Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Aug 2005, p. 31

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The Canadian Champion, Friday Auguat 05, 2005 - 31 1 GeIera 1 Hiep 1141111HeIa ep Il Ha GHea H SkiIIed li& C SkIImd & Hl M SOk&lied & Technlcul Ilel Technlcal Hep Teclcal HeIp Printing Press Operators! Prepress Technicians! aind Press Help Positions: We are looking for production associates whs aa ta work in a teum environment, take initiative ta, improve processes and are înterested n a career with a Goldeni Hsrseshoe commercial web offset print operation. Tnere are varîsus F'T und PT plant positions (shift work aequired) ta be fîlled tram Entry Level ta esperîenced Prepreos and web offset Press Operators. We are a flexible and adaptable organizotion that encourages continuous leaînîîîg and employee develspment. Requirements include. Strsng mechanîcal aptitude Hîghly effective team member Positive attitude towards leurnîng "Abilîfy ta work la a tast-paced deadlîne-drîven envirooment Prevîsus esperleoce in a web offset prînt operation an aeset tntereeted appticante are aeked ta eubmît an apptication in writing by ns tater fhan Augue Oth, 2005 to: Hlamilton Web Prlntlng 333 Arvin Avenue Stoney Creek, Ontario, Il8 2M6 C/o Bob Carver We appreciate att expnessed ivterest in thîs posi- tion however, ovty those candidates selected for interview will be contactied. Pteaoe do nof con- tact us by teisphone. ýASSEMBLWWORKER Grxeg manlufacturer of gt-cundwaster monitoting inxft-mentation requies c worker for tight mechanical and etecfronic asxemby. Appicants chould be mechanicaly adept. aoeuxtomed to wrxrleng wifh snmal paras, have acume electronica axebly and accldering expe-ee. Apply in wting to: Solinst Donna Hancock -Ascembîy'Supetvaon Emnait: donna.hancock@soiinsx.com Fais. (905) 873-1992 Lucury automobile deatershlp requires fwo fuit lime positions for Parts Counter Personnel and Shipper/Receiver Succeseful indîvîdudi vîlI pxsees excellent com- munication sisille, ability te priaritise, meet dead- fines, aed be deteil xniented. Applicante muet en- jxy deeling vitb the public and bave a neat appeer- anoe. Excellent benefit packege. Forward resumes fa: Shirley Westwod Budds' BMW ot Oaisviile 2454 South Service Rd W., Oalville, 16L SM9 Fac: 905-845-0079 NO Telephone Colis Pleas Required Immediatelly - Part Time Automnotive Detailer Mettre, neliable individuel Witb velid Ontario driverst licence & gxod driving record nieed xnly apply The ideal candidate muct be sel mftvated, es concernied wifb defeil and hat e gxod attde. inteeste candlidates ame irwlted to fax Ilheir retourne foi the Sales Manager If:, Mercedes-Benz Oakville Autohaus 300 South Service Rd. W, Oakt'ille (905)8453477 Required fmmedlately - Part Time Lot Attendant Mature, reliable individul vib valîd Ontario drivers lîcente & gxed drîvîng record nieed enly eppy Tbe ideel candidate muet be tel mobivated, es coerned vdbh detail and bat a gxad attitude lntersed candidates are invitedt ta fax their resurne to the Sales Marner st: Mercedes-Benz Oakville Autohaus 300 South Service Rd. W, 0ý Oskville (905>845-3477 CAN Edataing Cores nc aFil c av a ai iM r5 ies crae io compensation Pkg, provîde a positive/ challengîng .uenvîronsent, on-goîng training. *Supervisors *Gareraf Managers *rogram Directors -Sales Consuftants *Floor Insfructors *Aerobics Instructors *Fitness Directors Fac resumes 905-761-8542 or emsîl: careers@fitnessone.ca BLU SPIG GLCOE Turf and Backshop Staff REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY! Blue Springs Golf Club port ot Cloblînk Corpora- tisa is seeking matura, reliable Turf ana Baclvssop Staft ta stsrt îmmediatcly and be able ta work thrsugh the Fo Plesse oee Golf Shop or forwurd resumes ta: cnear@clublink.ca or Fac: 519-853-1404 Required tuf f mte / par-fime