rTruestar for Wornen Nutrition &z Fitnes s Centets are benchrnarking health and wellness prograrns for wornen asîd their farnshls in C anada. Over twenty-five centers have openeed in Ontario since August 2004.'Truestar's Nstate-of-the-art Synergistic Personal Training Systerni- a total health prograrn developed bv a dreain tearn of health experts, has received critical acclaim. Truestar personal coaches and center staff partnier with nienibers to achieve cheir he-alth, weighit loss, titness and wellness goals, step-by-step. Working with a personal coach, nienbers develop a total prograin %which incorporates a halanced integra- tion of the five key areas of healthy living: SNUTRItrION, EXERCISE, VITJAMINS, ATITITUDE and SLEEP. Members create personal goals and together with their professional c.oaches then carefil lv nionitor their progress each day online and weeklv at their local center. .the rcsuilts are faster and miore long-termi than any other programns available. WH-Y? 'Fruestar is a litesî vIe, îlot a diet! Truestar for Womnen Nutrition & Fitness Centers are the choice for womien who want a total health and wellness program, not Just a gymn. 930" 82 tb~ ----MU Based on the worlds leading heaith website. Truestarhealth.com supports members in the five key areas of healthy living and includes over 10,000 calorically, hormonally and pH balanced meal plans, over 15,000 workouts from beginner to advanced, over 3,000 exercise videos for ages six to eighly six, a full personalized vîtamin profiling system. an encyclopedia of health, a personal goal setting program, mneditalion COs, sleep lips, thousands of articles relating to the most relevant heallh issues and much more. *Free Personal Coaching. Most clubs charge $50-$100 for personal training. Coaching in al 5 key areas of health, including exercise, is ftee at Truestar Centers. Coaches assist members 10 develop total health programs thal guarantee successful weight loss on the road to optimum health. *Customized Exercise Programs. Truestar Centers have options for everyone. Customized exercise programs are designed for aIl ages and levels of fiînesa (beginner, inlermediate advanced). The programs include circuit options, cardîo workouls and free-weight stations. " Guaranteed Weight Loss. The Truestar Weighl Liss Program has been 50 effective thal weight loas is guaranteed or your money is refunded. " Top-Rated, Doctor-Formulated Supplements. Taking the rîght vitamins and supplements; everyday is essential for vitality, immunity and wellness. Truestar Centers offer a professiona series of vitamins and supplemenîs for over 500 medical conditions. " Attitude Programn With the proper motivation and goal plans, you can improve ail areas of your life. Truestar will show you how to set goals and how 10 reach thym successfully. " Sleep and Relaxation. Sleep is allen the overlooked key area of heallh. The Truestar Sleep Program and natural sleep aids will assisl with your total weight loss and overaîl sense of well-being. ~kI TI'1186di IS ALIFESTYLE NOT A DIET LOSE WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY Cal 1310 - TRUE STruestûr for Wamen, ~' ' Nutrition & Fitness Centers