m tntmt & 0 HoW rftýai & rf Sl Îi ls For Ren Fo estBzas a Deaths Death GEORGETOWN t- COUNTRY home in Kit- tREFINISHEDt hadraam baasement bride. 3-bedrooma, tuti Irf Sho Sep ant bter wilS aunr, Ir 1~ ýr: -Cra1tShow i Firsl/lasl, retereocea re- quinnu. No smok- ing/pals. Caît 905-873- 0669 GEORGETOWN 2- bedroom apartment, large, brighl. Fridge, stove, iaundrj, parking. No pets/smoking. First/last. Oclober telt. $900./Month. 905-877- 1451 GEORGETOWN 2-- bedrooan legal base- Ment. Incuites shedt, priesite patio, park- S800/msnth plus tita- ies. September 1lst 905-464-5787. GEORGETOWN large Imo bedroom basemeni apt., aeparate antrance, Own laundry, new appli- ancea, no smoking. $950/mlh stililies in- cluded. Available Sep- tember 151. 905-877- 5197 GEORGETOWN, i - bedrsomn basement bright, single fa- $800/monlb utililies in- cludeit. Credit check, tirst/last, reterences. Parking, separate en- Irance, laundry. Avait- able September It. 905-873-0663 GEORGETOWN, 2- bedroomt baisement apartment. Laun- d r y/plaar k ing. $800/month plus ahif- lties. Availbeimei atIy. CatI 416-626- 6640. GEORGETOWN. 1 andt 3-bedroom, Avait- able in Oclober. Con- venient, spacisus. No smoking/pets. Cail 416- 570-6578 GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 tirante Street South, Milton We are now accepting applications for. -1 bdrm For more information and/or to make an appeinîment, Please Cati: 905-878-5375 Builing Managera Leanard & Penny MILTON 1 -bdrns/basa- ment/bacheloril par- son, parking/lasn- dry/fridge/slove. Avait- able Sept 1, ns smok- ins/pets. $700/mlh. 416-832-3072. RENTALS 1 and 2-bedrsomr suites in hîstonîc building in Rockwood ufarting uit $650/month. 3-bedroors townouse in George- town. $1 ,250/movth plus atîtlies. Cati Elizabeth Dosit. Johnson Asso- claIes Reailor 905-877- 5165 3-BEDROOM, 3-pc halo hungalsaowa OldMt- Ion acioss irein eark $1200/month + Avait- able Sept 1. Cati toi ap- poînîmeol 905-075- 021r1 ACTON, 2-hearoom sevo crean, large vard, ample parkîing, nc pers saco 'mooroh plus îrrîl ries Cati 519-855-3223 BRAND nea Mallamy Mltlon avîachea home, a-uarm, A/C, garaget drîvewae, 3-balhrooms, basement, haukyard. Avaîlahie November t lmaobe earlierl Cali 416-898-1021. $1800rmovlh +. Mi- chella 905-693- 9023/905-805-4446 HOUSE for rent, 3- bdrm, 2 living moims, 4 appliances, referencea required, ltast. Cai 905-699-8852. MILTON 3-bedroo bungalow. Appliiea available. Docnton,large dnieecay. Avait- able Sept. $1450/monlh + 5f iiea. 905-875-3750 3-BEDROOM tocs- bouse cith 5-appli- ances, 2-batte and gar- age. $1 ,200/month plus utilities. Refenances, firal/st. Available im- mediatey. 905-877- 6352 MILTON. 3-bednoomn tocnbosse, including appliances, finished nec room, garage. $1 300/monith + utîilies, available immediately. 905-876-4498 OAKVILLE- 3-bed- roors tocnbosses saau- able immediateiy through October t1, 4 appliancea, Hopedale Mail aires. Lakeshore Management 905-876- 3336 MILTON sbared bath- room, kitchen, balcony, A/C, parking, iaundry facilities, close tai 401. Asking $520/mtb, 155/1551, amail fnidge aiso includeif in bed- room plus use of kitcb- an f ridge. Cali 905- 876-2976. MILTON. Rent fan- niahed ronm. Available immediatey. Privale bathroom, Privileges. $525/month. 905-876- 0353 Room for rent -Quiet, non-smoking famale. Shared kitchen/bafh- rosan includes atil- $450/monlh. Kate 905- 878-4977. MILTON, male/female to share 3-bdrm bosse, own baîbrosa. Appli- ances/C/A/satellite/gar- aga for omail car on- ly/no smoking, $600/mth inclusive. 