DELIVERY PERSONS Muet be ceurteous, have a calid G licence and provîde e dlean dricîng abstract. Heavy lifting ie te- quired. Please comptete an application form availabl .e et t .he Cusfomer Service Desk The Ofde Hide Mouse 49 Easfern Avenue, Actan or fax resume: sOtn Steve @ 5194853-3232 or email sw@ohh.to JffÀÀ17ZYÀUÀ Leldaw Educetion Servics FREE TRAINING Become a Scbool Bus Driver Have yser summere off!i Train nov for September For Mare Information Cati 905-877-2251 LaôOaw vs av envai qpporunia, ermoyerv DO YOU LOVE TO BAKE? If ta yoo may be the persan we are lscking fer Downey's Filnt Market & Winery lecated nertb et Brempton es leoking ta bire. An energetic, eelf-motivcted pereen, eeperience ta base-off predecte le an aet. Willîng ta train. - Muet be able tei went flexible boure, and lift ap te 50 Ibl Apply f0 John af 905-8382990 Now acceptîng applicatione for evenings & weekende. Appty in person toi: 420 Main St. E (Beside Tetus) Mature applicanas encouraged I ~~We have a Part lime position available in oaa lumben yard Friday eveninge and veekends. Seme knowl- ecige et building materiats an aseet, but viii train. Involves corne heavy lifting and torktîft operation. Fiasse tax reaume to: 905-878-4049 Mlton Home Hardware Building Centre 385 SteeiesA ve., Miton, ON aee rea ter n C omm rciafmo pene plns e. tra Traning *Il W offer a eeie ag "ee gîn onepeec Fal informationta 9049-12 or0cati741819-372 ail DUE le gnavlb in negian, Merlin Building Maintenance, an ISO-registered cleaning company seeke fl and paflma Heavy and Lighl dety cleaxens for the Milton Region. Expenience an asset. l- New Distribution Centre in Milton tacatei a,..ndl ,.Jmes Snow Pankway and Steetes requîres tong re povssîie empvxary iv pvermanenti posiions imeate. Siaring pay $1.00 vs $15.on per Svur. Please emait resume ta: obove0almco.ca or Cai: 905-454-4972 Imlr StoffingBrampton Oa transportation anîrd Plase fax information to: 905-856-9720 butao essI f, miari mediaaiD paf Ckffu a i us i f a maus &il~I la patiai M Za u. Areh Beu is GoDirv ith yo r e i bande Proude & t your ie &o aLee rVidea metiîe cmesto pAckghtre cuu? gno %i o andrvndspno Sa ou wht fr you wnfor? Seond rs e re Due i l se deNandfrl onals a lyfl 16ric SecoEnd St.Leupet i e at:aettrvie chaopttvcompvnston pakae thaat appcntzsan howevrd penfor- Requît reyo îmmedvtfor? E Selley platn dbnft Dace oc Mcrato TeaMusas Email: leyarl @teaaaac adnn .com Insalle ForFstLan (a iead ireanes) E cellnt act Brenndabnft 1 Customer Services Supervisor & 1 Shipping Superisor Imperlal Manutacturng Group - IMG, located in Oakvlle, Ontarios We are a leader la galeanioed duct-pîpe & fiffîngo, heut cane preducîs, ventilation, air con- dîtîoning, steel xtuds & acceesorvo and aluminas raîling. wîtb operatîsas ai ar- ioas locations an North Amerîca. We ara curreatly seekîng a Custoser Services Supersisor and a Sbippîng Sapereisor for sur operatîsas ix Oakvlle Ontario. Customer Service Sýupervisor: Reporting tai the Plant Manager, and workîag cîth the IMG Sales ceao. ysu cii supervixe and lead sur customer service team, on day-to-day service priorîtres & stnatagy, This cr11 requr interface cîth production, distribution, sales blwe the multiple levais of the organîzatîsa. The objective is Io ensure excetllent customer service by vlevatîag the service standards. You wîlI look ut ways tai ressac- vaste and service borniera. Thic ii require a thorsugh vaderstaadag of the business aad ia processes, MG vanta ta deaeisp a vsrd ciass Seat Practîces service leve ta seat tac demandu of sur customers nec and an the future. You usu underatand, deaeop. lea ana challenge the issues, the teas, and the business so improve sur overal effvc- tîveneas aad effîcreacies. Candidate qualifications. Stroag campreheasîsa 0f or- dca Io cash cycle an order t0 ensure constant