Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Aug 2005, p. 29

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IIARINGA: Robert and Jocellyn (nee Alison) of Milton are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Attison Mary Ftm weighing 7 ibs., i 2ozs at Milton District Hospital on Jane 29, 2005. Ale os greeted by grandparents J m and Mary Elten Allson and Fred and Pat Haringa' Uncie Jay, Aant'n Stacie & Kristen, Uncle Kevnn and cousin Meaghan weicomed Ali e with great grandiparenta Fim Haringa and Richard and Ma. re Roche. Woodley Adto Peacetully at the Milton District Hospital on Satarday, Juty 3Oth 2005. Add Woodley ot Milton in hos 91 st year Beioved husband of Reta Woodiey tor 65 years. Loving father ot Lorna and her husband George Greenlees and Manilyn and the fate Bill Robertson. Add wiii bu missed by hio grandchîidren Cheryl (Scott), Berry, Kent (Yvonne) Greenlees. Bruce (Veronica) Greenieeu, Todd Robertson (Hoiiy(, Keiti Robertson (John) aiso his 10 great grand- chiidren. Dear brother-in-iaw of Violet Haymard and Thelma Hooper. Predeceased by a brother Andrew and aister Lucy Chambers. Famîiy and friends visifed at the McKeruie-Kocher Fanerai Home 114 Main St. Milton 905-878-4452 on Wednescday. The fanerai service mas heid in the fuserai home chapel os Thursday, Aagust 4th 2005 at 11:00 arn. As expressions ot sympathy, memoriai donations to St. Faui's United Church Memodiai Fond or the Heart and Stroke Foundation wouid be appreciated. BUAGOIN, Danny "Mad Dog* Peacefulty alter a bnief sennes Dan Burgosn of Miltoni passed away ai McMaster Hospital on Taesday Augut 2, 2005 at the age oft 57. Son of the fate Lawrence and Sarah Bargoin. Father of Danny and Jasoni and grandfather of Danielle. Dear brother of Gien and the late Larry Burgoini and brother in-iaw of Margaret. Uncle of Mouissa, Mercede and the late Nicole. Dan mutl be dearly mianed by friendu Barney (Sheena), Roy (trene), Fred and maniy other Brothers. At Dan's raquent cremahton bas taken place. (Donald V. Brown 905-662-2948) 'He Lved toi Ride and May H. AIways Ride Frais [Featherafone, Gracs IAt ber beloeed home in Milton on Saturday, Juiy I301h 2005. Grace Featherutone of Mifton, ho- l oved mile of the fate Sheidon Featherutone. IDear mother-in-lam of Boa Featherufone. Yorke and bis mile Jean, Debbie and ber bus- band Mike Hyde, Kathy and ber busband Ken Gaifbraith and Todd and bis mite Sandy also ber great grandchiidren Eric, Thomas, Emily, Jaymen, Mitchell and Sarah Grace. Prede- ceased by ber son Peter, daughter Anse and son-in-lam Ge-orge Yorke. A opeciai thanku to Dr. W. Kostomuki for bis kind care. Family and friends viîted at the McKERSIE-KOCHER FU- NERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878- 4452 on Taesday. The fanerai service mas held at St. Paulus United Charch 123 Main St. Milton on Wednesdlay, Angunt 3rd 2005 ai 11:00 amn. Intorment follomed at the Milton Ev- ergreen Cemetery. As expressions of sympa- thy, memoria donations ta the Milton District Hospital Foanidation or the Heart and Stroke Fourandaon mould ho appreciated. ATCHISON, James April 5, 1955 - Juiy 29, 2005 Suddeniy in Woodstock on Friday Juiy 29, 2005. James Atcfiison, ioving hunband of Julie, father of Kyfe, Jessica and Evan. Jim miii bu sadiy misserd by bis mother and tather in-las (Landie & Bon Draas), mother (Loula Atchison), sister, brothors and sistora in-iam and nioces and nephems. A pnsvate service mas boid in Woodsfock on Thursday, Augut 4, 2005ý FrSala1 For Sais _______________________________ CARPET i hase seooral HOT Tub/ Spa; 2005 McCLELLAND: George Albet 1 ,000 yards. of nom model, ai options, Cov- Foacofully ai homo, sa ssunded by his family Staîsmaster & 100% ny- or Neour usod atli sn 1 e É ;t 1 5 i NI I n, 4 .. 