Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Aug 2005, p. 7

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~Tow 's lecrîcIîg tîn va tlyThe Canadian Champion, Friday, Auguat 5, 200&-A7 împroved wîth new equîpment ~ L R RI DER1s WRITE Pom /77777 /771ssue7C oJ i/l Champion and other publications in order ta provide a window into Milton s past. Exp/anatory comment is sometimes pro- vided ta place the situation in context. .Ianuary 1906 Miltonts municipal electrie lighs plant tim frm he ewpowerhouse, with new imprvemet inthelighting, whlch was brilliant and steady and there is plenty of power to spare for extra lighss. Lass Sunday, being the first Sunday of the New Year, the Grace Citurch choir made its appearance as a suiplice choir. Several members have been added and now te complete stressgth of ste choir is 32. Thte careful training that they have had under Mr. Golins was very evident. Grace Churcit Milton is about te last chureh in titis part of te cousntry to have a vested chir siumetn fte Milton Public Institute, was held T1uesday evening. There was a good attendance including a number of representatives of te prospective Men's Club wbo paid their subscriptions ta te libraty and took part m ste proceedings. Directors elected: Rev. Rural Dean Belt, A. Higginbothamn, E. Syer, E.M. Douli, Dr. Robertson, J.S. Deacon, Dr. Stuart, Wmn. Panton and W.i. Sheppard. Directors met and elected: Rev. Rural Dean Bels, President; R. Coates, Librarian; Dr. Robertson treasurer; E.M. Douil, secresary pro temr, A. Higginbotham and Wm. Panton, Auditors. The possibility of a Carnegie library for Milton was discussed and the President was requested to procure information as ta tite conditions imposed by Mr. Carnegie. j Thse Library Board met on ste proposed organization of a men's club. Is was agreed tIsas a men's club be formed in connectian with ste public library and tIsas ane-half of ste membershlp fee be collected, shose already members of te public library ta pay $1 eacit. It was alto agreed tIsas appli- cation be made ta Mr Andrew Carnegie for a grant tawards putting up a public Iibrary building with tIse necessary accom- fmeto 4001 ZC Charging admission at our Canadian War Capsules Museum is cheap and downrîght shame fui modation. In the meantime an effort will be made to have an understanding with the town council for puttmng a hardwood floor in the reading room. Thse pretent readmng room will he improved by the addition of haif a dozen atoola and other necestaries for patrons and more magazines and papers will be provided. The room in rear of town hall will be fît- ted up for a temporary recreation room by purchasing a few small tables and inttalig tome gamret. A caretaker will be engaged at as reasonable a rate as postible, to keep the reading room open every week- day evening from 7 to 10 and tee that rulet are obterved. A committee will he appoint- ed to carry out thete récommendations as toon as the tom of $50 is collected for the purpose. The committee appointed Rural Dean Beit and Mettrs. Syer, Sheppard and Douil. Legal, Social- Ch ief Constable Bradley ays that about two years ago J. M., of Nassagaweya, called on him, informed huim that Mrs. M. had left hlm and was liv- ing with a Galt man. He says he didn't want ber to go back to hlm but he wanted te constable to help hlm to scare stme money out of the mian with whom site was living. The constable refused, informing M. that blackmailing was not a part of bis duty. M. sougbt consolation in the companionship of another woman. The constable reports that a short time ago a man called on hlm, taid his name was L., and his home Shakespeare, that his wife had left hlm and was living with M. He asked the constable to go with hlm in order to get the woman ta sign separation papers. The constable wens. He says that when he and L. anived as their destination M. appeared frightened and protested that the woman was living with him sunply as luis housekeeper; she cauld go or stay, he did not care whicit. When the separation agreement was pro- duced he appeared ta be greatly relieved and tite woman equally pleased. She signed at once and no daubt is still witit M. as housekeeper. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Histarical Societv bv Jim Du/ls, who can be reached bv e-mail at jdills@idireci.com. Titis lester is in response to Cliff Chadderton's lester la last Friday's Champion abo 'ut his wife's recens trip to ste Canadian War Museum. To say that I'm teething after leamning from Mr. Chadderton, chairman of ste National Couacil of Veteran Associations, tIsat you have to pay to ges into our museum is an understatement. I recently returned from a trip ta England, where I visited tIse Imperial War Museum, and yes 1 can confirm tIsas admission there is free. As Mr. Citadderton notes, aussioutt m Aui straan war Museum is alto free. lIn my opinion, te federal gov- ernment's policy of charging admnission to an edifice meant to evoke remembrance - and a place tIsas should be considered hallowed ground - is notiting but sacrilege. To me, titis is worse titan ste coin- operated displays found in cathe- drals in France or the trays sitting on couniters in tome retail outlets accompanied by signs reading 'Pour le service.' Titere's no place, 1 believe, for sucit two-bit practices in a war Museoum. It's bad enougit tisas the majority of Canadians can't even apply for a staff job as the Canadian War Museum because of language restrictions. Were Canada ta mobilize once again in order ta participate in a major war, I wonder wito would or wouldn't volunteer and wito would be rejected out of itand due ta a lack of fluency un one of our two so-called official languages. Ron Bezant Harrison Road Tribute at golf tournament much appreciated Dear Editor: I'd like ta take this opportunity to sincerely thank the Golflng 4 Cancer Committee for the unexpected but truly iteartfels tribute that my wife and I received the night of the latest tournamrent as Homnby Glea Golf Course July 11. I neyer forges ste people who served on te com- mittee, nor ste gaffera and volunteers who bave been a part of this great event over te past 12 years. I'd alto like ta thank the residents of Milton for their generous involvemens in titis very worthwitile fundratter. You peraonally may nos have Isad ta deal with can- cer, but we ail know someone - be it a family mem- ber, friend, co-worker or neigitbour - wito itas been tooched by Use disease. My hope is Usas people continue ta support the Golfmng 4 Cancer evens as shey have in Use pass. Once again, thanks for Use wonderful tribute and for your support over Use pat 12 years. M/k. Boughton, former chairman Gomng 4 Cancer Ad for mayor's anniversary offers hint of irony Dear Editor: Ibesday's advertisement by the Milton Chitaber of Commerce for Gord Krantz's 25th anniversary as mayor caugit my attention. 1 have no desire ta denigrate Mr. Krantz's many contributions ta Milton. However, 1 found it deli- eious irony ta tee that proceeds from the evens will be directed to ste Citamber Legacy Fond to lmprove and maintain community landmarks. This ta the name of a mayor wito, in my opinion, has presided over a town counicil Usas itas effectively tumned Milton over ta developers ta do with as they tee fit. It seems appropriate Usas Use four corporate sponsors for the anniver- sary celebration are ai developers active in Milton. No doubt Usey're grateful for Use supportive deci- sions of Mr. Krantz and Use coundcil ite leads. TOM Wright Milton Thanks to everybody who came to our garage sale Dear Editor: We raised a total of $50, wici our moro generaus- We'd like ta thank everyone wito came ta aur recent ly matcited. Titus, we gave $100 ta the itospital fon- garage sale. dation. Those wito took an item from our free pile and made Again. titanks for your support. a donation helped support tite Milton District Hospital Anita and Christine Foundation. Sunnyvale Crescent Letters welcome The Champion welcomes letters ta the editor. We reserve thse right to edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of the writer included. LeStera can be e-mailed to mloned@Lhaltonsearch.com, faxed ta (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at 875 Main St. E. Stop to the Front of the Lino! Don't lot keep knocking on employer's doors like everyone else. If you have been looksng for GENERAL LABOURER, FACTORY, OFFICE or any oter work and baven't been able ta find a job, we can help get your foot in te door. Our temporary placements put you right ta work in local and ares companies. You get experience, a chance ta make valuable contacts and, best of all, you get paid weekly! Forward an up ta date resume ta: The boutique of te stafflng industry Stevens Resource Group lac., 225 Main St E., Suite 1l, Milton, Ontario, 905-878-7789 Email: milton@stevensresourcegroupcom -Website: www.stevensresoorcegroupeom "CELEBRATING SUCCESS SINCE 1990." XPERT COMPUTER SOLUTIONS w w w.VV 7 4- X-i rt ç_ C> m1p 1-t c r-s - c a.:i AMD Turbo 4000+ New. tystem Acer Aspire (AS3SO2NLCI) New Laptop T-, 350 wtt.Mm7"uy KVM26O6PM-U 1.w C.-- M 4h 7AMD utk 2000-0) M B 256MB DRM..ý '256MB D05 R-,. 800B 72001p. Hud Di.$749 :32MBAGPinteg00674 30654 ud CDW W V . «..D *16xDVD Bur-r *3 S,.-d igo0d. 15]i d S-wf 205 at speouýs 61ie0, Keyboard. 56K M.ý,1/11 N -op,,.7Mo-. 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