effîciencies and proceso improve- sents. A coilege or University degave and a minimum of S yeaas evpvrieace in Cuatomer Services management vîthîn the saunfacturag envîroamear Ad- anced probles solvîng & decisîsai sakaig, communication, negotîstiona skiîls and organiostrona akîis are aseentia, teas player and leader, abiity ta, support and motîcate. Order Eatry syxtes esperreace Candidates vith eqaîsulent edu- cation training and/or eperrence wli be censidered. Knovledge et the HVAC in- duxtry vould be an coxet. l'hiping3uevisor: Reporting ta the Plant Manager, you vii be resoneible io overee ail I oipping, picking, dispatching of oui fleet and the acerat logîstico of oui Distribution Center, The objective of Ibie rele le to ensare prompt bîgh quality delivery of oui producto to sur cuotomers, You vîl provide leadership Ix a team of appreximately 15 tix 20 people on 3 shifts and interface cxntivaoaxty vîtb Cusoxer Service and Prxduction to eneure aur caxtoser epectationt are met. Candidate qualifications: Cellege diplema or Univerity degree, certified detignaton CIIT vould be an aseet, provein tracs record in leadîng othero, abri ity to deal vitb txugh deadlinex and manage cuotomer service tirnelinvo. Esperi- enced in leadîng, coacbing and addreoeing HR staff issues. Experience in nego- tîatîxg and managing transportation agreements. Rexultx oriented, procbve, vin-vin tinker and a focus on the big picture. Knovledge of the HVAC indaetny vsuld be an atte. Pleate torvard your applicabion before Auguet 8tb, 2005 quotiag tbe appropriate poitixn and reterencex la strict confidence te: Human Resources-IMG careers@imperialgroup.ca We tbavk ail candidates for Ibeir intereot. Ovly those selvcted for an interview vilI be contucted MADISON Chemicai Industries nc. ix North Amenicaxs taxtext gnoving manufactun- va of bîgb performance protective coafixgs oeil Vt/orlci Oea tast paced encîrnment neqeinex sef-di- necled bigbly motîvateci indivîdualo vbo pois- Cr sesa xtnong xenxe ut ungency, attention lx Onnortunitu datait, and a xxlid vxnk bislxry. We cxnnenty r bave tbe totlxving fuît time xpportunity avait- Bell World Miltas, MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT Reapaxaîble for maîrdaînîng tbe building and grounds in accondance vîth establixbed xafety and tiouxekeepieg standards. AIxe axîxte cifb packaging and labelixg et f in- ishedi gxodx kits, andi light plant taxks. In addition lx a competifive wage, wie xffer bealtb and dental benefita, a bonus program, ftteax xubaidy, profit xhanîng and a relire- ment xavixg pilan. If yxe are interexteci in tiî oppartuxity, pleaxe forwand your neaume to: ~ Madison Chemical Industries Inc. Attn: Human Resources Depi. 490 MeGeachie Drive Million, Ontario L9T 3Y5 Fax (905) 878-1449 Emal: detblemainhmçaom We wosld lîke ts thavk ai candidates for thri enterext towever ovty thoxe cetectei forsen interview e'l be cavtacted. s-lm,- 1cc1 WINDSOR - WATERLOO - MILTON Miltan Location requires *LICIEINED 310T TECHNICIANS è4TH VEAR APPRENTICES *LICENSED TRAILER MECHANICS Top Rates (ip fa $30/br), Benefifs, Excellent varking conditions in a busy cnd reputabie dealership. Ap iy in person: 8050 Latson Rd. Milton or Fax: 905-876-1719 careers@exDresswayovo.com Positions aiso avaîlable ait sur ather location. HATNe IL as hîrîag a COOK, a B LICENSED BUS DRIVER and an ECE for ochos: age program Piease Cvii Coany or 905-877-5004 iequires eeiyoiiiy Fuil-time Sales Associates Please e-matil resume to: sellot@wpci.com eit exîcet, pro et- tional and retiableI andtbxrgcanîoal~ tkltu et vel excellent knxvledge et MS Of- fice Applications. Fie day vork veek in- cludîng veekende. Fax 905-847-8029 P ole Rase -101;I Hiaalsth is Papgyor erue mmummmma Fleace fax regume to: 519-650-5432 Attl l 1 smoil cd

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