18-The Canadian Champion, Friday, Augusi 5, 2005 JOHNSTOIN PETRtOLEUms cutrnrsevc Yen to yo! S i! Issus oj 1, urnace Oli, Stove Oil, Gasoline 32 t.1é ÀVO., tt 'Wa, L MILTON &Diesel Fuels - 74181 ' -='up4 ROB FARRANT Sae& lPeJwl/- q/it'lvlntl JULY 2005\ 's corne visit our? sbowrWor 805878M -18 ThoanpOe Rsad, NM s&fAm aînitnumhbmsAimnnunmau -r Q: c4tU1bli 191 Main St. E. Milton 905-878-2341 chamnpion@htalIton search.comn leC MITN CHAMBER 0 www.chamber.milton.or MÏLM years as an elected officiai, Mayor Krantz helped buîid a soid 1 President's Message Joyce Hagevik A celebration to honor pur mSr own Mayr Krantz On Saturday, September 24th, the Milton Chamber of Commerce wili be husting ain important community event with a place in Ontario bistory. We have the honour of celebrating with our Mayor, Gord Krantz, the anniversary of his 25th year in office. 1 have had the privilege of knowing Gord since he was first elected Mayor and like Gord, I too have watched Milton experience many changes. But some things neyer change: Gord's passion for his community and its citizens was as strong in 1980 as it is now. Milton is stili a wonderful Town in which to, live, grow and do business. foundation for the future of this community. Being Mayor of such a rapidly growing community has been challenging but Gord has worked tirelessly at achieving balance. He has been able to ensure that our long residing citizens stili feel at home and our new citizens feel welcome. On September 24th, we wili be giving ail of the businesses and citizens in our community the opportunity to join us in showing our appreciation for ail that Gord has done to help businesses old and new, large and umail, flourish in this community over the past 25 years. 1 would be remiss not to wish a heartfeit congratulations to Gord's wife of 50 years, Mrs. Olive Krantz, better known as "The Boss" because as we ail know, behind every good man, there is a great woman!" Comne celebrate and honour aiong with our Board of Directors, Chamber staff, our members and our most generous SPONSORS at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club on the 24th of Septemnber and raise a toast to, 25 years of excellence. During his tenure in public office, 25 years as Mayor and 40 Ticket details avaîlable at the Chamber office at 905-878-0581.j Upcoming Events Milton Chamber of Commerce The August Business After tlours The Septembher Business After Mayor's 25th Anniversary Farmers' Market will be held on Hours will be held on Celebration Every Saturday morning in Tuesday, August 23rd from Tuesday, September 27th from Saturday, September 24, 2005 downtown Milton 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at 6:00 p.m. Main Street from Martin to James Parkway Auto Trade at Cabinet Dimensions located at Rattlesnake Point Golf Club May 21 to October 29, 2005 8215 Lawson Rd. 17 Wilson Drive Unit #4. Tickets are $125 per person 7 arn. to 12 noon Business Affer Hours are for Caîl Sandy or Allison for more www.miltonfarmersmarket.com Chamber members only. details 905 878 0581 We ceuldn't have done htwithuty@.t The Milton Chamber of Commerce presents Thanka to the overwhelming community support of the Chamber Scbolarship <9 T4 Fund, the Chamber was able fo offer five The Chamber proudly funds this program from the Scbolarship Café ai the Milton Farmers' Market (sales of the 'bacon-on-a-bun") and from the Annual Sports Celebrity Dinner & Auction. O Chamber to ensure an ongoing 25thbyear as mayor. Resicdents, busmnesses, endowment fond for advancing Stphnosedct-Mr frsends and colleagues are mnvsied to jom secondary education in our community. /2005 Chanm Scholarship Relgns thme Moion habr o d Comrce inr Presentalions were made at the recent back row: comnnDMdiMachs aeorstmp adyorm ord sravicef. Business After Hours held ai Crawford cosîlie, David Cooding he se lead ers ndlet of th s e rv ic e Lake Conservation Area. front rosie Kathryn Longîro, Christine direcird to the Chamber he Fnne ocerd of Gords even z ilb CONGRATULATIONS TO: Marshall improve and maintain community iandmarks. Kathryn Longley of E.C. Drury High School who bas been accepied int the jj Theatre Administration program ai Queen's University. Katbryn's goal is to, 1f2 %E 'tw en u pursue a career in Aria Management. Saturday, September 24th, 2005 Siephen DeMedicis of St. Michael's College Sebool who has been accepted int Rattlesnake Point Golf Club the Schulich Scbool of Business ai York University. Stephen's goal 510t receive 50 einlRa 2 bis MBA and 10 become a successful businessman. Stephen is the son of 54kalsa 0 pm Reionra s 0 p.2 Chamber member Angelo and Vincenza DeMedicis of Milton Home Hardware. Tickets $125.00 per persan <GST inc I Christine Marshall of Bishop Reding High School who bas been accepted int the Advertising and Communications Media Progranu ai Mohawk Colurge. gavj& Christine aspirms to be an Art Director for an advertising firm. Marc Coulombe of Milton District Higb School wbo bas been accepted into a CROAEIO SR joint Business Administration and Matb program offered tbrougb Wilfred FE D A EIGAW O Laurier and tbe University of Waterloo. Marc's career goal îs to bave "success in DCV CLOPMRHT every possible way" David Goodlng of Milton District Higb Scbool wbo is currently enrolled in tbe GOLD SPONSORS Ontario Youtb Afiprenticesbip Electrical program. David's long term goal is to r become an electrician and to own bis own business! %%S " . ' oMp' D)o me hane your u~dt. bumnes ifàoinalo? N"î' - * ýr DEADINEIS FIDA, AU UST12, 005MEDIA SPONSORS Cais hiane bees meade to all businesses rn Miltonr anti ares durngtie pasttfee monibsino esaie 1119 that we bate a oflour crre informaion for te 2006 Business Directniy. FREoNo SPONSORS Do ynu lave a new address? A new websibe? We wantit no ue ROXOJI Ami non-Clamber members are gises a FRE listing il the cetegorr ofiourchoice in ile directoiy .rereir Chamer embrs re ive r«FRE, BLDE caegoy lstigs.Caîl 905-878-0581 to rrvyuticket. Limited seatieg in aurailable. Rlese cali Jenniter Carke ati905-878-0581 te ennuie ynur business is lisiid conscny. ww chaLr.usilton.onca * ndustrial - Panel Building *Commercial - Pole Line *Troubleshooting ,77fif ~ 400 Morobel Drive, Unit 1 W Milton, Ontario 19T 4N6 EL E TRICTel: 905-876-2519 Fax: 905-876-3903 ELE~R~4LCOATRACORSwww.arthurelectric.com