43 .vIl,1eai1d 01 ou ye..ir Beosseô ialter oi jiii, (Lînda) McCieiiand, Lynda (Bob) Hastie, Adrian (Vaaghn) Masroe, flm (Margaret) McCieiiasd, Debbie Mcçieiiand and lvy (Fat) Naccarato. Sarvived by bis grandcbiidron and groat grand. chiidren. Lovisgiy remembered by bis ausi Jane Gould and bis sîsier Lorraine Raid. Friendo miii be roceived ai the J. Scott Eariy Fanera Home, 21 James Si., Milton, 905-878-2665 on Friday Auguot 5th, 2005 tram 2-4 PM & 7-9 PM . A Fa- nerai Service wili bo heid from the Fanerai Home Chapel on Satarday Auguot 6fh, 2005 ai 11 AM. Crematios for toiiom. In lieu of fiomers, donations ta the Canadian Cancer Society or Milton District Hospital Foandation mouid be ap- preciated by the famîiy. Ira ~I nM emriam ZWOLM4AN, ANTONIETTE In ioving memoy of ont hehoet mot/ter, mother -uniw grantimother (Orna), great grandmoher, annt &frend. W/to pasteti amay 20 yearî aga (Ang. 22, 1911 -Ang. 7, 1985). S/te was the c/terished mîfe ofan Zîvoiman (Jan. 26, 1908 -Jane 19, 1978) Alhong/t yon te aia'ays in aur heurts We le ta noîaaîd ites, Sayjnst haie mach yoa'te meant ta ai Along the roasi we ireiti Wt/ everi, iaving lo/t w se c, Wit cîery gent/e îoîc/t, Yaîîrfuce appeata be/are our cries, To temînti ns ofyoît lave,_ T/te ieguiy jiaî left ivit/t as, O/lOVE aid FAJTH, HOPE andi PRA YER, Has gaieti l 'ui/e uasa, And eipeti ns chm/l. t/te tains, tfSORROW JO< HAPPINESSanti even o]' DESPA JR. In FRIENDSHIP yan mete orne, far eien afier 20 ycari t/tey atil ipea/l afyonr kîineai, asaian andi compassi .onate ta ail w/ta croedyanrpafth T/long/tyeara muy came, Ansiyeata may go, Yoar LOVE mil reîgn inptcme We mita t/te t/ling io van md ta do andi iayi Anditv/tes a1i imes, Wetdûoteiai, ti' ites se miii yon most oal. Onr hearts îtii ache siit tadneii, Ont silent teari siiiifhî We /ltyon cloie it/lin ont heats, Ant hete vos s'il rrmuîn To iialki/t itîitroigouiioirives, Ulntîl ive mcci agaiui. Sas/y m/ied anti Io ed aimays by ynu r C/tsire INGRID BA 11EV BERT (Aîîg 8, 1946 -Mari i. 2005), ROI' anti MARCEL ZWOIMN là-1uma JIM ilAIiFY TERESA (Mat .22, 1950 -Ot 30, 2001) MARY and ANN MA RIT' ZWOLMAN Grand&hidu-n PAXTON anti BYRON (Dec. 3,.1977 -Aptil 5, 1978) RAILEY LEE (MARLA), NICOLE ti- BENJAMIN 7WOLMALN, JUIJE (DARYL) HEROUX, IRKAND BLAIR (SOMMER) FLOOD Gresat-granddaughter KIERRA TERESA ZWOLMAN BARRER, Carl (Reky) December 2nib 1954 -Augusi 7th, 1976 Mam andfamily CatT ohanbs M.olTho anks KYle Salîbas famids would lîke t; express their sincere gratitude & appreciation f0 relatives, ftiends, neig/lbonrs & colleagues for tour kind- ness, support & comfort during our most dîfficuit time. We t/lank ' on for vour generons donations food, flowers & curds. Special than/ls t0 those who acknowl- edged & appreciated Kyle's mur talents & s/lored special memories. T/lank von for the love K 'lve received over t/le -vears bY mont lfusil. homies hie mas welcomed into. To ail the yonng people in the commnîrv w/lb comforted ourfam- ilv or each other, he prond of yourselves & continue