CPR and __________________________________________________s~a~. on~ay theuu un, au ww.mltnhrslr.o St. John Ambulance reminds the com- munloy that while it may take minutes for an ambulance to respond, it only takes sec- onds for a person trained in CPR. This summirer, the Oakville branch of St. John Ambulance is offering many emer- gency and standard level fit-st aid and CPR classes. An emergency firat aid and CPR class will be held August 15, and a standard first aid and CPR cisass will be held over a two- day period August 15 and 16. A babysitting course for kids ages 1l to * 15 will also be offered Auguat 10. 18 and 22. The one-day course, which includes a * babysitters kit, teaches leadership, confi- dence, and first aid skills in a fun and informative environment. For aduits taking care of children, there will be one-day emergency first aid with infant and child CPR classes held August 14 and September 17. Register by Tuesday to guarantee a spot. Additional dates are available. For more information or 10 register. cal (905) 469-9325, ext 0. Correction Incorrect information was provided to The Champion and appeared in Tuesday's article about Milton resi- dents participating in next month's Weckend to End Breast Cancer WaIk in Toronto. Through ber school in Mississauga. teacher Kim Morris helped organize the 'Change for Change' fundraiser and raised $910 - flot $9,010 as was reported. The Champion regrets any incon- venience this may have caused. 2-4pn,03umf99432.0 iA Ntns,Rba LePqe M"umoo Re.ty W5-87-1lt1 2-4 pn umm i.69,0 bab Kkt, RoLio Bd4 tii cmtt 95-78-777 2-4 pin. U4 NuM"s Ot. 830,90 tff Lae, Roya LePago Muntostoae Rutly, 9W5-878-8161 12-2 pri, 105 Kendne Cing. suM,11111 Mk*A Maihaf, Roya LaPao Moawtovme ay, 905-870-titi 2-4p, IIIIIIII Yabm Odes. $M109016 Mina Niait, Roye LePite Meadoatoun Reaty, 905-78-t1tt 2-4 1111, 1273 foIon m. $319,00 Esa GoodWn, loyal LePigo Meidowlo. Rial!y, 905-878-titi 2-4 pit, 110 bali TMIi. $38W1 Joe taganl, RoynLePag Meadosi llt, 905-878-titi1 2.4 pant, OU0 Dilan.lily ftit. $317,000 Angel Lywti, Roya LePagt Meadoatn R94lt, 905-878-titi1 2-4 Pmn, 11519 Oimnip Lin. Coten&et GitWn, ReoNs GuAn tty Reat Inc. 905-827-6454 2-4 Pmn, 100 Chat 111. $377,M7 t tug / Bteely Fm, ReMue Rad talai Cant 905-878-777 2-4Pm, 1229 lnmntnn. 828,00 Stodi Ititita, Royal LePage Meadoslosie Ruht, 905-t7-8101 babysttin ÀAil Canadians get our Employee Prici ng. for the f irst ti me ever. Itfs the best time to own a Chrysier, Jeep, or Dodge ever. TOýpnn0 IN DEALER DISOe~UNTS* on select 2005 vehicles. OR chaos. employee pricing plus great low puniiase or lease flnancing. c:~~L NE- fv m jefe CHRYSIER PT CRUISER CONVERTIBLE CHRYSLER 300C DODGE GRAND CARAVAIN MOD E>Z c DODGE RAM DOOGE DURANGO CHRYSLER PAIFICA JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE D)ODGE MAGNUM R/T Frlday Champion ta final the Weekeed LSpotllghi on Homes Section showcasing morel open housa andlnwlsig * nases un 2004 year-end SS1 results for sur denier groso. vernied by taimler Chrysier Canada. *Cash Sale Prîce ircludes FDA(tnctsry to daler alîssanice), add for applicable trergtt admin tee, tanes&t licerse tee, St ircludes My Ride reoatel Specmal lirance/leased rates are availasie rn lieu sf -tA. tee dealer for deuils, ttLease paymeot termns as showr. tuent sioning applicabole dowt PaYment, tirst payment, applicable freight, admin tee, nues & liceorse tee. 20,400 km annua 1mileate allswance.Excess km charge 15e per km. Closnd end. walkaway lease, DAC. tSpecial tirance/ease rates/tactsry dealer allowance mutually enclusive and may rut be combined. t tee dealer for deuails. 1 FER EXTENDEDI MI"MPLOYEE PRICING