The Canadian Champion, Friday, Auttust 12, 2005 - A27 74W7 When You Thought I Wasn't Looking Joanne Anderson, court reporter and church captioning team member, shares thoughts on the significance of parental example from the perspec- tive of a child: When you thought I wasn't looking, I saiv you hang myfirst painting on the refrigerator, and I immediatelY want- ed to paint another one. When you thought I wasn't looking I saw you feed a stray cat, and I learned that it was good 10, be kind to animais. When you thought I wasn 't looking, I saw you make my favorite cake for me and I learned that the littie things can be the special things in life. When you thought I wasn 't looking I heard you say a prayer, and 1 knew there is a God I could always talk to and I Iearned 10 trust in God. When you îhought I wasn 't looking, I saw you make a meal and take it t0 a ftiend who was sick, and I Iearned 1/rat we ail have to help take care of each other. MILTON SEENTH-DAY ie CHURCH Invites you tco oas weekiv Sabh.aah services ai Hugh Foeter Rael 43 Brown St. Milton Sat. 9:30 a. m. - Sahbath Schooi Sa t 11it ..- Diîviae Service FREE BIBLE SCHOOL ti,sssver the ssnsasssg Bibie avnwes to lisfsspplssag questions, sad tescretîs sisasppy lice Fusr 'FF 131BLE LFSSONS, wrste: P.O. tisx 23012, 55 O.ntario St., Miton, Ont.. LYT 5liii. On the INTERNET, htîp sassa s sp ,san ansi wwwans.setngiacsaorghhivaeschssI shssisnssin,,p PASTOR: At1 iaCosa 519-8535-830551 For mosre insasnaaassn aN)ssisosravsscand prsgrampicse all. When you thoughî I wasn't looking, I saw yvou give of vour time and money 10 help people who had noth- ing and I learned that t/rose who have someîhing should give 10 those who don't. When you îhought I wasn 't looking, I saw vou take care of our house and evervone in it and I learned we have 10 take care of whaî we are given. When you îhoughî I wasn 't looking, I saw how you followed îhrough on your commitments, even when you didn't feel good and I learned that I would have 10 be responsible when I grow Up. When you îhought I wasn 't looking, I saw tears come from your eyes and I learned that sometimes 1/rings hurt, but il's ail righî 10, cry. When you îhoughî I wasn 't looking, I saw that you cared and I wanted 10 be everything that I could be. When you 1/rought I wasn 't looking, I looked at you and wanted 10, say, "Thanks for ail the îhings I saw w/ren you thought I wasn 't looking. " Each one of us will influence the life of a child - as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, coaches, pas- tors and friends. Life lessons are often taught in times when we think no one is looking. On those occa- sions, true character is displayed. Little eyes see a lot! To be a good influence to the emerging generation, we must commit to consistently choosing right actions, even when it does flot seem to matter. Leam to make a positive impact upon CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday Sohool Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm 1 0 -minuiur omve I..orut SUNDY, AUG. 14 10:00 M<UEooM* 'What's the Point? Finding Purpose front our Lifeý" Pastor iim Danielson www.thesanctuary.calmilton y 905.257.3987 oe anaMai l tn Spo rts CentrefU.,. ~ another 's life. Consider developing your parenting skills within the con- text of a caring community of faith. Visit a local church this week. Service times and locations are pub- lished in the Religious Directory below to help you! Submitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Church, Milton 824dra Natale RD. .,MITO Seoat Renton Roge 9 a.m. - Eariy Worshlp Service 9:30 a.m. -AitlAgea Sunday School 10:-45 &.m. - Second Worshlp Service Service Captioned for Deaf/Hard of Hearing # C..u p.rn. - aunaaoy tvignt LIvit 9t. Anony qSuparvlsad Nursery & Dynavmie Chlldran's AAnglican Church ail*ff MP(-rae6 Sunday Agt3- r IP 8:10 arn - Prayer Breakfast (flgfiiý Wd Water Worb In leia#on 8:30 arn - Said Euchadst "%35prwebcgef f* GLEN ABBEY RECREATION CENTRE BABY BOOEKWORMS SEMINAR (3 locs N o Thrd ine& EW,0alvile) Teaching Ioving adufts ta growsouccesoful lite-long leaders.~ (3 bock N.of TirdUne& QE, Okvile) Aug. 22-26 tram 9:30-11:3Oam 905-849-0885 Cati Chunch Office ton ino *Preserving Traditional Weboite: Orthodox Anglicanisxnl* 11& W eie e o. 2GETSUM ER WORSHIP TLS SDevotinl gathic ringurSume hi *Sudyr un circles frkist945a Nulil rsery clses Avial Ai Jo Benarn Rv saafa rynass p/as ettsa 905-878-29ic (loa) 889 905-878-5664 Located on Derry Rd., between the Sports Centre and the Hospital ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTJST CHURH P1 103 Martin Street ___ 905-878-1 629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer "Yau'Il always find a friend ait Graceway" 3ou thside M. - '4ý u n ef e i ,b z r e SUNDAY MURNING SERVICE 10:30 AM A place to pursue Jesus passionately and connect to your God-given famlly GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Clergy: 317 Main st. E WELCOMES YOU MILTON GOSPEL HALL Rev. Dr. Mark the Choirch on the Hi/I 306 Ontario St. N. 0 878-3873 McDerrnott 9054878-2411 170 Main Si. E., Milton 905-878-6066 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper Rev. Carolle Langlotz Father Mark Curtis Iooerimt Moderator - Rev. Horry Kiassen 11:45 arn. - Sunday School Director of Music Ministries - Sonja vao de Hoef 6:30 . -GseSrvc S daSevcsDirector of Discipteship & Family Minisories - Jimpm.-GseSrvc 8:00 arn - HoIy Communion Lagnese Wednesday 7:30 p.m. 10:00 arn- Sung Eticharist, followed by Sna osi 03 ..Pae n il td coffee hour. Service includes Sna osi 03 ..Pae n il td "Kids' Spirit" Nursery For God sent not his Son into Cati the church office Children's Summer Worship the world to condemn the world; or viait wwwgracechurchmilton.comn (ages 3 to 8) 10:30 a.m. ,, but that the world through him "Growing bogelher in elhe grInce of Christ" ih esvd < Wheetchsin Acoeoo through Parksng Lot Wheetchai access and s-sh os prosised so that ih esvd lé ait rnay corne and worhip. Access off Mary Street. - John 3.17 - ý E 1