A2 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, August 12, 2005 Potential tax hi*ke lowered Maximum 5% increase to be considered A decision made by Milton counicil Monday night lowered next year's poten- tial tax increase by about $ 10. While staff repurted that a seven per cent hike - or about $40 more for the average homeowner - would be required tu main- tain existing service levels, counicil direct- ed staff tu prepare packages that show what the operating budget would look like with nu tax increase. a 2.5 per cent increase ($15) and a five per cent hike ($30). Council also supported Ward 4 Councillor John Challinrs amendment that deleted the staff recommendation that called for an extra two per cent tax increase, or about $ 10, tu cuver the Town's Ions uf a $250,000 provincial grant. Tuwn Director of Curporate Services and Treasurer Jim McQueen tuld The Champion there are a number of things staff will be considering tu cuver the $250,000 shurtfall, such as reducing serv- ice levels or cutting back on contributions tu reserves. It (the loss) bas to he made up some- how," he said. In 2001 and 2002, there were nu tax increases in Milton, while in 2003 and last year there were two per cent jumps. This year, the budget was approved by counicil with a tbree per cent tax increase, or about $18 for the average ratepayer. Staff alto forecast a 4.25 per cent tax increase, or about $25 more, in 2007. No human West Nule cases found fromn WEST on page Ai woven clothing to cuver exposed skin when outdoors from early evening to momning e Using a mosquito repellent approved by Health Canada's Pest Management Regulatory Agency - Making sure ail windows and doors in the home have screens in good condition. The Region alto suggests residents reduce mosquito breeding grounds around their homes by draining standing water, removing old tires, tuming over items that may collect water, changing birdbath water weekly and keeping eavestmoughs clear. West Nule virus has been detected in Halton for the last four years in the bird and mosquito population. While there*ve been nu human cases of the disease in Halton for the past two years, 60 residents were diag- nosed in 2002. Maps showing the locations of where positive birds were found. as well as stand- ing water sites and catch basins where lar- vicide bas been applied. are available on the health department's Web sýite at svssw. reionihailtiion.ncat/healîh. To report a dead bird or standing mater or for more information about West Nile virus. cal] the bealth departruent at (905) 825-6000. Me/unie Heiie.e v vapi he reached or ,nenesîs@miltonîontadiani<hatnipioi.c-o [n.........._. .