t/lot snpport. Our t/lan/ls to Jamie, Ern & Danielle of J. Scon Earf.v Funeral Home for their rare & understanding. To Rev. Gerrov Hofstetter - t/lonk you for a beautîful service. Thanks f0 ever >vone for the continued love & support bY vîsîts, catis, t/long/is & pralvers. Tony (Nalali) Soliba, Kelly (Roua) Ferguson, Trevor & Tyler Soliba Kovle ivill be remesnbered on Augasi l4th, iii Hanwaii ai an Obon cerenionv 'lhé Caiaiât Chârmplon, Friday August 05, 200È; - 29 Cames 09cno n Crf .i.p..e pad &5 installion (30 yards) Steoe, 905-633-8t92 HlOT Tub (Spa) Covers Best Prico, Best Quai- ity. Ail Shapos & Coi- ours Aoaîiabie. 0011 1- 866-585-0056. MOVING. Complote collection of approsi- matoiy 500 fins. Some antique. Phone 905- 878-1040. NEW soiid oak table mith 4 chairs & 2 leaoes. Mafchisg cor- ser buffet & hutch. $1500. Coear swing sot mit h 2 smings & monkey bars. $150 New twis bed trame & headboard. Blue. sr- cludos bon spring & maffress $200. = [AuoFFnancing CRODIT PRBLEMS? mmii WmI1S? WC cmI uaoP *l-ESTIISM YihM UDMMI QUICK, CONFIDENTIAL i you ste enipioyed, APPROVAL we can help! " Baskrupt )dîucharged Your cîrcumatasce or usdiucagd Yoar rate " scredo cosung No doms paymest or proposai C.A.C. "Nem immigrast/refugee Rates from *No eafabiished credif ï 8.9%-29.9% O.A.C. Apply byPhamoe ý Cai OseWatmon mon. toSOL Today Motion Endssvours 1-905433-08 3416 Fairviee, 11200 Cati: 905330300 Burlhngton :3 HALTON KiF, ) A i R 0 i) Il West of the City Magazine, part of Mefro- (anda Haiton Media Group, is seurching for a Publication Sales Manager The Publication Sales Manager is respon- sible for esfablishîng, direcfing and mas- aging the sales and marketing efforts for the upsca(e magazine, West of the City. In this role you milI esfablish sales goals and strategies for the magazine's sales team. In doing so, y ou milI croate a cli- mate of innovation mhile fostering positive relationships mitb current accounts and milI mork mit h the sales team in dovelop- ing nom business. You mi)) ho an exfroverted personality that cas establish and 1081er multi-community relationships through attendance at vani- oua evening and meokond community evonts. You moll undersfand the infrica- cies oi our markets and milI ho 'the face oi the magazine' fo our targeted domo- graphic group. To succeed in Ibis role you moll have ox- perience in a sales/marketing manage- ment capacity, preferably mith a multi-mo- dia background. Post-secondary educa- lion in an Advertising/Marketing discipline mouid ho benefîcial for succeas in Ibis role. If you would like ta mork for a leader in the media industry Ibis opportunify may ho right for you. We ofier a competitive compensation and benefit package as mol) as opportunities for future career gromtfl. If interested please formard your reoume, and sslary oopecfatioss, by Auguaf 10, 2005 fa: pmattel@mefroIand.com fax <905) 632-0308 We appeoafe fthe înloreoaf ail appicanlo howeer on(y those soelctd for an interview mili bu confacfed. No phono ca((s or agescios p(easeo Sul pliasfo Sale PUREBRED Golden retriever pupn. Blonde Beauties. Roady ta go and demormed. 519- 843-8853 1995 Mitsabishi Eclipse, GST. Turbo, manuai, green on groy FL, PW. 100,000 miles. $9.200 obo. Cali 905- 877-0951. GoodLife- OPEN HOUSE Are you passionate about helping others? Are you Iooking for a ne w direction in your lité? If your answer is yes thon GoodLile may have a place for you.