A24 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Auguat 12, 2005 *8) orts v«Taming the escarpment At Ieft, Pauquette Mltzi tamnes the 25-kilometre course recently durlng the first annual Conquer the Canuck run on the Niagara Escarpmnent. Above, Ricardo Santa races along the picturesque trail, while (below) Jennifer Dunker compotes with Katie Little close behind. Among Miltonians talng part in the race were Christopher Everitt (i6th in 50km), Elizabeth Coulson (28th in 12.5km>, Gabriele Settini (36th in 25km>) and Daryl Baswick (45th in 25kmn). Photos by TARA WALTON ÀIFHamiltons Cop S EoVIiSem -Tpm- Colisin ~Paint Cal Steve Boers 706 Main Streel, Eas, Miflon, ON (905) 870-1110 SRBCMilton Import Car Centre Use ca sale VWGoWfJebt, Ga àDfeselD D5 Speed Specialiing in alimpod vehics Volkswagenu.FueInechon& Dieseis GERHARD & RUDY (905) 878-5330 583 Main Street E., Milton A~T~I eneral Car MtI & Light Truck 7 &WTED Repairs Sersng Mita Sinoe 1978 *AUTO ELECTRIC & CHARGING SYSTEMS *TUNEURIS & EMISSIOI CONTROLS *AUTO AIR CONDIT IONING 18 Thompson Rd. Unâ 12 FUEL INJECTION COOIING SYSTEM SERVICE COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIS BRAKE & SUSPENSION SERVICE DOT INSPECTIONS INTEASTATE BATTERIES 878.7221 GoodWr Sh Fay b- TSs br,ýM Sday 9ê-M " 9e2pm *i~ianmnv Serving Malt on For vmuvmOser 3 Generais HWY. 25 S AT DERRY RD. MILTON A aN. j,.) , b., 's ~, .~ i AUT SEVC 1 AUT SRIC c jý fo, sleblanc@haltonsearch.com Ready for semifinals Marauders host Toronto tomorrow Theon James streaks dlown the sidelines and slides under a long bomb from Josh Spanik. Touchdown. lt's only practice. and there is some light- hearted dispute about whether or flot it was in bounds, but a few moments later it's back to the Mjl1ton Marauders. ai boh end of'r running plays the field uadUer the watchfui eyes of the coaching staff in preparation for tomorrow aftemooKn's semnifinal clash with the Toronto Maddogs ai Milton District High School. Game lime is 3 p.m. They're îlot taking the Maddogs ligbtly, despite the fact tbey finished with a rather modesi 2-6 record. However, two of those losses were defaults because of the use of an illegal player, and last week in the open- ing round they knocked off the second- place Oshawva Hawkeyes, a team, that had suffered jost one loss - to Milton - ail season. In their earlier season meeting. the Marauders beat the Maddogs 23-14 in whaî was the stiffest test lUis year for tUe defending league and national champs. "We didn't dominate them.- said Uead coach Barry Emo. "8-O is great, but 8- O s over. It's one game, winner take aIl. If we take thera for granted, we're in trouble. On any given Saturday any teamn can beat any team." If victorious tomorrow, the Marauders will host either Tri-City or Sault Ste. Marie in the Northem Football Conference. title game August 20 ai MD. A win there would put themn back in tUe national champi- onships, which will be held next month at