A20-Te adnÇi flu~iAjt,'2d~' "< Agozzino hoping to bowl over national competition Mw i nfi Headed to Galgary for Canadian 5 -Pin championship te national chamnpo- ne uharpîon ]nhsKc .sozî o. 1 i is ho ther anud unclc lia\ in- Ot911p ln <Ca4qar oday's trip to ously flot going to corne out and owned alleys in Port Credit and r T Cagay cul ~ Say l'rngoing to win il, but 1 arn Milton, the national-bound cm Phot byT riht u Mihae hopng o d beter hanlast tome. petitor has been playing since h GRArigh upAMchae You always want to improve.' a fv Agozztno's alley. That is, if he can build on the south-west Ontario titie he secured in Brantford Ibis past spring at Thursday's Canadian 5-Pin Bowling Charnpionships in Calgary. With the nationals just recently picked up by TSN, Milton's 35- year-old bowling ace was given jusî three weeks notice for the event - certainly not much lead tirne for sorneone traveling halfway across the country. "I'm kind of jittery," admits Agozzino. Nerves aside, the local bowler has been playing fairly well as of late in bis surrmer league in nearby Brampton. And he doesn't head into this week's competition as a national- level rookie, having taken fourth- place honours four years ago at a skins-format charnpionship in That's a rather talI order, given that he's only seeded seventh in the 16-player men's open stepladder showcase - and wilI have to take on the top ranked defending champ Lonny Akers of Saskatchewan in thse second round if he wins an ini- tial challenge over northern Ontario's Pete Chenier. "lt's single elimination, s0 the pressure's on right frorn the stan," he explained. But Agozzmno's nu stranger to coming through in the clutch. At the provincials he eked out a narrow 13-point decision over hometown favourite Justin Kosvac to take top honours. He's shone in tean play recentîy as well, having helped a six-player contingent from I-lton and Peel regions to Ontario bronze in the spring. Agozzino's bowling success shouldn't corne as rnuch of a sur- "1've had sorne good coaches and pretty rnuch took to it night away, alshough as a kid I only won a few zone charnpionships and things like that," he said. "My real success only came later." While not exactly favoured to medal on Calgary Thursday, Agozzino bas been known to enjoy some red-hoî streaks that make hirn awfully difficult to upstage. "When I was 18 at the Four Steps to Sîardom in Hamilton a coach told me to stop horsing around and 1 proceeded to reel off Il strikes in a row," he recalled. Thursday's nationals isn't sched- uled to air until January, and that means no summuer clothing for Agozzino antd bis fellow competi- tors. "We've been told nos to, wear shorts," he quipped. We want Yom to have Completely Satisfied Auto Service ega a "«Wl SELL SATISFACTION" j IYLO CRSE 905-878-8877 * 1-800-303-3257 81 ONTARIO ST N., MILTON Vmit us at wwwumibtnchrysier.com ~IceHawks load upfor new season The lceHawks were a little short on stature last sea- been more or less missing in recent years. son, but have certaonly addressed that with a couple of The IceHawks also added size to their forward ranks moves last sveek. with Chase Langeraap, who spent last season with the The biggest of these svss a sox player deal that brongs Golden Horseshoe Jr. B League's Welland Canadians. big defencensen Nathan Mon-os and A 6'2', 21 5-pounder, Langeraap was Darryl Flowers over front the *second in team scoring with 23 goals Southern Conference' Markham and 37 assists in 46 garnes, and Waxers. earned a trip to the league al-star In exchange, the lceHawks woll gîve game. up Ryan Bernardo. Pal Clark. Los These deals cornes on the heels of the D'Avino and Matt Davis. acquisition of Matt Rcad frorn the Western Jr. A 6'2",2 10-pound bluelitcr, Moris va the. B League's St. Mary's Lincoîns. South's Most lrnpros'cd Player last season -collcct- Witb 2, goals and 29 assisîs ni 48 ganses last year. iong 12 goals. 32 total points and 85 peoîalty minoutes he \vas the lcadong scorer aîsoîig trcshmno aoid %vas aloose the w ay. rurner-up on rotuSil othe ycar s'bting. Spciodiosg iost of' tIse 2()4/05 caipaeoi ss tî the l'he 5 10%, 175 lbs. forward is said to hasvc grcat OHI's Peterborough Petes, 6'.' 215 lbs. Flo\vers vision and spccd. ainassed 131 penalty minutes -and should provide The IceHassvks begoîî thcir msaon cansp iii niid Milton svoîh ais intiisdations prescioce ors defense ihat's August. THEc Dickens âA Fikin Great Staff & Great Customers xmake the Dickens & Firkin Mîlton' Oldest &OnIj REAL Pub! ]IM~ BRIAN TYRRELL Friday, A ug 5. 8 prn Corne checkC out the H.art & Stok. FoundatUon BIG B=C Saturday, Aug 6. 10 arn IRISH BRUAN TYRR.L Saturday, Aug 6. 9 prn Book The Dickens -Second stol-y Party~ Roomi No ChargeI NOW HIRING Part-Time Serveérs , Series lead surrendered John Fletcher bas had _ no problern grabbing the OSCAAR Outlaw Su per Late Model series points lead. Maintaining il, however, bas been ',- another stooy. For the second time thîs year the 37-year-old Miltonian surrendered top spot to chief rival John Fletcher Rob Clarke of London July 23 at Sauble Beach. A srniall rock puncture iii thc radiator before the îsigho's actions even got under- way proved to be a sign of things to corne, as transmission problenss fusrccd Fletcher's JNE Consulting car oisto the sidelines lcss than four laps onto the fcaturc race - won by Georgetown's Jet) Hanley Clarke tiîsished seconsd 10 overtake Fletcher in the oscraîl poinsts standinsgs. The local racci had secured thc series lead for the second limec thos yearjust onc week carlocr witls a s icorv in Peterboroughi. Fletcher %vill look t0 get back on track Ibis Saturday ai Sunset Speedway ios Innisi il.