416-726-4700. MILTON. 20-30's maie with references. Large 2 - bha d ro o m. $455/monîh + parking. Chrîs 905-876- 4577/416 6-880 -1 391 eveniogs. MILTON. Large home ta share wîlh ove ver- son lvrolesoîona te- matai. Furvîsired/uniur- orshed. No pvla/amok- in09 905-693-4868, PROFESSIONAL tv share lavas4. il evvc- armve tonh omne 401r James Svow large b edrroo m /p rîivarte bathS lauodrppark¼ rrg/paria $600.mlv +1,2 irlîtres, Avait Sept. lr cvii 905-075-487'5 1998 -4 Wv ns -Ur17 gevtlemoan s racer. Clava c Donzi areliog mmacuiare condrtion.- Vtercury asîdrîve 3.4 L[ Rure mo/et wîlh cas tom traiter and caver. Asking $16,900. Boul in hiskoka Greg @ 705- 687-4137 ( ) 20 " V; anted Apr 11-1SS, l3,20M Oci.14 61&11015 RicbsssetHM SPntnCCex Brealuu Vpa Amu Ma. 56201s &Oci. 22-23,2005 JUL 16,il, 2M1 For more infonnation cali 905-426-4676 exl.222 or visit www tbefncartofcoutosty.com rnmzbs z Jan Newel and Mat Hariey of Burlington are pleased bo announce the birth of their daughter Summer Makaiah Marie, weighing 7lbs liloz at Millon District Hospital on Thursday Augusl 4, 2005 at i :20am. Proud big sfster Alyssa would like to send a special thank y0u t0 Dr. Cvetic, Nancy and ail the ataffi n the obatetrica ward for delivering her litte sister safey. MangEngEents Cng Eents * Stag & Doe for LIONS CLUB HALL (THOMPSON ARENA) PRIZES, GAMES, MUSIC Gaod Friends, Goad Times, * Good Funt! 8Oth Birthday Celebration for REG WRIGHT OPEN HOUSE lpm - 4pm Royal Casadian Legton 21 Chartes St. , Milton Beat Wishes Only il Retirement Party BOB Ion Bob Thomeson Aller 40 years (tM) Bob is ea/y tu, permanel y park b s trsck. Corne heip hia celmOrale Sunday Augusi 21, 2005 -2-4pm Huais Foster Hall 155KingSt Milso Bisa W çhes Only. ijtjj Det FOLEY BRIAN 1940-2005 Pvrmerlp vi Mltion. test Sia baille miti iung can- cer un Junv r3, 2005 in Puvebla. He <viii Se lov- ingie remembvrea by Cis beivovri mite Cris tis c1iîl/reir DvSra of borgiana, Jon ai Mirtoir Sinror & bis mufe Pam of Burtinglon, afnd tris graoachî- droi Janmes & Meagan In lieptîr rlr iris wshîes ire fiile has lai O Cm ru resi1 m Puebla, Mevîco wavre Ce C ni wie have enlopea living for nhe pai tv peears, I n Memorium donations bo The Alaendala tv5 Ontavao St. S. Foundalion Milaon, ON LgI 2M4 905-878-4141 .se sv are truly appracioted. Notice of The iamily of the demi invite son relaties intemment and grave ELVA NC ROBERT GA Date: August 26tb, 2005 lime: Tes D'clack Fridat Location: Evengreeni Cen Million 1998 CHRIS CRAFT STINGER 26 fi. Twin 350 engines, 540 boums, 1dmn tabs, recsntly rebuilt Cobra out dives. Porta potty & sink. Great condition, bardy used. $22.000. 000. Cali Gry @ 95878-0410 (venis isqiri nievr/). ýFond FOUND lest week, Tabby Cal. Female, lame. Commercial Sl./Derry anea Cel 905-876-5905 Fi3UND:Men's bicycle cal & iclenity aller 5pm 905-878-3857. Nuser chool MONTESSORI: A boma-beset prognare with a quelif itd Montessoi teecher. Ages 2-1/210o5. Flexible hours. Availabla 10 aitamata wîtb Kindargarten. Giva your child a great educationa saet. Cal Krislis 905-875-2738. PART-TIME cbiiit-care needed for Ico boys ae 7 & 4, Chnis Hed- field PS ares/bas route. Ceil Joans 905-257- 2680. CHILD CARE avatieble Darest Park, Arts & Crahts, painting, daii0 ouldoar play, sutritiaus sncs/mas. 905- 875-9944. DAYCARE avtilabia Hawthorne Village tati- lime/part-lime, heailhp snacks, îndsoor/auldoor activilias, dlean & lov- vog envîrasmant. 