A18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 12, 2005 4 1kCi 1 O) T59500 IN DEALER DISCOUNTS* on setect 2005 vehictes. OR choose employee prlclng plus goeat low purchase or tease flnancing. iii 500 BRONTE ST. Sa .rship ------Xs w .uncrylr.o Md Froe: SALES b--hus99, Fi. 9-6, Sat.9. SmvKIoE: m..-. 8-5, Tom. 8-8. Sat. 8-12 SIs L H2 ILh-sr e Lmned lime citer flot lobe combmned wilS ottier offert and applies tO reftaî dlonnes oniy, Freight and ait conditionn tao ici ded. lcence, insutance, registraion. S5S PPSA. any retailen administraion tees and applicable taoes eotra. fetailer trade may Se lleoessary. Empoyee Pncmig 'LUS offr FINACN RVDD valid or ail 2005 Chrysier, Jeep, Doitgeoehicies eociodîng SRT 8Bard Sprinter. Vellicies muist be delivered by August 31. 2005 Retailer discounts avaîlable on models stown as folloies ail Catavans and Grand Caravar 28Ci28G modeis $5,500, ail Ram 1500 mortels: $1.500 ai Durango modes, $3000: PNNISPRVSSB ail Pacîtica mods :03,200; ail PT Cruiser Convertible modtels $1,200 For Magnum, 300 and Grand Cflenokee modeis Empioyee Pncîrng PLUS inoludes great lom pibrOlase or lease fmnancig oniy, Down payment of $4999. lor lease on Jeep TJ Spor. Jeep Liberty Sport Jeep Gr.nd Cfierolîee Lanedo, & Sodge Ramt f500. $5175 on Dodge Grand Caravan. Sec retaîlef for specific pnicing detaîls and conditions. 8 Jeep ir a negistered trademadi of DaimlerChrysler Corporation îised under licence by DaîmierClîryser Canada frc. a whoiiy Owred subsidiary of DaimlerChryser Corporation, eil"ll"l 1 q