the MILTON Sîxa, $tt $t2/hr. AIl ehifts ansi/able HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 et Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Milton Parts Counter! Shipper Receiver raquîred tulltime fer busy GM Cealershp. Please fes rexume te: 905-333-1046 Attn: Randy Auto Body in Milton hiring for Painters Prep Person Detailers Drivers Office Admin Cali 905-876-0478 Fax 905-876-0738 8212 Esqulelng Ln Miltan NEDE 'MEDATL Milton & serrxandîng *Physlcaity Fit *Own Vehicie *Lift OOlbs or mare Sient time 4AM-5AM Caii 519-780-1452 or 905-878-5331 Need a Job? Are you 16-24 years aoid? We cen help Cail JOB CONNECT at Sheridan 905-878-4956 Dudds, Luxury Automebile Ceelerhip requîtes Fuli-Tîme Automotive Detailers Fax resumfes t0: Bob Salvian 905-827-3377 or apply in persan ta 2430 South Service Rd Oakvllle Minimum 3 yvars Eperience * Z Licence a muet, *AZ Licence prefetred I 11c Excvatn11 Company. CatI Mitre @ 416-771-4213 Oct,06) Successtul candidate must have geod command et English language bath written and speken, alan reqaire a warking knewledge et eece. Cubes include data entry & awitchbeard. Will train. Send resume to, Fnax: 905-568-3664 Wel established local Auto Repair Shop Iooking for : DRIVE CLEAN EMISSIONS INSPECTOR Please tee resame and/er emal te: Bratin Auto Fax - 905-873-6172 bratinau to(a)bellnet.çom WANTED AUTO Licensed truck & INSPECTOR Coach Mechanics. Eprecdo Experienced Enp rnc Mlor welders also wt ri do required. 905-876-0669 PIeaae Cafi: Fax 905-875-2566 905-875-3248 Offie tp ce t j Oakville Infiniti Nissan Immediate Positions Avaifable 2 Lot Attendants 1st needed from 7:30am-3:OOpm 2nd needed for 3:OOpm-9:OOpm Clean drivers abstract is a must. Fax resume in confidence to 905-827-3070 L attn. Service Manager. SMALL INSURANCE OFFICE nnQUIRSs Fuil-time Administrative Assistant Must be energeic, wel erganized, with excellent tele- phene manner and cemmunicatien ekîlle. A elreng preficiency in Windew, Werd, Eecel and the internet je aise reqaired. Previeue inearance eepenience sea detînite eseet. We aller a cempetitive ealary s well as e pleasent, prefeasienal werk place Please tee er email year reaume te: McCasIin Horne Insurance Brokers Fax: 905-702-1892 Or emeil: mcherne@bellnet.ce OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR lmmediately req'd fer Qekeille lecatien et emal internetienal ceneelting firm. Caties inalade assiet- ing the CEO, effice/ secretrial teeke, database management, & apeciel prejecte. The pesition je demending & challenging, reqairing e tlexible & cary well argenized pereen whe i e aai eniented, enîeye multi-taskin~ & eery coempaler avy. Preti- clency in MSWer , Eecel, Outleek, ý& PewerPeint es reqaired with anme beekkeepng knewledge. Salary cemmeneuate weperience & edacatien. Pieuse ornlai resarne ta jsharnison@ hardsonpnctng.con or FAX ta 905-827-8595 W indm ill M ana oentent la N ow H i rin t Office lecaled in Milter, maning te Burlinglen Rsonsibto for: Data enlry, A/R, A/P, t1iîing & vrnoue other office datIes Quattfications: Admin. enp., elreng computer knewledge req'. -Sim Iy Acceanln AR AP ex. xc eeeel. Windmill Management ix an equal eppertanifr em- ployer) Only quatifed applîcante wl be centaaled LirrdT -Jr e.molod *ioe*-