905- 875-0766. DAVCARE. Lavîog cana. crails, asîdaur plae, Pîrsl Aid, CPR, police check. Pant- Tîme/Fuit-Tîme. 9a5- 87h 0h20 MVOT-HER ai 2 wrth 15 pears esparience as a nOua ,yovrh worer wîli car+ t/r pooir chld pvrt- trre airer s Cool. La- care b ermeer EW Posrvî & Sam Sherrrî Or Ha y Rosary bus 0oule Cali Rirooa Msc& Danca GUITAR LESSONS Prrvale guîlar lessons avarlahie tramt an esperrasced. pratessiana instraclar. Ns registration f se, reasonable ratas. Rick (905) 8754601 Internient y departeit wsald like 10 iand friands, ta the side service for the laIea >RIME andt I1NET HOWDEN i aftennoun. netery, Ontario St. CHEFS Inn Caterers of Fine Fonda i nsoc reg- iatering for their dinner service for Fali 2005. Cal 416-434-5176 for at the lasty delailsl FrSale 61« Sony TV. HO Ready. Coat $6000, esking $2500. Dsly 3-osera old. 905-876- 4601 A dining raam, cherr-y- wood, double pedesal table, 8 chairs, buffet, butcb, doveleil con- struction. New suit sn buses. CosI $11000. Sacrifice $2800 905- 567-9459. A King Pilioctop Mat- traies Set. New in plas- tic. Cost $1800.' salit for $45. 905-567-9459. tisa. Amezing bergein, q0555 orlbopedic pi- iowtop sel, naw in pies- lic werreny $150 905- 567-4042 ciideliver. 8EDROOM Cherry- wood, Bed, chesl, dresser, 2 nîgblstasds. Doveail Construction. Haver openeit CasI $8,000.> Sacrifice $1.800. 905-567-4042 CARPET i have Sevaral 1,000 yards. ai sac Staismaster & 100% ny- loncarpet. Wîii do living- ronm & bail for $389 Inciadles carpet, pad & insallation 130 yards) Steve, 905-633-8192 FANTASTIC Sommer Salel Custom uphol- slaning. Up ta 40% off maso iebsioos fabrîcst Sofas front $788. Chairs lrsm $249. D/R seels from $19.95ee. Seir Discounts. Fields Furnilureaend Febnics. 9-9. 905-632- 9090 FREE Entimates 001 aabby chairs, lîred iookisg aaad finishes?ý Fîids Custom Waad Rvtinishisg and Paroii- lune Rapairs. 9-9. 905- 632-9090 GE Range (vtavel, white, perfect warkivg condition. $100oBO cati 00876-0404. HOT Tub (Spa) Cuvera Seat Pnîce Beal Duai- île Ail Shupea & Coi- avrs Avaîtable. Cali r- vhs-550056S HOT Tub/ Spa, 2005 mo/el ai opionis. Gos er Neyer ose/ srîîî in wrapper Cosr 58,900. S11 S3800O /05-567- NEED A HOME PHONU i L.OVOST PRICES .uvý Acriva- lion tonthl ees Transfer For Frée No Deposîts Onv Stop SPhone Shop r-866-9- 925-925 QUIET nîdîng hourse, Great pieusure hanse, greal with kids, aise Engiish saddia & bsidie. 905-878-1608. 875-4h75. COLLIE puppi sale. CKC ras al aboIs, chipped, eye ci home naîsad, ve able. 905-873-78 1996 Taurus nons celi. Beai Cail 905-873-935 1998 Ford M Green euh gray or. Astomatic, 3.8L, A/C, cruis tral, spoiler, keylî try, power lock nons andt cindos player. 105,0 Snow tires and cluded. Certilied testet. Asking Cali 805-77-8751 1999 Ford Esce 4-dr auto, isadi celient Co $6,000 0B0. 91 1526 2004 Hyundai Sa GL, 62,000 3 . 5 L/ pw/pl/tilt/cruise, maInt'ained, canranty. Financ aven, $371.00i 905-876-1973 2004 Pontiac Vi ver, 5-speed, AI 34 OOmis. MinI lion.Asking $~ Cal 905-873-1581 FORIF eilh charger. G condition. Cai 905-878-428 TECHNI 1CAL SALES TRAINEE Established in 1836 in Saint John, NB as T. McAvity and Sons, Clow Canada is one of Canada's largest manofacturers of tire hydrants and valves for the waterworhs industry iv Canada. Clow Canada's manufacuring f acility 0s located in Saint John, NB wiffi a sales & head sffice in Hamilton, Ont. As a Sales Traie, oa will gain the knowledge and esperience to become a Field Salea Representative. hou will be esposed toi al facets of the companly including Clow prodacta, manafacturing and sales. Yoa will gain maniutaruing an pr oc nowledge from working ai fhe manufacturing plant, assising other staff wimh day-to-day duties and workîng on apecia projects. 