The Canadian Champion Frîday Auguat 12 2005 - A " Fire department calis up by 40 % over last year By STFPHANIF THIFcqFý, An increase of almost 40) per cent in emergency responses by the Milton Fire Department so far this year means sometbing has to, give. A staff of mostiy part-time workers bas been dealing well witb thse increase so far, but it's only a matter of time before the tire- figbters become stressed and overworked, said Fire Chief Larry Brassard in an interview with The Champion. "It's a concemning trend to, see an almost 40) per cent increase," be said, adding, "lt's stressing thse organization to, a degree. When you rely on part-time tirefigisters and there's an increase in the workload, it eventually takes a tol." A recent report by Chief Brassard to, Milton counicil detailed tbe situation, noting fmom January to the end of June this year there was a 37 per cent increase of emergency responses - defined as any time a tire vehicle is called out - over tbe same period last year. 4There's tbe concerni that if the trend continues, il start to man- ifest itself in some way," Chief Brassard said. adding it's a heavy workload for a predominantly pant-time staff. Tbe Milton Fire Department relies beavily on its part-time tire- figbters, most - or ail .- of whom bave fulI-time jobs in addition to being tirefigbters. Tbere are 20 fulI-time firetigisters, witb just a bandful on a sbift at a time, compared witb 66 part-time tiretigbt- ers wbo are constantly on-calI. Jim Finn, wbo bas been a part-time firefigbter witb the Milton Fire Department for about 30 years. said be's definitely noticed tbe increased calîs and felt tbe beavier workload. "4For a wbile we were going every day (to a caîl),- be said. Witb a fulI-time job for tbe Town of Milton as a supervisor at tbe works yard, Mr. Finn said it seems lately as soon as be retums from bis day job be gets paged and it's time to, respond to a tire caîl. Since bis cbildren are gmown, Mr. Finn said tbe situation doesn't affect bim as mucb as it does some of tbe otber firetigisters. "If's barder on tbe younger ones witb wives (and kids)," be said. -You can imagine tbe impact on famnily life." Somne of tbe tiretigisters now bang around tbe tire station just waiting for tbe next caîl - because if's neyer far bebind, Mr. Fin said, adding it detinitely adds stress to tbe fîtrefigbters' lives. But tbey're not complaining, Mr. Finn empbasized, adding tbe tiretigbters are dedicated and bard working. and enjoy tbeir jobs. -We wouldn't do it if we didn't like it," be said. Thse Milton Fire Department will soon begin a recruiting drive in an effort to bire 17 part-timne firetigbters - nine additional tire- tigbters, a move recently approved by Town counicil, and seven firefigbters to replace departing staff memnbers, Cbief Brassard said. Tbere are numnerous reasons for tbe recent increase in emer- gency calîs, be said. One of tbe most obvious is tbe simple fact tbat Special meeting called 'be Halton District Scbool Board bas arranged for a special 8 p.m. meeting tbis Wednesday to announce tbe biring of its new director of education. Thse board bas been witbout an education director since June 30 wben Dusty Papke left tbe position be beld for eigbt years. Tbe board bas been embroiled in a controversy surrounding Mn. Papke's departure. Mr. Papke announced May 18 tbat be was "resigning to retire." Tihe move camne after tbe board bad voted 6-5 to change policy govemnance, wbicb bad been introduced in 2001. Witbin tbe model, trustees bad set broad strategie targets for staff under tbe management of tbe education director. It bad been a contentious issue amnong somne trustees wbo felt it limnited their input and deci- sion-making abilities. Mr. Papke negotiated a settlemnent that bas raised tbe ire of some trustees wbo wonder bow the $600,000 severance will be paid and tbe impact it wiIl bave on student learning. Barry Finlay bas been tise interim director of education. "There's the concern that if the trend continues, it'II start to manifest itself in some way."9 lIRE CMIE LAIIRY MANSARD as Milton's population increases, there'll be more caîls to, thse fire department, which responds to anytbing from vebicle collisions to stuck elevators to tires to, carbon monoxide detector alarms. And with the increasing number of commercial buildings and houses in town also cornes an increase in false alarms. 'Me first haîf of 2005, the tire depai-tment responded to 121 false alarms. During thse same period last year there were 88. 2005 Echo Hatchback 2005 Camry 2005 Matrix tires tor tise tire departinent tiI dca) os oh. l'he tirst hait o) last year. tbere were 14 sucb tires. From January to Jonc of tbis year tbere were 50. Largely beavse of tbat tigure. tise tire department responded to 61 per cent more incidents from April to June of tisis year tban April to Jonc of last year. Looking at tbe same tbree-montb period tbis year compared witb last year, tbe tire depantment received 62 per cent more tire- related pbone calîs. 0f course, tise increased activity bas tinancial implications. "Tise more we caîl on our firefigisters, tbe more it costs us. Tbey're paid on an as-used basis," Cbief Brassard said. "If one year tbere's a 40) per cent increase, it means tise budget is going te, be out of wisack by tisat mucis." Stephanie Thiessen con be reached at .thiessen @miltoncanadi- anc zuub uorolla O< ER S OWA 2005 Sienna 2005 RAV4 2005 Avalon 400 Steeles Avenue 905 875-1700 Vwww $441 80/64506944 moM5 03614/48 mSths. COS 4591 284 120044 0 3312 4484 49h4454t 44425912 2,4 04226332 t9049 44054740744444044048040050 949/49547 0094 148484448471549848 9%545440oM4894414$5204914m4444442912025254 a8474A746, 3%48944p 3645fr,04,g 80/441444S40200525644874 414444442 T4440l444297, 90444 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 20 Hiphlander50984049/40407240 TOYOTA 2005 CLEAROUT EVERYTHING MUST GO. (THIS OFFER WON'T BE REPEATED. WE REPEAT, THIS OFFýR WON'T BE REPEATED.)