A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tueoday, August 2, 2005 r *Comm en t Unnacceptable risk How mnany people xviii be scriousiy itojureai or kilicai belote our legisators finaiiy make the connect ion between ccii- phone use andi preventabie traffie acci- dents? Anyone who reguiarly traveis our road- ways has witnessed ibis disturbing trend. A car up ahead is driving noticeably under the posted speed limit, periodicaiiy 'wan- dering'outside its aiiotted iane. The initial reaction is that the driver mav have been drinking or is perbaps having a medicai emergency. After spotting a pocket-sized phone being beid up 80 the driver's car the prob- lem becomes clear. This moforist is impaired -by a phone cali whicb, appar- entiy, is 800 important to be ignored. Ceiipbone ownersbip bas reacbed cpi- demie proportions in this country and if's t ime we considered banning their use by anyone operating a motor vebicie. Laot weekend a 20-year-old Waterdown man was cbarged by Haiton Regionai Police with carelets driving afiter aiicged- iy causing a traffic accident while taiking to someone on his ceii. An elderiy passetîger in another vehicie had to be mushcd fo bospitai where she was iistcd in serious cotndition iii the intensive care unit. Across our nation ihis scenario îs beîng played ouf again and again and yet no one seems t0 be rcady to take a stand againsi these easiiy-preventabie accidents waittng to happen. When a miotorist's ceiiphcîne rings, lie and she bas two eboices: pull over to the shouider of the road to take the eaul, or ignore it and let the provider's anssverîng service do ifs job. No phone eall is worth sonmeone's lité. By impairing a motorist's abiify to devote 100 per cent of bis or she attention to driving responsibiy. celiphoîses creafe an unacceptabie risk f0 bundreds of inno- cent lives tbat wiii cross one inattentive driver's patb. If s not eîaougb to punisb celiphone- using motoristo affer an accident bas bap- pcned. We sbouid be doing everyfbing in our power - inciuding a total ban on ccii- pbone use wbiie driving - to prevent tbe nexf tragedy. * Our Readers Write Thanks to aglwho aupp~reiGoltlng4 canc Stronach made rîght move joînîng Lîberals D~eu dor. On ehif of thse Golfing 4 Cance Consite, l'il Mek to üak tie Milon community for helpn to make tise 121h annuaGolfing4 Con=eraitHonby Glen $53,207, and over the jOst 12 yUUa we'ye çollecWo a grand WWota f $,487,89330. The noney we rais goca toward dbe transportation comt of ares cance patient in ader to help tisei receise fficir chemotherapy and radiation tatat- nua.m LiAt Yea si tser. vîeie 4-369 ttips mpade by 50 driver in tise ares. Il1e Golffng 4 Cance Conmttee The Canadian Champion Box 248, 875 Main St. E. Ian Oliver Publisher Milon On. 9T Z3Neil Oliver Associate Publisher (905) 878-2341 Wendy MeNab Advertioing Director Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 KrnSat aaigEio Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Tim Coles Production Manager Classified: 905-875-3300 Chalrilene Ha Circulation Manager Circulation: 905-878-5947 Teri Cass Office Manager Tii. Cai5i Championi, poblishet avers Tuasriay and Friday at 875 Marin St. E. Milton, Ont., L9T 3Z3 (Box 248), is one of thre Metroland Printîirg, Publisring & Distnibuirg Ltd. commarrifp tresapeno. Advertisirrg is accepted xn tfre condition durat, in the ement of a typoraphical error, that portion of the advenfisxrg Stnace occupieit by the orroneous item, fogethen witfi a reasonable allowance for srgnature. unIl fot fa chargeit for, but thre balance of thea adxertisemrent sdi ba paid for at tIre applicable rata. The publisher nesenves the night f0 cateoize anixertisements or declmne. CCAB Audited RECOONIZED FOR EXCELLENCE BY ~P fa Ontario Commooity 4~ A Canactun Community Suborbax Newspapars Newpaen Asocaio ] Newspapens Association S - of America THE CANADIAN CHAMPION IS A PROUD MEDIA SPONSOR FOR: Ha Ion Hox thcar NV OO 1 VAWT11111 k 0F MU.TO ATHENA î oP Ana.nl TAhe Oakvi Milo ShocaeJV tn ALAr The Milron Carudiex Champion is a Ras utile Prodoci Dear Editor: I'im wrifing in response 80 Elizabeth H-arrison's recent letter of criticisim regarding Beiinda Stronacb crossing the floor to join the Liberalo. In my opinion, Ms Stronacb feis iike 1 do that the federai Conservative party is notbing more than the old Reform Party. 'Me Conservatives bave changed their name four times now to, I believe, try and bide wbo tbey are. First they were Use Reform Party, then the Conservative Reform Alliance, Usen Use Alliance snd now the Conoervatives. Tbey've changed their name more times than someone in a witness protec- tion prograon. And in my opinion, Usey dropped the progressive part from their name because fbey're no longer progressive. Their leader, Stephen Harper, was president of the National itizens Coalition, wbicb is one of Use moot rigbt wing groups in Canada. And in tact Mr. Harper cbanged political parties as weli. He was a member of Use old PCs, but quit to heip Preston Manning forti Use Reform Party. Ms Stronach and Use vast majori- ty of Canadians, I believe, feel Usat the Conservatives are toc, rigbt wing and Usat Mr. Harper is not up to Use job of being prime miniater. Even bis own party seems to be questioning his leadership. Remember, Usis is Use sanie party Usat Usrew out Mr. Manning and Stockweii Day, so Usey've certainiy bad probiems witb leadership. Paul Martin's record on Use econ- omy bas belen excellent. We bave the fastest growtb in jobs in all ot Use G-8 countries and are the oniy nation among Usemn wiUs a balanced budget. Ms Stronacb, iike moot Canadians, beieves we need a gov- emment Usaf's fiscally responsibie, but also progressive on social issues. We don't need a rigbt wing Reform Party in Canada. As far as lInm concemred, Ms Stronacb made Use rigbt decision to, Joit Use Liberais. Gary Carr Halton MP Letters welcome The Champion weicomes letters to the editor. We reserve the right to edit, revise and reject letters. Letters must be signed and the address and telephone number of the writer inciuded. Letters can be e-mailed to mitoned@haitonsearch.com, faxed to (905) 878-4943 or dropped off at 875 Main St. E. Pud by Steve Nease