* Juin us at our tieuf open House ta col(ec. mtore information about the many great opportunifies maiiing for you at GoodLife Milton Coed and Milton Womrens. Please bning a resume. We are seeking individuals to fI)l club positions such as Memhei-ship Sales Associato, Personal Traine-, Customer Service Rep., and Group Exorcise lnst-uctor Tuosday, August 9, 4:00-7:00 p.m. Milton Coed 855 Steeles Ave. E. Il you aie unable te lois us on this dat, forward your resume (Word of PDF format) te, lotcier@gceodlifefness.com PROJECI MANAGER/ ESTIMATOR Based sn Qakville me are 100/lisg for s Graduate of C.ET. program in Cosruction/ Building Technolo- gies mha is versatile and adaptaale ta mark sn s production/ instlatiaon/ site onvirasmesi. Muai ho praoent sn the falloming: Roadinig and interprota- fias of architectural asnd engineering drsmisgs Ma- tons)l iake-off s asnd oaiimaig, isierpretatias of specifications, argaslizatios of labour reqairements, orsi and stfes fochnical communications. Send resume ta: oaltvllisafflng@yahoocoom 199 Hnda Coc 4-d4oor soda 5-speved, A/C, tinted windoms, 5- CD changer uystem, 245,OOOkms. Dark green mith groy snterior. Safety & omissions tested. Weii-maim- ained. Service recorda availabie. $4750 OBO. 905-878-190. 1998 Ford Mustang. Green mith groy interi- or. Automatic, 6-cyl., 3.8L, A/C, cruiso con- trot, spoiler, keyiess on- try, poser iocks, mur- rora and mindoma, CD player. 105,O00kms. Snom tires and nims sn- ctuded. Certified and e- tosfed. Asking $7.000. Cat 905-877-8759. 1999 Mazda Frotege, red, black interior, 5-spood, power win- dows & doors, keyloua entry encellent condi- lion inside & out, 73,000km, nom brakes. Asking $7500. cor- tified/OBO. 905-876- 2573/416-705-2705. 2001 Chrysier Sebring LXI 2-door sport coupe. 1-omner. 8-crf., loaded, chrome mheeia. Aaking $12.995. Cail 905-873- 9992. MUST SELL 1994 Pon- tiac Boneile SSEI, 3.8L, suporcbarged, 172,OOOkmu, leather, ioaded, excellent condi- tion, $5.500. OBO. 905-877-8626 CAA South Central Ontario is lookinq for dynamic people committed ta delivering superior, customer driven service. i Travel Consultants Mm9ilton Mountain., Oakville, and Stoney Creek Stores An excellent communicator with superror custonier service skills and proven sales abilities, you will procictiveiy market, sell, and consult with clients on a wide range of travel products and services. Highly motivoted with tested closinq expertise, you have two years' experience as a travel consultant, a travel certificate, and familiarity with Apollo. We offer a competitive salary and bonus incentive plan along with an excellent benefits package, paid vacations, and more. Please apply ta: Humon Resources, CAA South Central Ontario, Fax: (905) 525-7930 e-rnail: jobs@caasco.ca www.caasco.com A King Piiiowtop Mat- troua Sot. Nem in plas- tic. Coot $1800. soul for $450. 905-567-9459. A dining room, cherry- mood, double podestai fable, 8 chairs, buffet, hatch, dooetaii con- struction. Nom st11 in boues. Cost $11000. Sacrifice $2800. 905- 567-9459. BED, Amazing bargain, queon orthopodic pil- iomfop net, nom in plas- tic, marranty $150 905- 567-4042 miii deioor. BEtmm uCnéfy- mood, Bed, chest, dresser, 2 nightstasds. Dovotail Costruction. Never openod Cost $8,000. Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 ~flAoFncng

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