A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 5, 2005 *Comment SThe Canadian Champion Boxs248,875 Main St. F.,Ian Oliver Publiîher MitonOnt.19T3Z3 Neil Oliver Aso i i( ufIse (905) 878-2341 Wendy McNah A 1,,iiitg)ii(t Eeitorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Karen Sih Vnagrurrr iru r/r Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 TI ni Cales f',rrdoîuor i/reurrr Classified: 905-875-3300 ('harlene Hail l (un lurnSeu e Circulation: 905-878-5947 Teri Casas O//r Wri, ainge, The Canadian Ctanpinn priliere me tiresdlay and Friday rr875 Main St E fM on ilDi, L9T 3Z3 (Boe 20e nie ire eMeuniald P riiirg Pubksiîng & Disribuiing LtO Èeommuniyrruispaiiers Averrtsrg sarreied rit the coiion t 11ai iore er nof t tyi)ograpi aierrfinal porion hii ni eiirri g seare ocire tererr eterrons teri ingeiner itria reasrirairie aownice for sgntu,ri e irt e niatged for Dbitrthe bDonncer ofthe daieiserrieei rorti e rar for ni thre appic abie rai, Tire piriisher roncres rire rgrît te raiegoirne 08cm semenis or delt e CCAB Audited RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BV Ony~~Ttaneo Couetry d5'A ara/ian Contourty Sirrieran Newspapers "'a~ Newpaees Osecairei ~ Newspapers Associatione SK I n mt THE CANADIAN CHAMPION S A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: Halton So Ha er Jp&B PTV AICTIGN OFM&NIIA A.THENA .r.y A.rds jThe Oakvil,it 5 ne'£ - Showcase Milion GALA A wardn The Miltnn Canarran Champrone s a Recycabe Pende t yiY SMILING?! H TgEJLJT ARRIVEID APPAREN TIII IE VEN Be your own censor' -fflr IZdr 2flJ, 1 Its a film producers dream corne true. The real life person- upon whom your controversial movie is based - is released from prison a mere few weeks before-the release of the flick. How convenieni, too, that the world premiere will talle place in the province that individual now calIn home. Il couldnrî get any better, publicity wise. Writer/producer Michael Sellers is sali- vating aI the chance 10 release Karla, origi- nally tiled Deadly, at the Montreal World Film Festival later this montb. He said he views the films acceptance int the festival as a "positive developmcnt,' and when you couple that with the media hoopla sur- rounding Karla Homoîkas release in July, you can understand why we caîl this a pub- licits dream. Sellers han produced a movie depicting the relaionship of schoolgirl killer Paul Bemnardo and his sweetbeart accomplice Homolka. Obviously the movie han been met witb strong opposition from the fami- lies of the victimn, Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French. The teens "ere kllled in the early '90s and Bemnarde and Homoika were convicted in their deaths. Sellers helieves the film festival's deci- sion to sereen the movie validaies bis artis- tic endeavour. We doubt that the Mahaffy and French families feel the same way. Wbile xve ceriainly can appreciate and understand wby the mere making of this movie han angered so miany Ontarians, we canrt support it bcing banned from movie houses here. However. tbat's cxacîly what Burlingion MPP Cam Jackson wanîs 10 do lhrough Bill 202. The billt, introduced by Jackson earlier this year. would allow the familles of the stain teens 10 sue the makers and distribu- tors of Karla for emoîlonal distrens sbould the film be sbown here. Jackson han long been an advocate for vicîimn'rirgbls and we applaud his tireless efforts. His heart is in the rigbt place on this one, but we would be surprised if the bill passed. Cinematie hislory han shown that audiences corne ouI in droves 10 waîcb notorioun criminals corne 10 life on the sil- ver sereen. If you're disgunted that this film wan made in the first place, be your own censor - dont go and sec. That action will send Sellers a message. Expense of court reporter worth it for school board chair to continue his fight for change Dear Editor: This tetter is in response 10 ail the tetters regarding the conîroversy surrounding the Halton District Scbool Board.,svhich bas încluded some criiicism of Chair Paul Taie. To start with, I helped in keeping Martin Street Sebool open. Il was an eye-opening experience. ht took what seemed like forever 