A8 - The Canadien Chaàmýio'n, Friday,ý ýu6,ilsf 5, 2005 i- ,& 11ài,, I &?4 kéiz Down - but flot out! Life's circumstances can knock us down - but they do nul have to knock us out! Struggles at work, slrained relalionships, stress at home, sagging income, sickness and ilîness - what happensto1 us is not always what we invite mbt out lives! Few of us welcomed the difficult timiles of sor- row and grief that we have already expert- enced, yet tome are able to look hack on their lives and suggest that they are stronger for the journey as a result of their struggles. Those individuals chose to gel hetter through the had limes rather than bitter! They took the tour lemons of their lives and made refreshing lemonade. They refused 10 surrender 10 their negative situation. They realized that their success in life was dependent upon right responses t0 the unwelcome intrusions for life! I think of countless individuals who were pummeled Il dire circumsîances, yeî who refused t0 quit. They had heen heaten. but not hroken. Consider: " Cripple him - Sir Walter Scott * Deafen him - Ludwig Van Beethoven * Bury him in snow and give himi a seem- ingly hopelets war - George Washington - Raise him in dire poverty - Ahraham Lincoln * Strike him with paralysis - Franklin Delano Rosevelt * Bumn him so had that doctors day he'll neyer walk - Glenn Cunningham, who set a new one mile speed-walking record in 1934 * Cali him a slow leamrer, retarded and Write him off - Alhert Einstein * Cali him a college drop out Bill Gales There are so many more names that could he added 10 this list, names of individuals who had heen overwhelmed hy not over- come. Succets in life is determined hy about 20% of whaî happensto1 us an on 80% of how we respond 10, whaî happenste u0 s. CHURCH 0F INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC AT VICTORIA PARK Milton Area Christian Churches Working Together (MACCWT) wiIl once again be sponsoring CHRIST lInspirational Music at Victoria Square"ti 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8Su aAgst720,rm2p 6m 905-875-2939 SnaAgs ,05 o p p Sundy ShoolClases Six Musicians from local churches will be sing/ng and performing a variety of uplifting inspîrational Su i 0:00o arn e music depicting hope, thanksgiving, and praîse. There will be four local groupa, 10:00 amCountry Gospel and two soloista. Worship & Communion Join us ait: Victoria Square Park 11:00 arn (Downtown Miltoni behind Town Hall - corner of Mary & Brown St.) Thursday Bible Study People of ail faith are invitei to corne oui - 7:00 pm bring your Iawn chairs and enjoy the afternoonl Minister Steve Corbett Concert is FREE but donations wiII always be appreciated. S MIELTON SE'ETnc)-ý 9t. Anton" ÀML C1URCI Chuchlo ýiut1 IattMûi (& SÇ>hî Anglican Church lnites vou t,> our xveely Saht sn csaN D . HUgh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sna Sa. 100ani-Diit e i 10:00 Coi (BQuR0MM 8:10 amn - Prayer Breakfst FREBIL CHO Don't let your worries8:0an-adEuams adteecV i'al i jI make you weary- GLEN ABBEY RECREATION CENTRE l 551 Ontario LiSt.. o O 1-91 5B i Pastor Jurn Danielson (3 blocks N. of Third Uine &QEW, Oakille) On li INiTENEI lump % rNoponi www.thfflnctuary calmilton 958908 aiainglacts mg scooial sp95A4 -0 8 IUSl R:AIDaosa l9Mý-80l905.25.3987 *Preserving Traditional Fo (i nure minrninn mloiur wmcn (lpo lý,-( Milton Sports; Centre rh d xA gia sm ________________________605 Santa Maria OWtOMy Rd. wethfl 25) O1bdxAnlcmm GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MLO O PLH L Clergy: 317 Main St. E WELCOMES YOU ITNGOPLH L Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on tbe Hill 306 Ontario St. N. -878-3873 MeDermott 905-878-2411 170 Main St. E., Milton 905-878-6066 10:00 a.rn. - The Lord's Supper Rev. Carole Langlotz ItrnMdrîr-Rs ar lse Father Mark Curis Itrn oeao e.HryKasn1:5am udySh SeviesDirector of Music Minislnies - Soij van de Hoef 6:30 p.m. -Gospel Service Sunday SevcsDirector of Discipleship & Family Ministries - Jim 8:00 arn - HoIy Communion ansWeedy7:0pm 10:00 amn - Sung Eucharist, foiwe byLaesWeeda7:0pm coffre hour. Service includes Sunday Worsi 10:30 a.m. Prayer and Bible Study "Kids' Spirit" July 25 - JuIy 29 Vacation Bible School Nursery Cal the church office Children's Summer Worship For the Son of man is corne or viait www.gracechurchmilton.corn (ages 3 to, 8) 10:30 a.rn. to seek and Io save Wheecha r Ace huhrinLoto ailt mayc corn lodwrhî.AcstofM Stei .Lk 91 W we.crarAcehrhmiatn.cot ai that corne was losi.sofMayStet.M ruk 191 ÇRACEWAY "BAPIST CHURCH 103 Martin Street 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Captainîs Crew for Children (ages 6-12) ,,You'li always tind a friend at Graceway" www.gracewaybapiistorg Choosing the right response is often the resuht of having a proper perspective. The way we realize that we are nol here by accident or by change -it impacts upon how we live. When we see that we have hope and a future - it helps us go on. God has a wonderful plan for our lives - he assured! To learn more ahout it, visit a local church this week. Service times and loca- tions are puhlished in the Religious Directory helow. Submitted by Reverend Dan Rogge, Senior Pastor of New Life Church, Milton Senio OPaSo R. Du, MILgOe "Oiy 1kouth c fioton Kruger 9:30 sa.m il Agnies ofndanadhao 10:45 a.m. - Second Worship Service Service Captioned for Deaf/Hard of Hearing 6:30 p.m. - Sunday Night LIVE Supervi Nursery & Dynamic Childrens Prolrams avai/able ail services! 5vreneriIl Camnp (I-Grade 6) Thwia- Ali doytrip to Wld Water Worcs in hanion Coine and Check 04t Or 5isnrner Camnps for Ail Ages. KIndergarten to Grade Il 4 e Website: www.newlife-milton.org ONE CONGREGATION 2 REAT SUNDAY WORSHIP tTYLES' Sun. August 7, 9:30 a.m. SUMMER WORSHIP supported by music from our Summer Choir Summer Sunday program for kida ait 9:45 arn Nursery Facilities Avaulable NIOi IPSWEB SOOSEB CAMIP 2005 For Children entering JK - Grade 6 Monday August 8th - Friday August l2th 9:OOam - 12:OOpm Price - $45 - (famnilies with 2 children $70) - (families with 3 children $99) Soccer Bai, T-Shirt, Photo, Snacks, Soccer SUiIS, Songs, Bible Stories, Friends! Cail the church office to register utisjdea ( 1796v $ ~ithide www.southsidemiIton.org " . i , rà ., ' A.905-878-5664 Il -j Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gerry Hofstetter Church office: (905) 878-8895 www.stpaulsmilton.org e$qýqthsi'de il