'hu wml gain prsduct and sales esperience front wsrking with both Iniside Sales and Dulside Sales. You will start in Saint John, N B then eventually move to Hamilton, Ont. for further training. The ideal candidate wIll he a recent graduate of ant Engineering Technology program or equîoalent. ihu should also poosess strong inlerperuonal and communication skilîs, muat be s self-starter with an aptitude for sales and work with litile supervision. Must be wîllînig 10 re-locate in Canada. Bilingual in hoth French and English would ba an asset. For confidienlial consideralion, please send your resumne with a cover lehter loi our company below. Deadlîne for application is Auguol 26, 2005. No phone calta please. We want thank al who respond la thio position; however, only those chosen wil be called for an interview. Clow Canada P.D. Box 2h40 Hamilton, Dntario C LOCD W LON 3R5 CLDW CANADA Afin. Administraltion Svcretary Fax 905-548-6885 SALES MANAGER Dur, taclty 'r hurîng- tor has an immediale We 7rquire a Mechanîcal Erîqineer ~ n o c wvith 5 years salev experienco in a Courier Driver motal related industry. la heip package and dot ver time-sensitive pi arrnaceutical pf1.0 Falx: 905/878-2)99 uinC a cmpany a ~van A Cea diving as a condition r;fý F" ""A ,ý- BOUT ploment Must ce able fa accomrmoaisr i r ORKO OLISLISTNG varly marnrng shift sure Benefîro are FON o DAYS r À' avaîllue Nt Y ioo ax resumne ta BoneGuy at 905-3I33-5923 The Canadian Champion, Friday Auguat 12, 2005 - 29 Aut Fjirîn ncng IoieFî nancng e nta- 'C E I P O1~S IIE-UTAILISE TOUE CIENET uis QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL Ilyou menpoyedi, les APPROVAL we con helpi ,Bankrupf (discharged Voun circumatance as for or undiscagd =Vour rate istered, . rif couseing No doms payment micro or proposai O.A.C. hecked, *New itmmigrantlrefugee Rtates froas ly 0oci *No established credi 8.9%-29.9% DA.C ,III hoe u __ Ca DM WMMc r Sale mon lesut T0d* ___ Motio EndeWvura 14054334W wao, 3416 Fairvlew, #M0 ClI 00&3G»=0 ustan-. 8-cyl. e cos- ss as- s, min- as, CD and e- Attentian Inaide Sale. Prateaalanaie - Here as 97,000. the career opportunity you have been Iooking for RAND wartdwidle is aeeking sales professions or1 SE, for Our Education Services division in iditas- Mississauge. Our Edscation Solutions 05-702- Representatiees hava: -A succesaful track record ofl inside sales and mna Fe new business developasent kms, * The abillly fa deeelop and maintain atrong client S6 , reîationshîps dealer- -Excellent communication skitîs factory Tedr e-take- VO The drv cork independenty andt also montb. contribute ta aur team envirosment Proliciancy in a Windows envirosrment, including MS Word, Escei and Outlook be, nil- C. CD, You have at leant two years ai inside sales candi- expenience, Ideally in the tecbnoogy field, a 17,900. protessiona business background and the ability ta successfuly handîn multiple teCks. We aff er s -base salary range of $30 - $35K. With liy commissions, ysur compensation cauld ba Bftapprasimately $50 - $60K in your first year. rood Intereated and quaiied candidates are Jas encourage ta aubmit their reaumnea and o caver laetiers ta: Educatian@rand.com Only those, applications that are toi b.