10 gel througb the gibber jabbcr and red tape. H-owever, everyone kept going and we kept the sehool open. Up until then, I hadn't read or seen anything 10 nway me mbt another direction when il camne lu board leadersbip. TMen I voted in Paul Tale as trustee. He was involved in the change of policy govemnance. I agrced Sitb bim, alîhougb a few did 001. Mr. Taie took sleps 10, accuraîely record evenîs iii an attempt 10 cir- cumvent alleged problems siîb original recording equipment. I clearly saw his attempi aI creal- ing a more democratic board, and to replace whaî I viewed as an ohi- garcbic one. Then there was a flurry of letters between 'un' and 'them'. There are some ouI there who, like me, have understood wbat we were meaning 10 do and that al tbe board'n motions and delsys have only strengthened our resolve. Because I believe 50 strongly it the qualiîy of education Martin Street Sebool han provided my son, especially after the crap the board put everyone through and afier whaî I bave seeti Mr. Tate do in order to bning about change. I wish 10 pcrsonaily pay for the cosl of a court reporter 10t the lune of $696 - so ibat he can continue the man- date I voted hlm in for. I'd ask anyone who wanted Martin Street Sebool left open or wbo voîed for Mr. Tale 10 tend a loonie to the board. That way, the argument of 'money, money, money' will be taken care of and we cas get back 10 the responsibiîity of taking care of the educaîlon of our children. Scott Turner Riverpiace Crescent Let's look out for each other during the heat wave Hot enougb for ya? t'm sure everyone's been asked that question at leant haîf a dozen imes so far this summer, and with good reason. The Region's health department han insued seven beat alerts tbat've spanned over more than two dozen days junt this season, compared to the one that was issued for one day lant year. While Ibis extra-hot weatber bas mont of us complaining- and one co-ovorker wbo t won't name threatening 10 sleep over nîgbt in our won- derfully ar-coîîdiîleîned office -il cati actuaiiy pose a very real becaitb risk for some local rese- dents. The bealtb dcpartmcent svams ibai even short pertods ref expeottre b tgb i.lteneperaiiirco cati cause serlioslîeaiib probenîs. sitli those espe- cîatty ai rist. heitg senilors, inifanîts, youîtig chit- dren and Ibone witb chronie beart or lung disease or even astbma. Itesides tbe fact the beat cao aggravate a bealtb condition you may already bave, il can also cause weakness or fainîing, beadaches, naunea, blurred vision, convulsions and more. In some extreme cases, exposure to bigb beat and bumlidiîy cao even cause death. Sadly. some people dont realize just bow dan- guerous the beat cas be. Or înaybe tbey just dont bave tbe imeans 10 sîav coole properly Iis sommer, sucb as tbe eIder- y sbee nay net be able 10 drive tbernselves 10 the aît-condttietned mnati or even gel up to grab a glass rof x ater. Tiiese aie the peoeple s\e teed tee leook out tor and lieip as the tenîperatutes secar. It ortiv t,îkes a sercond teegive your graîtdinotb- n iThe view from here er a cati mor vîsîl your il netghbour juet 10 se f eveîything's ok. Local sports coaches shoeld aiso pay extra attentlin to heat aterts, since sirenuous outdeeor activitico cati cause heaith prebeinro even forthte healtiît of' peoîple dterig tînese xtrettteIy hot days. lin sure- mosi ciljdren, and parent.s xsuld understand and even be graleful if practices and garnes are rencbeduled on the dayn the heat is simply unbearable. While Ibis may sound like a no-bramner, t silîl feel tbe need 10 mention Ibat dogs sufer from the beat the same way people do. so owners sbould- nIt leave their canine friends in the car during the somrmer. Also, those taking their dogs witb tbcmn on an outing durlng the beat sbouid be sure 10 bring along corne extra waler and a bosvl and alteew ibetr to sit intrihe obade îiewv and iben. So ptck uip the phoene.,rer take a bteak freine it- tim n ttftient nof'the fanti eecheck on ynee.r ioved neies ibeithe ttenipet atite'. semer - t ssili i ny take yeîu a minute andidt eneuid ontesoeinene a trip 10 dic bospital ntr cvcn a ttc. Ir - - Mmý ý